
Sunday, April 19, 2020

Here We Snow Again

The calendar date was past mid-April this weekend, an early Spring was forecast, but yesterday morning, Old Man Winter had other plans for the second time in a week.

A couple of days ago, I posted about a short-lived snowfall❄️. That one was much more scenic and brighter then this latest one — both during and afterwards.

This was the scene early Saturday morning as snow was falling for about 2 hours. It was very overcast. A light rainfall preceded the snow and rain continued after the snow stopped. It was a dismal and dreary day, definitely a good one to be indoors.
This is an attempted panoramic of the entire scene from our window.  In this image, it looks like the Nashua River is curved, but it's not at our viewpoint.

Not only was this wintry weather short-lived, but today’s high temps will be in the low 60s. Rain is forecast for several days afterwards with temps in the 50s.

Thanks to those who commented earlier about our great window views. We really enjoy it as regular readers likely know by now. These views were what attracted us to this mill apt when we planned to relocate to Nashua, NH. And, we're fortunate in being on the "river side"  as the view on the "city side" is mainly the surface parking area.

How about for you — has Spring arrived with nicer weather and blooms?


Anvilcloud said...

The curve works nicely.

mamasmercantile said...

It certainly is a fantastic view. We had a day of sunshine yesterday enabling us to get out into the garden, it was bliss. Take care and stay safe.

Edna B said...

Snow or no snow, it's a lovely view. We had snow too. Hopefully, Spring will soon be here. (I thought it was!) You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the whole world is topsy turvy and that includes the weather. you get snow, we get July temps in mid April. we did have two days of COLD weather, that means wake up to 71 and go to 79, then two days of wake up to 79 gong to 90, back to cool, back to heat. today is medium because there are clouds but NO RAIN. yesterday we got a five minute shower which helped some.. we sit, we wait, we hope..... and we have no view to look at and I do enjoy your view

Anonymous said...

We've had a long spell here of bleak gray foggy days. Coupled with the sheltering in place it has not been fun at all. Once that sun comes out, it's like an invitation to a day long party outside.

Vagabonde said...

You do have a beautiful view. Observing the change of season from you window must be a treat. Here in Nashville we have had spring blooms for quite a while. It is difficult to see them from my window and not being allowed outdoors, for 37 days now.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

The pictures even look cold , hope it warms up for you. Been quit ewarm here lately

Kathy said...

So many of my friends got snow. Fortunately we didn't. You do have a beautiful view.

Nil @ The Little House by the Lake said...

What a beautiful view!

We had rain after a long time, and there were a couple of cooler mornings.

Rita said...

The river side is just a gorgeous view! We had short snowfalls that melted away a few times recently. They're pretty and don't hang around long. :)

DUTA said...

We've got fine, warm and sunny weather. That's what makes our stay at home feel like punishment.
But I shouldn't complain The outdoors now are dangerous as the virus is
looking for us.

Valerie said...

I envy you the view. All I see from my window is the neighbours car which seems to be a permanent fixture these days.

Coastal Ripples said...

The perfect view to weather watch. Hope a little sunshine heads your way soon. B x

Tara said...

Here in northern Colorado, we had snow on Easter, and a bigger snow a few days after. Now warmer temps are melting it off pretty quickly. But I expect we may have another snow yet...last May it snowed a lot. Sigh. Sometime I'll be able to plant some flowers....

Bill said...

Such a lovely view even with the snow. Hopefully it will disappear quickly.
Enjoy your day!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Thanks for visiting my blog. Miriam appreciates your kind comments. These are classic views of an old industrial town, and I suspect that many of these mills have been converted to high end condos. That is certainly what has happened here. Stay safe during these difficult times.

NCmountainwoman said...

The weather here changes from day to day. Chilly one day and high 60s the next. Occasional frost. Frequent thunderstorms. I'm ready for real spring weather.

My name is Erika. said...

My brother down in Worcester said he got 5 inches. Thankfully we didn't get that much, and it looks like you got similar amounts to what we had. I don't mind the cooler temperatures, but please, no more snow. And thank you so much for your kind comments on my blog. Much appreciated. Mom got a positive diagnosis. She's down in Massachusetts, and they are not having a good week. Stay safe please. Hugs-Erika

Connie said...

Nice images. It is a rainy, gloomy day here today.