
Saturday, April 4, 2020

Happy Birthday Bro

Today is my little brother's birthday, only he's not so little anymore. Still, he will always be my younger brother and (unfortunately) I am will always be his older sister. He's my only sibling and 3 years younger than myself and we're both in the seniors age group now. 
We're Adults! How Did That Happen? When Can We Make it Stop?
Tony (he prefers this now to Anthony) lives in our native NJ and is a husband, father and grandfather. This year, there will be no family gathered to sing Happy Birthday, except by calls or online videos. But, I recall years ago when the entire family came together to celebrate these important milestones and everyone lived fairly close to one another. 

Since his birthday is close to Easter, he sometimes had to co-celebrate with the Easter 
holiday. This year, he lucked out and got his very own day as Easter is next weekend.
Happy Birthday, Tony. You will always be my younger and much-loved little brother.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

Happy Birthday to your baby brother. I call my 71 year old brother my baby brother, he is 4 years young than I am and my only sibling.

Edna B said...

Happy Birthday to your brother Tony. Birthday greetings through texting and video calls is just as nice for now. You stay safe and have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to your little brother!

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Wishing your little brother many happy returns. I often wonder what I'll do when I grow up!

Tara said...

Happy Birthday to Tony! If we could stop time at the age we are now, would you do it? When I was a kid I thought being a vampire would be cool just because you could live centuries and see so much. Now, glad I'm not going to live centuries!! I've almost seen enough at this point.

Nil @ The Little House by the Lake said...

Happy birthday to your brother!

Bill said...

Happy birthday to your brother, I hope he has a great day!

DUTA said...

Happy Birthday to you brother Anthony! He looks lovely both as a boy and as an adult. May he have many happy returns of the day, and celebrate it with you and the entire family!

Red said...

Always nice to look back...way back!

Anonymous said...

You're lucky to have a brother! I always wanted a brother and the fact that he celebrated it before Easter is yet another gift!...:)jp

My name is Erika. said...

That's just like me. But since I have just entered the senior age group (on some scales) and he has not, he really likes to razz me about being his older sister. I always tell him it's too bad he looks older. Ha-ha. I guess that is just sibling fun. I love seeing these old photos and I can see the similarities between you and your brother. Hope he had a good day. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Hugs-Erika

Rita said...

Happy birthday to your happy little brother. :)

Connie said...

Happy birthday to your brother. I hope you have a nice Easter.

Valerie said...

No matter when birthdays occur, age doesn't come into it. You know what they say - you are as old as you feel. Happy birthday to your big brother.

baili said...

dear Dorothy this is shame for me to be late for wishing your precious brother

happy birthday dear Tony ,may you see many more with loving family and sweet sister amen!!!

thank you for these treasured photos ,such special images ,i can see how lovely childhood you had and how much you both love each other
love of brother is such a beautiful and special feeling ,i miss it sometimes :)