
Monday, April 6, 2020

Masked and Ready

Whoops, Sorry for a double post today, folks. I was going to delay posting the previous one until a day or so after this one, but mistakenly left it set to publish. As a couple of fellow bloggers had already "found" it and commented, I decided to let it stay posted.

Ongoing COVID-19 virus precautions have included hand washing thorough, social distancing, avoiding contact with others. The US Centers for Disease Control now strongly urges that Americans wear face masks when out in public to slow the spread of corona virus. Even if the President disagrees, we do not and are ready.

Health officials emphasize they do not want folks rushing out to buy medical and surgical masks, but to make them instead. These were homemade by us this weekend. No, we're not going near any banks.

US Surgeon General Dr Jerome Adams posted a YouTube video showing how to do that with items folks already have, like scarves, bandanas, hand towels or an old t-shirt. (These instructions are from the CDC. There are many others online showing homemade mask options, especially in YouTube.)

Dr Adams said the face coverings should be worn in public places, like grocery stores, where social distancing can be difficult, but not as a substitute for social distancing.

Earlier, Dr Adams urged people to stop buying masks stating that doing so wouldn't help against the spread of the coronavirus, but take away important resources from health care professionals. Seriously people — STOP BUYING MASKS!  Dr. Adams tweeted. They are NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus.(The ALL CAPS were his.) 

This plea followed numerous reports of panicked consumers rushing to buy masks online. The surge that has led to price gouging and counterfeit products. 

Dr Adams said the best way to self-protect is to wash hands regularly, and advised those who are feeling ill to stay home.

This was an easy project to complete as we used bandanas and rubber bands we already had in the apt. A big plus is that these masks can be laundered for re-use, not discarded.

Have you made any reusable face masks? If so, please share in the comments.


Anvilcloud said...

Sue made one yesterday. I think this same pattern but out of an old t-shirt. We are hoping for better to follow.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I made 2 a couple of days ago, todays post has the first one I made, tomorrows post shows the 2nd one which was better. I did the bandana and a white hankie, I like the hankie better. I used hair elastics instead of rubber bands.

Edna B said...

I have three homemade masks. President Trump does encourage wearing a mask if you feel you need one. I wear mine if I'm around anyone else. Just in case they cough or sneeze. You stay safe and have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Anonymous said...

We have homemade masks from old bandanas. We found a nice video showing how to fold them and use the rubber bands for attachment. I had one on the other day and my neighbor saw me and put up his hands like I was a bandit. We had a good long-distance laugh together.

Rita said...

I plan on sewing some this week, hopefully. Not out and about so no rush. I saw that video, too! Pretty nifty! :)

Anonymous said...

So glad you posted this...I'm "on it". The Pres dug out his old bandana and insists on wearing it the "old way," which is better than nothing when he insists on going "out."...:)jp

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Nope, really do not see the point I rarely go out except to get milk

My name is Erika. said...

I made masks today between classes. My elastic was old and for beading so I hope it holds. You could be cowboy bank robbers with your-ha-ha-joking. I like the bandana fabric. Keep washing your hands. Hugs-Erika

Goldendaze-Ginnie said...

Just yesterday I made a mask in case an emergency takes me outside but I have literally been confined to the house for the last 3 1/2 weeks. My kids convinced me that at my age (87) I should not take ANY chances

Linda said...

I’ve made close to 50 so far for friends and family. Today is my last day to sew them for awhile. I mailed some out and people are stopping by to pick them up off the porch. No socializing......
I really like our Surgeon General.....

DeniseinVA said...

I thought of Bonnie and Clyde when I saw that photo, but you two are way cuter :) Just had a couple of home made face masks dropped on our doorstep from one of the neighbors. A nice surprise and I'm glad they left who it was from this time.

L. D. said...

I only have dust masks that would get me laughs if I wore them in public.

baili said...

we use bought ones and they are reusable

this is interesting sharing dear Dorothy

this is wonderful how suddenly our topic of interests have took turn