
Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Going Batty . . .

We've been going batty every time we leave or enter our apartment. Here's WHY . . .
The bats flew in over the weekend thanks to our next door neighbors. This isn't the first time they've decorated the door. Last March, they placed shamrocks all over our door. 
Quite possibly, this latest add-on was "pay-back" for the pumpkins, scarecrows and fall decos we put outside their entry a couple of weeks ago. Yes, those are mini pumpkins growing in the tree. Wait until the Christmas decorating season arrives; we'll have lots more decorating fun.

YIKES! it's already here as shown by displays in a local store last week. Earlier, fellow CT blogger, JP, posted that she saw Christmas items in a Walmart there. Most likely FL blogger, Sandra (Madsnapper) has also seen them in the Walmart she frequents.
At the Dollar Tree store, the Halloween and Thanksgiving fall decos had been condensed to make room for the expanding Christmas displays. In the coming weeks,it will only intensify. Sadly, there's nothing like merchandisers rushing the holidays much earlier each year.

Are holiday decorations already on display in stores where you live ?


L. D. said...

I like your decorations. It is a given now to have both Thanksgiving and Christmas up at the same time. It sort of spoils the excitement of both seasons.

Valerie said...

Where I live the decorations don't emerge until Christmas. Perhaps if we jumped to it and decorated earlier people would be in better moods.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

YEP! I have been perusing the Christmas Items for several weeks now in WM.. they have the Halloween up by the front door, the Christmas is back close to the garden shop. I look but don't buy...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

forgot to say, good job on the decorations

Kathy said...

I am terrified of bats so I wouldn't like that door at all! But the pumpkins in the tree are really cute. There are Christmas decorations in the stores here too, but since Christmas is only 10 weeks away I don't think it is too early. I love Christmas and love seeing all the things. But leave the fall things too.

Linda said...

Yes, they are! I was at some store recently and could barely get down the isles for all the crates and boxes of Christmas debris everywhere.
My sisters and I are meeting up with our other girl cousins in Mineral Wells on November 16th to go to a Christmas store and then have lunch together. Now that timing is more to my liking. The store doesn’t open until the 4th. Even so it is only open from 9:00 AM to 1:00 in the afternoon! I probably won’t buy much but it’s fun to look.

Nil @ The Little House by the Lake said...

Nice decorations!

I didn't see any Christmas decorations at stores yet. However, I don't shop frequently, so I'm not sure if the nearby Walmart already has Christmas decorations.

Emma Springfield said...

I love your neighbors! (Watch your hair.)

Jon said...

I like the idea of decorating the front door - but it would be a futile project for me, since no one would see it out here in the wilderness.

I went to the local Walmart over a week ago and was stunned to see all of the Christmas items being put up by the employees. I had a very hard time locating the Halloween stuff (which seemed to be dwindling).

William Kendall said...

Oh, boy!

And I see the spammers still can't take a hint.

Rain said...

Yes, unfortunately all the stores have Christmas on the brain now! I just want to have Halloween!! :) I love your neighbour's batty decorations!!!

Anonymous said...

The decorations look great. I love the fun you have with it all.

Bill said...

Lots of businesses have their displays in the window. Christmas candy is now showing up in stores, it all moves quickly these days.

Anvilcloud said...

As long as they aren't in your belfry.

Doris said...

The Christmas decorations are in stores around here too. But it doesn't bother me. I love Christmas and am watching a Christmas movie while I read and comment on blogs tonight =)

baili said...

wow your neighbors are wonderful i believe :)
decorations are absolutely great i just loved looking at these pinky bats :)

enthusiasm regarding Halloween is awesome :)
wishing you happy blessed days ahead my friend!

My name is Erika. said...

Time to catch up. I love all the bats. The Christmas decorations I will like in another month or so, but not so much right now.

Connie said...

Those bats are so cute. What a fun and friendly decorating "battle" between you and your neighbors.