
Friday, July 26, 2019

Friday Funnies

Most of us are familiar with the phrase, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.
But, what happens IF the bridge is right in front of you, or at least a portion of it?

Enjoy Your weekend, Everyone.
(Forecast is for a cooler one here in NH than last weekend)


MadSnapper n Beau said...

excellent shot!!! and I don't want to try to cross that bridge when I come to it...

Rain said...

That's great lol! I guess you have to cross it somehow lol! :) Have a great weekend!!

Emma Springfield said...

Too funny.

Connie said...

Ha! Clever shot. Have a nice weekend!

mamasmercantile said...

My goodness! What a great photo.

DUTA said...

I suppose there's a road under the bridge, so no problem. But the picture is quite amazing!

Nil @ The Little House by the Lake said...

That’s a great shot!

Bill said...

LOL, great shot!

NCmountainwoman said...

Great photograph. But the subject is rather frightening. I'd rather not think of a bridge being carried on a truck and then placed over a stream.

William Kendall said...

One doesn't want that slipping off the back.