
Monday, July 29, 2019

Case Closed !

The case of the missing case has been solved. 

Here's what happened. In a post last week, I told of a small camera case that wasn't really lost just misplaced somewhere in our apartment. The question was why is it that something is always found in the last place we look or after a replacement is bought. 

Thanks to fellow bloggers who commented with their own tales of misplaced items, some yet to be found and others found after they were replaced. Bloggers AC, Linda, Nil, and Doris said it had happened to them. Bloggers Robin, Denise and Connie told of finding items they hadn't realized were lost in the first place. Another blogger, Baili, was concerned about a comment that a ghost may have borrowed the case. Grenville asked me to explain that any ghost here is friendly and would never play such tricks.

Yes, it was in the last place I looked only I'd never looked there at all. Looking there first sure would have saved a lot of time !

Replacement Case
Yes, the case was found after a new one was ordered and received last week and it's basically the same as the old case, just slightly larger. The new camera it will be used for also arrived last week and fits well in the case. 

Here's what happened — two SD cards and an extra battery were ordered with the replacement case and would be stored in a box for photo accessories. This box had never been checked in all previous searches (and there were many). Opening it to store the new accessories, the mystery was over — the missing case was inside.

Found  Case!
Having two identical cases wasn't a problem. Grenville needed a larger case for his point & shoot digital camera.
Now he has one — the no-longer-missing case (left). 

This was definitely an inside case (sorry for the awful pun). Losing misplacing it for a while was quite fortunate for both of us.

If anyone else has misplaced something, check the last place first or order a replacement. You could find your missing item too. 

Finally, here's something I neglected to do that might have helped, praying to St. Anthony considered by many Catholics (and others too) as the patron saint for finding lost items. Here's a variation of a popular prayer: 
“Saint Anthony, Saint Anthony, please look around. Something lost that must be found. (Say what needs to be found three times). Thank you Saint Anthony.”
Traditionally, a prayer might be beneficial when accompanied by a donation to a church or charity. By no means is this to suggest that saints deal for favors. It's just polite to thank anyone (even a saint) because when a friend helps, you naturally say Thanks.

St. Anthony was a Catholic priest and friar in the Franciscan order. The story goes that he became the go-to saint for lost things after a novice in the same Franciscan Order, who had tired of the religious life, left and stole St. Anthony's volume of the Book of Psalms (psalter). After Anthony prayed for its return, the novice not only returned the volume, but returned to the Order.  


Anvilcloud said...

The Case case is now closed.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

brahahaha the case is not only Closed but now there are Two Cases OPEN... still laughing... the mystery is solved and worked out well

Nil @ The Little House by the Lake said...

Hahaha 😂
I’m glad finally you found it!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Looks like you made the best of it! We like having 2 of everything around here! lol Hugs!

DeniseinVA said...

Glad you found it. My list of lost things continues :))

Kim said...

Thanks for sharing the prayer, will try it when I lose something in the future :D

Red said...

Well a very surprising ending for you but for many people it has happened before. I'm sure there are many blogger posts about lost things.

diane b said...

Such a common story. Glad that you found a use for both.

mamasmercantile said...

The mystery solved. Alls well that ends well...

Michelle said...

It is always my experience that as soon as I replace a lost object, I find it. *sigh*

William Kendall said...

At least you've got a back up.

baili said...

Oh dear
and you must be thinking when did you put the case in that box

thank God your ghosts are friendly ,here can't say though never encountered one until now

best part is that new case is something useful to you guys :)

how amazing that like here you also have prayers for such occasions

best of luck for all ahead dear friend !

My name is Erika. said...

Wow. You have lots of family news. Congrats on the new members who will be arriving. I have an October baby myself although she is hardly a baby anymore and will be turning 28. Hope you are staying cool hugs Erika

Karen Lakis said...

LOL!! I'm glad the case ended well!

Connie said...

I'm glad this case had a happy ending for you!