
Thursday, September 1, 2016

End of August

A final August 2016 sunset was scene or seen, last night from our 5th floor apt window.
(FYI: This is an exact rendition shot with an iPhone. The best camera is the one  with you.)

Spelled either way, it was a beautiful and colorful end to a month — Welcome September.


Anvilcloud said...

That was a doozie.

MadSnapper n Beau said...


Ginnie said... reminds me of when I lived in New England. If that were a painting people would say it was fake !

Emma Springfield said...

You're right. It is beautiful.

Connie said...


William Kendall said...


Anonymous said...

Your view is amazing. I think most everyone is looking forward to cooler September days. Blessings to you both this weekend.

Doris said...

Wow! How blessed to see that right from your home!!