
Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Dancing in the Street

The weather was perfect this past weekend for a two-day Downtown Fall Music Festival here in Nashua, NH.There was no shortage of entertainment as local performers took to the stage on Saturday. On Sunday, musicians from neighboring New England states were the showcased performers.

All the entertainment was totally free and many folks brought their chairs or sat on the pavement. The main stage was set up in Le Parc de Notre Renaissance Francaise, which is right outside our mill apartment building along the Nashua River on Water Street. 

There was some dancing in the street as these festival-goers moved to a lively country/western performance.There was no age limit on having fun!

As I may have mentioned in previous posts, we currently live in a mill apartment very close walking distance  to downtown Nashua. For this festival, performances were held in Le Parc de Notre Renaissance Francaise, along the Nashua River on Water Street. The former mill building in the background is Clocktower Place apartments, where we currently reside.

We attended the festival all weekend. Grenville/Pat was manning a table for the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program to recruit folks for a training program next weekend. (He's a good recruiter as I'll be one of the attendees for this 20-hour training.) 

There's a lot happening around here in the next few weeks. Autumn is a busy season throughout New England and the fall colors bring in the "leaf peepers." 

For us, this city has been the perfect relocation spot. Last week, we read that Nashua, NH has climbed from 93rd to 16th place in Money magazine's listing of Best Places to Live 2016. We couldn't agree more and can share some of the city's diversity in this 4-minute "Welcome to Our City" music video produced by a local public relations and design firm. 


Anvilcloud said...

Good timing for the festival, when the weather is cooling but still good. I had that tune on a New Christy Minstrels album back in the day.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I would love to attend events like this if we could walk there, but here when they have these things the traffic is horrible and finding a place to park is even worse... love the dancers in the street.

Connie said...

Looks like a fun time! I enjoy street festivals like this. The music and food just seems to bring people together. I'm glad you have found a place that suits you so well.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a wonderful time. So happy for you both in your new home.

DeniseinVA said...

Looks great fun!

Doris said...

How special to have this event in your 'backyard'! Your city is lovely, as is your residence. I'll say it again....SO thrilled that we were able to stop in for a visit this past July!

Michelle said...

Looks like a fun festival!

Donna OShaughnessy said...

Although we live in the country I was raised in Chicago and if millions were to suddenly drop my way I would love to live in a city loft within walking distance of fun events like this one. And I would own a cottage on the sea in Ireland and a cabin in the Black Hills and a lighthouse in Maine. Yes, I would.

Anonymous said...

It's a great feeling to enjoy your environment and lifestyle.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Dorothy, it's good to be back visiting my blog friends! I've enjoyed this post and your photos. Love the building where your apartment is! It would be fun to be within walking distance of such events as this festival. Have a great day and Happy Fall to you and Pat!

William Kendall said...

It looks like everyone was enjoying themselves.