
Friday, September 16, 2016

Friday Funnies

We live in New England where "lobstah" is probably the #1 seafood. Maine lobster, also called "American Lobster," is found in waters between Eastern Canada and NC. Maine accounts for more than half of all lobsters caught in the U.S. with some really BIG ones.
Maine lobsters are clawed and have large, meaty claws.

Lobstermen in Maine catch almost 1 million pounds of lobster annually. Most lobsters are caught between June and December. A lobster fisherman must catch about 150 pounds of lobster daily to cover the cost of bait and gas. A workday starts before 5 a.m. and goes till dark. Lobsters are night-owls.

A BIG one caught Grenville at The Taste of Maine restaurant in Woolwich, ME last month.
It takes a BIG fisherman to catch a big lobster.
Enjoy your weekend, Everyone.


Lynn said...

Hi Dorothy and Pat - I love these Friday Funnies! That's a big lobster and lobsterman! :) My great nephew pointed at a similar, but much smaller statue, of a fisherman at Joe Patti's seafood in Pensacola a couple of weekends ago and said, "Look, it's Jesus!"

If y'all are interested in trying a Blue Apron box of meals for free, email me at lynnmaxwell at I do recommend it, since you like to cook. Each box is three meals that serve two. Every one I've tried has been delicious.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

after seen the size of the one that ate Grennivlle I am now trying to figure out how many pounds of meat once could get out of that claw or tail... to funny

William Kendall said...

Fun shots!

Connie said...

I hope Grenville was able to escape! Fun pictures. Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Love lobster tail dipped in melted butter.

L. D. said...

While visiting our son in Maine a few summers ago we heard a man scolding someone on the phone while he was in a parking lot. He definitely was a Mainer. He was yelling at the person on the end of the line. "No I want not to buy no lobstas . If I wanted lobstas, I would catch my own lobstas. " I am not sure who was on the other line but he certainly was irritated by the question. My son lives in Lamoine and works in Bar Harbor.

Anvilcloud said...

Some people lose their heads over lobstah.

possum said...

Totally LOVE lobstahs - but only if it is fresh.
Your waterman - Boothbay?

Emma Springfield said...

I don't know why but this just appeared today. Grenville is having way too much fun.