
Friday, September 30, 2016

Friday Funnies

Branching out in many ways — imagine this as a jigsaw puzzle!

Here's the original photo without any effects applied. It's still quite involved.

There's a lot going on in downtown Nashua, NH this fall with downtown scarecrows back on Main Street lamp posts. We'll post some photos of these seasonal city folks. The inaugural event last year was quite popular with residents and visitors. 

Cooler fall weather arrived this past weekend and was SO welcome after some September temps in the mid-80s. Not a lot of fall colors here yet, but soon (we hope). 

Enjoy your weekend, Everyone.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love that tree and the edit is pretty to.. I wonder if they decorate our downtown for fall, have not been down there. I know they do Christmas.

Connie said...

If that were a jigsaw puzzle, I'd hate to be the one to have to work it! The cooler temperatures have been pleasant here too. I'm sure the scarecrows downtown will be cute.

Emma Springfield said...

That would definitely be a challenging jigsaw puzzle. I do a lot of puzzles. It keeps my mind alert.

Anonymous said...

Wishing you both a nice weekend.
I noticed today that our town placed fall banners on the street lamps. Very pretty!

DeniseinVA said...

How interesting the difference between the two images. Hope your weekend goes well.

diane b said...

That's one messy tree.

William Kendall said...

Both would be nightmares as jigsaw puzzles, but especially the first version.