
Sunday, April 7, 2013

End of Day

Often, the most striking photos happen quite unexpectedly as in the case of this late day series of photos taken today. Another great reason to always have a camera handy, even if considered a "point and shoot" type. These shots were taken with a Canon Powershot S130 with a built-in 12X zoom capability.
Hole in the clouds
Fish eye sunset
Special effects such as fish eye, black and white, and vivid color were applied "in camera" with no post-processing applied — are these considered as straight out of the camera (SOOC)?
Monochrome sunset
Trees and sky
Which photo did you find most effective in conveying the mood?


Out on the prairie said...

Wow , such nice colors in the first one.

HermitJim said...

I think I like the first one as well! They are all nice, but the first really reminds me of the end of a beautiful day!

Elaine said...

Nice! I agree, always have a camera along wherever you go.

Claire M. King said...

Picture #1 is vivid and bright and beautiful. I do love the black and white also. I have recently gained interest in it's affect.

possum said...


Doris said...

They all are wonderful! I'm ready to see leaves on those tress =)Just read in the newspaper this morning that our March was the coldest in 8 years. Spring/summer temps will be upon us this week. I'm ready!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

number one is my favorite... it looks like a hole in the sky that the trees are trying to reach through.. beautiful.

Anvilcloud said...

The first photo is the most appealing.

Of course, all photos are processed. Even if nothing special is selected, the camera's software chooses contrast, saturation, sharpening etc.

Montanagirl said...

Wow....I guess the first one would be my pick! Lovely.

DeniseinVA said...

You captured a lovely series of photos here :)

Connie said...

They are all lovely, but I like the first one the best. Very pretty!

Rebecca said...

Great shots.

Charlotte Wilson said...

You were Johnny on the spot. What lovely photos of a beautiful sunset!

Ludwig said...
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Ludwig said...

The top one says it for me. All are very nice!