
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Small Packages and a Surprise

new iPod (1)IT came in a plain brown box last week, at least the outer box. Best of all it was addressed to ME !

There are no wish lists for us at holidays or birthdays, but SURPRISES are always nice — don’t you agree ?new iPod (3)

The inside package one was plain as well, but inside was an iPod Touch, a birthday gift from Grenville (yes, he IS a sweet guy). We decided to hold off upgrading our current cell phones. (Grenville posted about a new model last Sept.)  Our decision was because on avoiding added costs as we focus on selling our VA home to relocate to NH.

new iPod (4)Grenville really enjoys his iPod, that can do about everything an iPhone can — except get and make calls — but at much less cost. Here’s WHY, this iPod Touch 4 (8GB) version was bought refurbished from the Apple website. Its one-time cost was less than one monthly bill would be IF we upgraded our cell phones.

There were other birthday treats — dinner at a favorite local restaurant (Grenville enjoyed the sushi), followed by candlelight watching of An Affair to Remember (Cary Grant, Deborah Kerr). ANOTHER birthday plus, lots of cards from family, friends and my best friend Pat/Grenville, and the well wishes of fellow bloggers.

Thanks Everyone — it’s going to be a great year!

bday cards (5)bday cards (4)

YES, we did forgo the Super Bowl and commercials, and after watching online, my thoughts are that most were worth skipping; some were downright in questionable taste (you may know which  these are). BUT, a couple of notable exceptions: The Ram truck commercial featuring a voice over over by the late Paul Harvey extolling farmers and the story of the trainer and Clydesdale horse.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I thought IPODS were only for listening to music... i am surprised again. great gift and happy birthday

Anvilcloud said...

iPods are useful. Sue uses hers much more than I use mine, but it still comes in handy from time to time. I sometimes listen to TED podcasts as well as other discussion types.

Connie said...

Wonderful gifts! I'm happy to hear you had such a nice birthday. Have fun with your new iPod. :)

Anonymous said...

That was a nice surprise :-)

But I've never payed for upgrades on my mobile phone, they come for free and I've never heard of anyone paying for it either. Perhaps our phones are more expensive to buy because of that?

But I would have chosen the Ipad no matter what :-)

Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

That was a nice surprise :-)

But I've never payed for upgrades on my mobile phone, they come for free and I've never heard of anyone paying for it either. Perhaps our phones are more expensive to buy because of that?

But I would have chosen the Ipad no matter what :-)

Have a great day!

Lois Evensen said...

We liked the Clydesdale commercial, too. We had changed channels by then, but watched the commercial later on youtube. :)

barbara l. hale said...

I missed it! Happy belated birthday! Sounds like you had a wonderful one. I only had one eye on the SuperBowl as I am not a football fan. Mostly I read.

Cicero Sings said...

I love my iPod and use it a lot ... a lot more than I would have imagined when I ordered it a number of years ago. I got mine for points collected through using the credit card. It is how I keep up when at the coast. I have a really cheap OLD cell phone that I should cancel, to use down there as well, which is only good for calls. I think you'll really love your gift.

Country Gal said...

Oh my gosh were was I ? Happy belated Birthday ! WOW ! Wonderful gift and cards ! Have a great week !

Kay G. said...

I also liked the ads that you mentioned, and I must say I thought the Skechers one was cute too, the one where he did a fist bump with the antelope at the end?
Not one for the ages, just cute.
Hope you had a SUPER birthday!!
Loved your When I'm Sixty Four post, love my Beatles...

Doris said...

Nice gift from a nice guy =) I never had an ipod, although I bought a few for my kids through the years =)
I enjoyed some of the commercials, and as you mentioned, some were distasteful for sure.
Have a wonderful day!

Montanagirl said...

Sounds like you had an enjoyable birthday! These days, one can't even keep up with all new gadgets that are hitting the market. You no sooner get one, and the next model comes out!

Rebecca said...

Sounds like a great day! What a wonderful husband!