
Saturday, February 16, 2013

Seems Like Yesterday

It was yesterday when these photos were taken, Feb 15, at the local CVS — less than 24 hours after candy hearts and cards were being sold for Valentine’s Day, Feb 14.

What took their place? EASTER “stuff” because it’s coming up (too) soon.
The St. Patrick’s Day cards had a very small section here.Eastercollage

NO chocolate Easter bunnies were out YET. A fellow shopper told me that the local Walmart had already replaced Valentine displays with Easter cards and candy — overnight.

Holidays are VERY short-lived in retailing. But, that’s not so at The Frog & PenguINN where birthday and celebration/holiday cards remain on display for several weeks, sometimes until the next event. We enjoy looking at them and, better yet, remembering the folks who cared enough to send them.

Does it seem to anyone else that holidays end too soon?


MadSnapper n Beau said...

i went to Walmart at 6;30 today and was greeted by Saint Pat green stuff in all the aisles, the display at the front door was ginormous. and next to it was about 400 boquets of roses that did not sell. all starting to wilt, marked down 50 percent, they should just sell them for a dollar a bunch but will throw them in the garbage. only in america

Kay G. said...

I like the chocolate at 50 percent off, I must admit!
Now, we do the same, keep cards up on our mantel long after the holiday is past. I need those positive vibes as long as I can keep them!

Anvilcloud said...

Sue has converted our decorations from Valentine to Easter already.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Although I haven't been out shopping for chocolates or cards, I can only imagine the waste... because it is a tax write-off in the corporate world!! Perhaps someone could change their minds and have them write it off as DONATIONS to CHARITABLE ORGS!!!!...:)JP

Anonymous said...

Having you in my life makes every day a holiday and every meal a banquet. So lets keep celebrating life.

Lois Evensen said...

What happened to St. Pat's Day? Is it out of order this year?

Anonymous said...

Yes holidays should last for at least one week :-)

No easter candy or displays here yet but it's only a matter of time I'm afraid. No sales on Valentines candy either, they don't sell those in heart shaped boxes so they can sell themn for quite some time more :-)

Have a great day!

Connie said...

Yes, things were all marked down here too with the aisles crowded with boxes of Easter things they were stocking on the shelves. They don't waste any time switching on to the next event!

Montanagirl said...

Yes, they all end too soon I think.

Birdman said...

Cripes! Easter eggs are out already. Saw them this AM.

Doris said...

I've not been to a store since Valentine's day but my guess is I'd find Easter there too. Easter is early this year....gotta move on it or you'll miss it ;-)

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I'd be happier if the holidays weren't so commercialized! I hate being bombarded with holiday stuff the minute I walk into a store and so far ahead of the holiday, too. I think it's terrible that they start putting Christmas things out to sell before Halloween!