
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

GPS - Friend or Foe?

Just Wondering . . .

GPS1Does your GPS gives you the correct route information — some of the time, all of the time, NEVER?

Have you screamed at the voice in frustration, anger, aggravation (take your pick, any or all)?

Did you ever turn left or right just to get it "mad."

Ever go a smarter way (presuming you've already traveled the route) when the GPS advised a completely different route?

Can you change the route OR does the GPS force you to follow its way?

Grenville recently bought his first Garmin GPS and is NOT having a great time; on our recent RI road trip he argued with Michelle (GPS voice NOT Mrs. Obama) sometimes VERY loudly. They were each telling the other where to go.

Beatrice has a new TomTom GPS to replace an older one and likes listening to Richard tell her where to go AND what to do.


Country Gal said...

I have heard they can be a pain but so far we haven't had any problems with the one we use have had it for a year or so ! Hope it smartens up for you ! Have a good day !

DeniseinVA said...

I have a GPS lady I have named Gertrude. She's on my phone and I love it. It has taken the stress out of getting lost. I hate getting lost. She's had a couple of hiccups since I've had her but on the whole she's been wonderful. Of course when Gregg and I are using her, Gregg will say I can do better than that, and he usually can. What I like about this GPS is that if we overshoot one of her directions, she instantly adjusts and redirects us on another route, or she'll tell us to turn around.

Cicero Sings said...

I'm afraid I'm on the old plot my route on the map mode and commit it to memory!

Elaine said...

Just got a new SUV with a GPS but haven't tested it out yet. Our salesman said they don't do too well in Fairbanks, but I think I'll try a little experimenting. I think I'll still rely on maps, and we've had some very interesting detours when my navigation skills have failed, but also a few nightmares.

Anonymous said...

I have a gps in my mobile phone but I've never used it. As my mother always says, One get to see so much more of the world when getting lost :-)

Have a great day!

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

I want to shut her up at times when hubby has her on. She is too chatty and drives me nuts and she gives wrong directions or she takes us way out of our way. When he does not listen to her she seems to get hacked off each time she says, "Re-calculating".

Out on the prairie said...

I would like to be able to program different voices some, but a nice toy once you understand it better.

Grammy Goodwill said...

I don't have one, but my BFF does. Seems like every time we use it, it gives us the wrong direction for at least one turn we need to make.

possum said...

Yeah, Sacajaweia and I sometimes do not agree... but she gets me thru the really bad interstate exchanges, and for that I will always be grateful. My favorite newer thing is that I can program her to go via several different stops and keep off most interstates. I hate roads with numbers like 64 or 95.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

never had a problem with mine, since i don't have one. LOL i have heard stories though from people who do. we never leave town so have no need for one. i can find the Walmart and hospital and doc offices, the YMCA with out one. LOL

Ludwig said...

I have wanted a GPS unit for a long time but been reluctant to spend the money. When my old phone gave up the ghost a few weeks back, I got a new Nokia Lumia 900. I downloaded the Nokia Drive app and have been astonished and impressed. It works like the finest GPS (and I have looked at them in the stores). If I drive a different route it immediately recalculates and without fuss proceeds with the new route instructions. Beautiful! Amazingly enough this device is a great camera as well, I can surf the Web, read and respond to my emails. Check Facebook. Why, I can even make phone calls with it!

Montanagirl said...

We have a Garmin GPS too - she's not always right!

Doris said...

So funny!! Our Garmin thinks we live in the red brick house across the street....but we know better =)

Anvilcloud said...

They do have their own ideas. There are usually choices about the kind of route that you want to take, so maybe a different option would help. You have an iPad. There is an excellent map ap in there. It might be worth springing for a wireless card when you travel, one that you can opt in on and out of.