
Friday, July 6, 2012

All in a Day’s Bloom

garden hearts (1)Our daylily garden in the front yard has been wonderfully in colorful bloom the past couple of weeks despite the heat wave.  We bought these bulbs in June 2010 after visiting Sterrett Gardens, a local daylily farm, which annual host an open summer house. While this year’s is over; there’s always next year should you  happen to visit the VA eastern shore.

An overview of our front yard, just overlook those pesky weeds.
The blooms are spectacular from pale to deep golden yellows.
yellow day lily collage
Not to outdone by these blooms ranging from pinks to purples.
day lily collageday lily collage2

But the beauty of day lilies is short-lived . .

past bloom collage
Yet within a day, new blooms will start to open . . .
new blooms collageIF If you like daylilies, here’s lots of images from our June 2010 visit to Sterrett Gardens.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

dazzling pinks and yellows and purples, love all of them.

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Why do they have to be so short lived, they are so beautiful. My patch did not do well this year but yours is outstanding!

HOPE you are staying cool.

Out on the prairie said...

I can never have enough of these,lovely choices

Anonymous said...

I love daylilies and had so many varieties at our last home. We would visit a garden center in SC every Spring to look at the new ones.
Your photos are just gorgeous!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm not a big fan of day lilies but I do have a couple different and I've even sown one species this year. Great flowers really since they tend to flower for a long time even if the flower itself just stands for one day.

Have a great day!

Connie said...

Lovely pictures of the daylilies, Beatrice. I hope you have a nice weekend! :)

Montanagirl said...

Lovely flowers! I have a few day lilies but like you say, it's shortlived.

Anvilcloud said...

Daylilies are beautiful and quite hardy. Ours will bloom in a week or so. I'm sorry, I can't help myself and must wax pedantic and declare that they're not bulbs ... as I shrink off in shame.