
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Happy Anniversary Frog & PenguINN

Eight years ago this month (2003) we bought the Frog & PenguINN. No, it wasn’t named that when we bought it. To the locals it was, and still is the Warner Young house. Warner and his wife Mildred were the second owners, but had lived here as renters since they were married. So much for history.

We bought in January of 2003. We had been looking at houses here on and off for about two years. We were here to look at some more over a weekend and happen to drive past this one, which was ‘For Sale by Owner’. Long story shortened we looked at the house on Sunday morning just before we left for NJ, fell in serious like with it, saw lots of potential, and bought it that day (on a hand shake, common around here).

Since then, we have added on, installed central heat and air, gutted, enlarged, and modernized the kitchen. We’ve painted, sanded, replaced, repaired, ripped out and replanted, and enjoyed the past 8 years. Some looks then and now.
Frog & PenguINN 2003

Small Kitchen 2003

Library 2003

Dining Room 2003

Yard 2003

And so, we thank everyone who has joined us on this adventure, and hope you'll stay with us for the next chapter.



Out on the prairie said...

You did well finding a home that fit your needs.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I seriously LOVE it and want it! how can you bear to even think about selling it? i love houses like this and this one is magnificent. congrats on your 8 years

Connie said...

It looks great! You've made some wonderful improvements and really made it your own. Congratulations on eight years there.

Ludwig said...

You've done a beautiful job! The neighbors, too, should be really pleased with you!

Country Gal said...

Oh I love your home soo cute ! Lots of work but well worth it ! Have a wonderful day !

Anonymous said...

You have done a marvelous job of improving it. It is one of those houses every woman dreams of having!

Anvilcloud said...

You've done an amazing job. I'm sure you will miss the place.

Christer said...

My kind of home, I especially like what You did to the kitchen! I hope You'll find a just as nice new home.

Have a great day!

theconstantwalker said...

Happy Birthday to your wonderful home.. It's beautiful

L. D. said...

You have really made some great improvements. I like the outside appearance especially.

Elaine said...

You put a lot of work into improving this lovely old house. You have a big challenge finding one that will compare well with it, but I know there are lots of old beauties in NH too. Good luck on your search.

Unknown said...

I know you think you are looking to downsize, but what will you do with all that spare time? I look around here and would shudder at moving again, just when we have it as we like it...

Lois Evensen said...

You have brought that house alive! It is beautiful and looks so comfortable. :)

grammie g said...

Hey G. I spend the afternoon making a path all the way around the house with the snowblower..I had a blast....yes I think some people thought I was crazy , but the neighbors are used to me by now...Isay this to gt you going..I do hope you are jealous ; } lol

Okay your house...Lovely place and great work you have put into it..but when you really want to be near family, you have to make a chose...I go around in my head just about every day with that exact thing, and the "things" become less inportant every day !!
Waiting for the chapters to come ..

Montanagirl said...

You did great with this! Love your changes.

possum said...

Can't imagine walking away from all the work you put into this place, all the fun you've had as a mini farmer. I remember watching the pavers go in for your patio. The hammock rides... ah well.
I cannot imagine starting over again in a whole new place, either.
You will be missed here.

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

I love seeing the before and after shots. You did an outstanding job on the home and boy....what a garden.

john bain said...

You have a beautiful house. Easy to fall in love with!

Carole Barkett said...

Lots of work and improvements for sure

Allison said...

So you're selling it now and moving on? :( I LOVE it!

Scott Law said...

You have done wonders and got in all that traveling too. Very nice.