
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Resolutions????? or Revolutions!!!!!!

They (you know who THEY are) say a resolution is a promise to change. BUT a revolution is the change. . So we have decided that we need some revolutionary resolutions for 2012..... AND some of the changes we have already started..... Like going to the Y and working out almost every day. Yes there are days we don't. Like this morning since we are on a road trip. AND then there is eating better and LESS (should i have made that in a smaller font???). Again this is something we have already begun. AND before we started this trip we had begun 'shrinking'.

Of course there are the other standard resolutions to be kinder, friendlier, Love deeply and Laugh often. "What you do for the least of mine you do for Me". And again these are things we ( Beatrice and I ) try to do all the time.

BUT here are a few others to think about......

Embrace the absurd..... as we become grownups (that really happens?????) we sometimes lose this ability.... I find that inspiration is 25% genius, 75% perspiration, and 10% absurdity.

Smile at adversity....... Being a half full guy i tend to look for the positive in most situations. Besides, most folks are nervous around a 'smiler', some may even be suspicious of what you are on... maybe they will even want a little. More about the 'Happiness Hammer' in a different post.

Make time to stop and talk to that 'different' person you normally avoid. You may find a truly interesting spirit hiding behind that shroud. Maybe even another half full one!!!!!

And lastly, If you are having trouble remembering what a rose smells like, stop right then and rediscover. The longer you put it off the fainter that wonderful aroma will be. Pretty soon all you smell is last weeks garbage.

SOOOO from Beatrice and I, we send you HAPPY NEW YEARS greetings, and hope the next year fulfills your hopes, dreams, and needs.

Grenville (nervously traversing the roads of NJ)


Anvilcloud said...

Great great post. HNY.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

all excellent resolutions and advice, now if i can remember them I might do a few or maybe not. i have never made a resolution in 67 years so why start now. that is because i am a born rebel and do what i want when i want so no need for one unless I resolve to let bob have HIS way once in a while. HA HA

Connie said...

Wonderful ideas and resolutions. Wishing safe travels to you as you go visiting. Happy New Year to you and yours! :)

Lois Evensen said...

Such excellent thoughts to ponder. Happy first day of 2012 to you!

Montanagirl said...

Terrific post! Safe travels and Happy New Year!

Out on the prairie said...

Very nice and Happy New Year!

possum said...

Good thoughts - except for the Y - I hate inhaling the chlorine, and if I did all I need to do here, I would get enuf exercise!
I figure if i follow my cats' guidelines all will be well. Now if I could just learn to nap in the middle of the day........
Be safe guys!

Susie Swanson said...

Good resolutions and Happy New Year to you and your family..Susie

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Great rules to live by, Grenville...enjoy!...:)JP

BragonDorn said...

I will try add one of these to my life. day by day.

Elaine said...

Lots to think about there, Grenville. Slowing down and enjoying the journey of life is one of the best things you can do. Happy New Year to you both!

Anonymous said...

Happy new year to both of you!

Eggs In My Pocket said...

Oh, what a wonderful post to read and to go by! blessings, Kathleen

Anonymous said...

Personally I never give any resolutions, I know I'll break them just because I said them :-) :-) But the ones You write about are great :-)

Have a good continuing of this new year!

Anonymous said...

Thanks to all for your comments. I didn't think my thoughts were that great. Just what seems to feel right at this point in my life. SOOO i thought i would share them with friends.... YES, that is you folks.
BUT as one of my favorite authors, Phillip Gulley, said this week, he has never completely kept any of his resolutions but has worked on them a lot. Also always factor in life throwing in a curve.