
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Irene,,, the morning after

Good Morning Folks

Some of you are just beginning to experience what we had yesterday. Amazingly Irene was not as bad as they had predicted, BUT we were glad to have taken the precautions we did and hope you have taken precautions also. As the day went on we had power flickers, but never lost it or the internet.

Apparently we lost power briefly over night because the most serious condition this morning was that our coffee was not ready when I got up. I had to actually go down and turn the coffee on MANUALLY.

We have some branches down but no trees and no flooding that we can see since we haven’t gone out yet and will wait for the rain to stop. At last look we had 6 inches of rain and it was still coming down. Pictures will follow this afternoon when the sun comes out.

We did hear that Irene made land fall in Atlantic City and found all of the casinos closed.Then she started inland, BUT was mugged 16 times before she got more that 5 blocks from the boardwalk.   (Jersey Joke)

Our best suggestion is for everyone in Irene’s path to just hunker down in a safe place and ride Irene out…

We will let you know more from Onley later today.

Grenville (going for another cup of manually made coffee)


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I can relate to the manual coffee, had that happen a couple of times. glad you are safe. when I saw Onley as your city, it made me think we have a castle 45 minutes from us and it is in Ona... both not your average names for a town

Anvilcloud said...

I read report this morning about a lot of rain and power outages in NC and Virginia as was wondering how you guys were doing. Pity about the coffee -- truly the greatest hardship.

Montanagirl said...

So glad all went well for you - except for the coffee. We rec'd a Keurig Coffee Brewer last year for Christmas, and I LOVE it!! Makes a great cup of coffee one at a time, so if I choose to have Decaf in the evening while others want regular, it's priceless.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Glad to fared the storm but sad about the coffee! We lost power here throughout the day as well as internet connection but it's beautiful today, windy, sunny!....:)JP

Christine said...

Glad you two fared the storm ok and that you're safe! Hugs!

Sherry said...

My son and his family are in Richmond. They lost power but are otherwise safe.

JoJo said...

Glad to hear you are safe and sound. The coffee thing can be tough to handle. I want that first cup and I want it fast.

Anonymous said...

I´m glad she wasn´t as bad as expected but 6 inches of rain is a bit much though :-) :-)

I feel so sorry for You having to start the coffee manually! Hope it never happens again :-) :-)

Have a great day!

Connie said...

I suppose if having to make your coffee manually was the worst of it, then you fared pretty well! I'm glad to hear that you are safe there.

Lois Evensen said...

Glad to know you are safe. Our son in Alexandria just had heavy rain. I haven't gotten a report from outside, but inside he did very well. Power was only off for about 30 seconds.

DeniseinVA said...

Well, that's good news that you're okay. Loved the NJ joke by the way! Enjoy your coffee ;) I am heading for the pot right now. All went well in our area too, a whole lot of rain and wind but not that bad either. I think our family lost power in VA Beach but no downed trees and I was happy to hear from them that all was well.

grammie g said...

Hi Grenville....happy you all are ok. sorry about you having to have manual coffee you poor deprived thing you!!
I am smart ...I made a a big pot of coffee and have it in a container and if I lose my power I have a gas range and I will MANUALLY turn on the burner and heat it up!!
Facebook family in Fairfield Connecticut says it was pretty bad there with a large amount of power outages!!
My daughter who is 45 minutes south of me near Portland, Maine...just texted me she has no power!!

Wind is pretty gusty and heavy rain here ..we have a while to go : { So thats it from here!!

Grace..reporting from the great North!! is thundering to!!

john bain said...

Every day, several times a day I have to fill the kettle and switch it on, put a tea bag in a cup, add boiling water and milk, and then remove the tea bag, before lifting the cup and drinking the contents. I have to do this manually, whatever the weather. I am absolutely exhausted!

Anonymous said...

Sandra, yes our town has a strange name and there is a story to go with it. Might be a good blog.
Most of the power outages and flooding were inland AC. Strange to say the least.
Thanks for the good thoughts Mona.
Glad you too made it through JP. I'm still amazed we had power and internet through it all.
Hugs back Mama-Bug.
The mainlanders got the worst of this Sherry.
I too can be dangerous without caffine JoJo
Christer, I hope the 'boys' are feeling better today. If Irene comes to your cottage, make believe your not home :-).
Thanks for the good thoughts Daisey.
He was luck Lois. Richmond was hit hard.
Denise, you must be a 'Jersey Girl' if you got the AC joke.
Thunder means the storm is shivering Grace. Only happens in Maine. Wish i was there!!!!
All that physical exertion can really wear a guy down HUB. Don't know how i will handle it in old age.