
Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Means to be drunk with love: an infatuation that leaves you doting, foolish or muddled; infatuated intellectually or morally blinded; to be drunk with love: an infatuation that leaves you half-witted, doting, foolish or muddled  . . .

grandpa-Elizabeth0802 (2)grandpa-Elizabeth0802 (21)

grandpa-Elizabeth0802 (25)This granddaughter is just 2 weeks old and has won our hearts.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I can see why you have both become besotted

Anvilcloud said...

I don't understand this. I have never been besotted with my grandkids. As if ... ;)

Country Gal said...

Beautiful photos !

Eggs In My Pocket said...

So precious! You are so blessed! blessings,Kathleen

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Oh my goodness, now that is LOVE... What a blessing she is and is blessed too.

GOD bless this new member of the family.

grammie g said...

HI Gandpa & Grandma...What can I say ....dis is love!!

Anonymous said...

No wonder that You are besotted! She is as cute as can be!

Have a great day!


Christine said...

What a precious little girl! Can't wait til I'm blessed with grands of my own.

possum said...

Shoot, y'all were in love with her even before she was born.
That IS a precious expression...

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Grands are why we're moving back to I understand that look completely!...:)JP

Unknown said...

What a little cutie. Mine are older and I love using them to get even with my kids for the way they acted when they were little. I spoil my grand kids rotten and teach them all sorts of stuff an old geezer finds hilarious. When they get good and wound up i send them home to let their parents deal with them. Some parts of growing old can be a lot of fun! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!

Connie said...

Oh my! What a sweetheart! :)

Elaine said...

She's adorable! Of course you're besotted, but I think using the word besotted with Grandma or Grandpa is a redundancy.....

Montanagirl said...

How sweet! It's a great thing to be "besotted" with!!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

THANK YOU Everyone: Sandra, AC, Elaine (Country Girl), Tammy, Grammie G, Christer, Christine (Mama-Bug), Possum, JP (A Quiet Corner), Chip, Daisy, Elaine, Mona (Montana Girl) . . .

Yes, we are completely besotted with our 2-week old granddaughter and do appreciate your well wishes and compliments. We are thankful and feel so blessed with her safe delivery and the earlier one of her brother.

AC, of course, we know HOW besotted you are with the grands... (psst)it shows!

Elaine, agreed that besotted and grandpa/ma does seem redundant!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Beatrice, you poor thing! I'm trying to learn to post from my DROID and even though I typed words it came out all garbled! Do you know what I'm doing wrong?...:)JP

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Sory JP, but I can't held. My cell phone only makes calls...maybe next year we will get a more current model.