
Friday, August 12, 2011

Friday Funnies

If humans can have a “bad” hair day, what about plants?

bad hair day collageMaybe a new “do”

bad hair day collage2Here’s another type of hare . . .

hare0508 (4)hare0508 (1)


Diana said...

Silly!! My favorite would be the white fuzzy one except the real live hares they are tops! take care,Diana

Anvilcloud said...

Yes, but do plants have a bad hair life? Or hares for that matter?

Connie said...

HA! Thanks for the smile today, Beatrice. Hope you have a wonderful weekend! :)

Elaine said...

Wait! That's how I look every morning when I first get up.....

DeniseinVA said...

Oh yes, I have had those bad hair days, but ow I love that little hare at the bottom of your photos. Beautiful pictures as always.

Cicero Sings said...

Nice take on bad hair(hare) days!

By the way, don't forget that garlic needs to be planted in the fall. I plant late September/early October depending on how the fall is shaping up. They need to set root over winter but you don't want them to send up shoots until spring.

Unknown said...

I can honestly say I never thought of plants or flowers having a bad hair the hares, when they appear near the garden or in my flower beds, that is a very bad hare day for me!

Lois Evensen said...

That's a pretty cute hairy hare. :)

grammie g said...

Hi Beatrice...I just relized I read your previous post this morning and didn't leave a comment !!
That's what happens when you go away for a bit when you have a garden...they just seem to go crazy when your not there!!
Sorry about Grenville boo~boo
hope that settles down!!

Bad hair day well now that was a cute one...who hasn't woke to look in the mirror and wonder what's looking back!! Maybe I shouldn't have said "back"...does Grenville read these???

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

They do have bad hair days, my lilies had a few. Those were some cute pictures.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I missed your back problems and your funny hair dooo plants and several other things because my shoulder has been killing me and I only blogged a little. the more i am on the computer the worse it gets, so had to cut back on blogging. i am not posting today or tomorrow but catching up on blogs i did not visit over the past couple of days. I love the floral hair do's and the middle of the first shot is my favorite. medusa hair

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Thanks Everyone for the comments. These weekly posts are fun to do; glad you enjoy them.

Diana, puffball is my favorite too
AC, sure can't you tell?
Daisy, thanks - same to you!
Elaine, sometimes me too.
Denise, thanks, the hare is a regular visitor here.
Cicero, thanks for the garlic gardening tips, not sure if Grenville will actually plant any.
Pat, we've been lucky in that all the hares here eat are the clover; they have never bothered the veggies (thankfully)
Lois, we think so too, thanks.
Grace, gardens can and do get wild when left on their own. Grenville is doing better and yes he does read the posts and comments.
Sandra, ouch! we both hope you will be feeling better and understand cutting back when you are not feeling well - pain will do that to you every time. Take good care and rest up and we both send good wishes for your shoulder to feel better soon.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Tammy, the lilies bloomed while we were away; all I got to photograph were the remains :-(