
Wednesday, March 26, 2025

The Culprit Revealed

Yesterday's post, Proceed with ⚠️ was shared after I received a security notice when accessing a few blog sites early yesterday. 

After the notice displayed for one site, I systematically went through all the blog sites on my sidebar and received the same caution for two other blogs.

The notice advised the sites be avoided because: This site might compromise your device or contain high-risk content. To avoid these risks, we recommend avoiding this site.

This struck me as quite unusual and highly unlikely as these blog sites were ones I've been accessing for several years, not some recent sites. All three are listed on my sidebar.

Do I think these sites pose any risk?
Certainly not and also several other bloggers commented that they had previously received similar cautions, which they ignored. Nothing dire happened as a result.

But, of course, I wanted to know more especially why did this message suddenly displayed when these blog sites have been accessed with issue. To be honest, I still do not have a complete answer, but at least determined the source.

Why the Block?
Apparently, it's related to the security provided from our internet provided, Xfinity. According to online information this feature monitors network traffic and blocks a site from loading when it has detected potential dangers that could contain malware, spyware, phishing or other risks that could harm personal devices and/or compromise personal information. The message strongly recommends to avoid the blocked website to protect devices and data. 

What can be done 
Again, according to online sources, when trying to access a website that may have been blocked mistakenly by Advanced Security, it's possible to go to the Security Risk History for a device and select Allow Access next to the website you want to visit. 

Alternately, if you believe the site is legitimate and need to access it, you can carefully evaluate the source of the link or information and consider using a different browser or a more secure connection (like a VPN). 

What's not recommended
While it's possible to disable Advanced Security, doing so would remove security protection for all devices on your network. As we currently have a number of these on our home network, this option will not be completed. 

It's unfortunate that this advanced security feature from our internet provider has blocked certain blog sites, However, Patrick isn't planning to change or modify any security settings.

Personally, I'm hoping that this is a temporary glitch. I'll try to access the selected sites, but will not click Proceed Anyway to ignore the caution. My advance apologies for not being able to read or comment on some many blog sites.

Further Update: It seems that our home internet service is now blocking even more blog sites through a feature called Safe Browse IO, which is not a virus or malware. This security feature is a central element of Xfinity xFi Advanced Security. It blocks access to potentially dangerous or malicious websites, acting as a security layer to protect users from online threats. 

That may be so, but to my mind it's become a downright annoyance and very frustrating.

Again, I do not believe any of these blog sites has harmful information, but I'm not willing to take any chances that could compromise our devices or data. That said, it's possible I may find another way for internet access that doesn't use our home service. There's a Function Room with wi-fi available for residents, which I will use later this week. Details to follow.


Tom said...

...I occasionally get this from my internet provider, Spectrum too. It's maddening.

gigi-hawaii said...

I don't get that type of warning. However, I visited Melody Jacobs' blog several months ago, pressed a button and got a hacking by someone who wanted me to call their number to release me. I immediately turned off my iPad, then turned it on and the hacking disappeared. I now visit her blog without a problem. This type of hacking could happen to anybody.

MARY G said...

This is all new to me. Fascinating and thanks for the info.

Kathy G said...

A while back my browser (Firefox) introduced "Enhanced Tracking Protection". All of a sudden I couldn't comment on any of the blogs I have been following for years. Eventually I learned how to disable it for sites I trusted.

Sandra said...

I get this for some unknown links I click, usually article or an online 'store'. Since I don't know anything about the site I take the warning. That has not happened to me here.

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

I have gotten that alert a couple of times and always ignored it from if it is a known site, no idea why it is happening.

Anvilcloud said...

It’s always something.

jayveesonata said...

I never got this for a blog. I have, however, received these "alerts" for several websites that I know are safe. I usually ignore the warnings and live dangerously.

kathyinozarks said...

We use Norton for security and have never gotten this notice for blog sites. it is concerning on what to do

Rita said...

Ive never gotten this for a blog, either. Strange.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

thanks for the info, its scary with so many hackers and scammers out there.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Thank you for the update! I should have known, caused by tight security!!! And speaking of that, Apple is the worst!! I have not even been able to get into my iPad, even with talking to them on the phone. It is useless now. It has gone so far overboard that it is ridiculous!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Crazy stuff. All the hacking on Facebook, etc. drives me crazy! There are times I just want to shut it all off and go back to life before the internet, but then I wouldn't know any of you out here in blogland and life would be pretty dull. Or, maybe I'd get busy and learn to be crafty/creative/or write that book. hmmm...something to think about. But I still like to be connected to my friends out here in cyberspace too much to go away.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

It’s been awhile since I encountered that notice. On cell phone, I notice that some blogs I can comment as my blog name but others, I can’t leave a comment or I’m anonymous. I suspect something on a persons’s blog or system settings triggers the notice.

Jeanie said...

Thanks, Dorothy. This has happened for a long time and I have xfinity too so I'm glad to hear that is the cause. I'm always pretty careful on links in blog posts (which is why I never, ever click on the ads, only hot links made by the blog poster). Thanks again for sharing.

Lowcarb team member said...

Thanks for sharing this.

All the best Jan

My name is Erika. said...

I don't think I'd change the settings on my computer either. I'm guessing its programmed to protect my use more than what I could do to protect it. I don't have Infinity , but the cautions haven't shown back up again.

Veronica Lee said...

It’s good to have security, but when it starts blocking sites you’ve been visiting for years, it just feels like overkill. Hopefully, this is just a temporary thing, and you’ll find an easy way around it. Using the Function Room Wi-Fi sounds like a solid backup plan—hope it works out!

nick said...

I hardly ever get a "risky site" warning. If I do, it's usually a site I've never accessed before. I have no problem with frequently used sites.

DeniseinVA said...

I have had the same going to sites but not lately fortunately. I have never had a problem. Does it depend on their security program. Are some stricter in function than others?