
Friday, March 21, 2025

Friday Funnies

🌼 Happy Spring to Everyone 🌻

The first day of spring, or the spring equinox was yesterday, March 20, in the Northern Hemisphere. Currently, there's a lack of flowers around Nashua, NH, compared to other areas where blooming daffodils, crocuses and tulips have been posted on blogs.

Instead, here's a bright bit of yellow that I spotted in the area last week.
First sighting for Spring ?
Hoping that Spring makes an appearance in the next couple weeks, but tit may be delayed. The forecast is calling for the possibility of some snow and rain next week.

Thanks to everyone who commented on my earlier Spam Begone post, I appreciated reading how others deal with spam calls and texts and junk mail. Of course, the best advice as many commented is never reply to an unknown call, text message or email is to — delete it, block it, mark as junk and never, ever reply.

Book Sale Update: The Friends of Nashua Public Library Book Sale held last weekend netted $32,700 which was slightly higher than the 2024 sale (which was about $31,000, not $34,000 as previously posted). Sale proceeds were all from donated items and will continue to support ongoing and future library programs, such as twice weekly film showings, Recent Releases are on Tuesday and Cinema Classics are on Sunday. (This Tuesday, we saw Wicked at the library.)

Enjoy Your Weekend, Everyone
We're going to the see a cinema classic at the library
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962) in B&W


Pamela M. Steiner said...

Interesting picture of the yellow "spring" car! The owner certainly like to express herself with her vehicle. LOL. (I say her because I would be surprised if it was a his! LOL). "nuff said! LOL. Wow, that libary book sale was certainly successful! Amazing how much money can be raised with a bunch of old books! I wonder how many of those books sold will get recycled back into the book sale again some day, and they just keep getting sold over and over again? LOL. That would be interesting to track and see! Regarding the spam begone, etc., it is a constant issue of blocking and deleting and not answering here...right now political calls once again since there is an open Senate seat for our state and voting is coming up next week. And on Facebook I keep getting these men who just love my charming personality and wit and want to be my friend. I keep reporting them and blocking them, but they come back in another "life". LOL I wish Facebook could do something about that. It's an every day challenge to get rid of them. But I'm not ready to give up my Facebook page yet so I just keep dealing with the issues and move on. We are actually having another little chilly day today...43 this morning and only up to 67 this afternoon. That is chilly for us this time of year. Winter just seems to want to hang on! But at least it's not in the 20's or teens. (Or in the 90's). We can be thankful for how lovely it really is. Have a wonderful day and weekend. Always fun to visit here.

Jeanie said...

I think I'd like the people who own the yellow car!

Bijoux said...

I’ve seen a few crocuses, but that’s it. Happy Spring!

Tom said...

...Dorthy, I wish you a wonderful spring. It's always worth waiting for.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, that yellow is BRIGHT! Looks like maybe a V.W. Bug

Linda G said...

On the last day of Winter, it felt like Spring. On the first day of Spring it felt like we went from Spring back to Winter! We had a light dusting of snow overnight. It was a nippy 28 degrees, when I got up this morning. More snow in forecast next week.

Rita said...

No flowers this way, either. Not that we haven't had unusually warm weather a couple of times already. Usually don't plant flowers here until mid-May. I'd probably like the person in that car!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

yay for the book sales... love the little yellow car.. like a fat daffodil.

Sandra said...

I love everything about that car. Spring is likely a ways off around here.

Debbie said...

i love "bold" yellow cars. i'm happy you got some good advice on spam...isn't it a shame we have to clog our beautiful minds with the nonsense of spam!!

mimmylynn said...

Yellow is such a happy color. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance is a classic.

photowannabe said...

Your library is amazing and the support is really off the charts.
I would love to see all those old classics. Enjoy The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance. I saw it so long ago that if I saw it now it would be like a brand new movie..haha..

The Happy Whisk said...

I have always and still do, want a yellow beetle bug. So cute. So fun.

That's great that the sale got a bit more than last year. Groovy.

Anvilcloud said...

Any port in a storm, or anything yellow while waiting for daffodils.

MARY G said...

Great about the book sale return. I am laughing, a lot, about the yellow car. Our prompt for Camera Club this month was "bright colour". You needed to be there with that shot. A clear win in the colour department.

Michelle said...

The car is eye-catching and the owner has a lot to say! I like it!

Marie Smith said...

The book sale raised a lot of money! Great effort from the community!

Lowcarb team member said...

Happy Spring.
Enjoy the film and have a great weekend.

All the best Jan

Eggs In My Pocket said...

A lovely spring daffodil yellow car! Book sales are always such a great way to raise funds and to find something great to read! Wishing you pleasant spring days!

kathyinozarks said...

Happy Spring-I wasn't paying attention to the actual day this year-love the bright yellow car and I am not big on yellow usually. sounds like the book sale was a big sucess happy weekend

Carola Bartz said...

That yellow Fiat is so delightful, and as Jeanie said, I think I like the people who own this car.

diane b said...

Glad the yellow car cheered you. Hopefully Spring weather will be with you soon. It just loves Australia so much that it wont leave and travel to you.