
Friday, September 27, 2024

Friday Funnies

Thanks to those who commented on my previous post about candy and other items being secured with locks in the CVS store in Nashua, NH. This is the only store I have seen them, most likely there are others. Like many others who commented we don't shop much n person aside from the CVS, grocery store, L.L. Bean outlet or wine store. Like so many, we started shopping online more often, during and continuing after the pandemic.

Now, for this week's Friday Funnies, which are all auto-related.

I've heard about a top dog, but how about this very top car.
The top ramp car must tilt down to load and unload this vehicle. 
No guessing about the owner's choice of license plate for this car. Although, most avocados I've seen have been a darker shade of green vs. yellow.
This car owner had all his/her ducks and other animals lined in a dashboard row. It looked like the space was well-filled up.

Next week starts a new month. We're leaving on a long-distance adventure that starts mid-week for a destination of Tuscany, Italy, a belated 25th anniversary gift from us to us. We'll be traveling abroad for 9 days. I've scheduled a couple of posts for that timeframe.

Enjoy Your Weekend, Everyone
Some of our weekend will be spent packing


David M. Gascoigne, said...

Enjoy your trip. Tuscany sounds very alluring.

Bijoux said...

There’s a duckie car that lives in our area, too. Have a wonderful time on your trip!

Tom said...

...sometimes I think that there are more cars than people!!!

Kathy G said...

Oh, how I wish there was an LL Bean outlet near me!

Jon said...

I hope all those duckie toys are glued down. If the driver suddenly puts on the breaks, those duckies will go flying. I'll look forward to hearing about your travel adventures.

gigi-hawaii said...

I love that Avocado plate. Clever! I loved Italy in December 1969. Enjoy your trip.

Anvilcloud said...

That person really does have their ducks in a row.

tz_garden said...

Have a wonderful trip to Italy! And I agree, that care is more lemon than avocrdo.

Rita said...

I agree. I think the avo-car-do plate should be on a green car. LOL!
Have a wonderful time!! I think you'll have a letter from me when you get back home. Take lots of pics. Can hardly wait to see and hear all about it. Happy anniversary!! :)

MARY G said...

My family uses the expression "Having all your ducks in a row". I love the lineup photo. Do you suppose the spelling of avocrdo is a mistake? I would have gone with avocardo, and maybe they did but had to take out one letter. If you lose the 'o' and make it avocard, it doesn't work quite so well.
My husband's cousin, Beverly Lindsay, was a minister. His kids got him a vanity licence that said "Rev Bev", Ontario allowing six placings with a spacer. I laughed a lot.

MARY G said...

Just saw AC's comments with the same expression. Ontario commenters ... anyone else? Funny.

David said...

Hi Beatrice, We love looking for weird or clever vanity license plates... Have a great trip. Tuscany sounds like a major adventure...well deserved by those of us at a certain age and stage in life. We're traveling too...but it will be a state-side road trip. Enjoy and Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Sandra said...

Lucky you! Buon Viaggio🌄

Ginny Hartzler said...

Happy 25th!!! What a wonderful and gorgeous adventure you will have! I am looking forward to lots of photos when you get back!

mimmylynn said...

Have a fantastic trip to Italy. i know you you will come home with lots of pictures.