
Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Nashua Goings On

There's been a lot of renovations projects going on in Nashua, NH, this summer. A previous post in May highlighted one next to Cotton Mill, a neighboring mill apartment building across the Nashua River from our residence at Clocktower mill apartments.
As seen in the above view from across the river, this looked like a ski ramp. Of course, it was a ramp being built, but for an entirely different use. This was construction for an ADA-accessible ramp (Americans with Disabilities Act) to bring the bridge it adjoins into compliance with current standards. The new ramp replaced a set of metal steps.
Construction was completed last month. The ramp has been in use for the past few weeks and the official ribbon cutting took place last week. We've enjoyed returning to river walks and have also noticed that the ramp has become popular with cyclists and skateboarders too.
Since early spring, construction has been ongoing in the Renaissance Park adjacent to Clocktower Apartments and the Bicentennial Park which is downtown off Main Street. These renovations are part of the Imagine Nashua Master Plan. When completed, the parks will feature green space, seating areas and a stage area for outdoor concerts.
The above photos show how Renaissance Park looked last year and how it looked this past week. The sculpture is boxed in the iddle of the second photo
The above photo show how the much smaller Bicentennial Park (arrow) looked this past week. A walkway will be added to connect the two park areas. Other improvements will include  a dock area for small watercraft like canoes and kayaks.

Has anyone ever heard of a Library of Things?

This was a new one for me too and as of a month ago the Nashua Public Library (NPL) has a Library of Things that library users can check out and use for up to 2 weeks at a time with their library card. The library's current collection includes at least one of these: telescope, ukulele, paper shredder, speaker, microphone, metal detector, binoculars, ring light, label maker, metal detector, DVD player, Blu-ray speaker, white noise machine, puppets and puppet theater, floor air pump, bocce game, energy detector, Allen wrench set, green screen backdrop.
Library of Things at Nashua Public Library
Such loanable household and non-traditional items might be useful in everyday life, but only needed for a short time — to borrow rather than purchase. Library users are encouraged to submit suggestions for items to add to the Library of Things.

A Library of Things is any collection of objects loaned and any organization that practices this loaning. Items can include appliances, tools, gardening equipment, electronics, toys and games, art, science kits, craft supplies, musical instruments, recreational equipment and outdoor gear. Especially appropriate are objects that are useful occasionally but cumbersome to store. Collections vary widely and go far beyond the books, journals and media that have been the primary focus of traditional libraries. 

This movement is a growing trend in public, academic and special libraries in many countries. The term Library of Things was popularized by a grassroots experiment started in London in 2014 inspired by the Toronto Tool Library.

Does your library have one as well?


Marie Smith said...

Our library has such items to loan as well. There is a huge amount of construction around the island here as well. There are numerous apartments and duplexes under construction around Summerside. Construction is booming!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Modern libraries are a far cry from the libraries of my youth. Some of my early memories involve the librarian telling me to go and wash my hands before touching the books. If that happened today, parents would probably be up in arms! I have to say that often I went to the library after walks through the woods handling all manner of stuff.

Tom said...

...Renaissance Park is an appropriate name! Nashua is doing a fabulous job of celebrating its past and brazing its future!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Your city is really progressive in its thinking and doing! How nice to see such positive and creative ideas coming to light. The Library of Things is a new concept for me! I've never heard of it, but it sounds like a great idea! Thank you for sharing all of these great improvements and ideas that are going on around your town. You are blessed to live there!

Bijoux said...

The ramp turned out very nicely! I’ve not heard of a Library of Things, but what a great idea. Our library system has a toy lending library, which my kids would have enjoyed when they were little.

Barbara Rogers said...

Love the sculpture of mom and child reading. Hope the new little parks are as pretty as that arrangement of flowers. So glad to see the ramp finished. Our library has a seed library (giving different seeds, receiving those that are donated.) Lots of flowers and a few veggies. That's how I tried growing Four O'clocks one year.

Boud said...

I posted and it's gone. In spam??

Kathy G said...

That's a lovely ramp, and as you said will be enjoyed by all types of people.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

yes, we have several library;s of things, and almost all of what you mentioned. here it is more lawn equipment, and tools, weed Wackers, blowers, so many can't afford the tools and this is great. I think it started during 2020. that is when I found out about it. one thing they did was set up a machine that scans albums of photos and they have aids to help those who can't figure it out. they help them put their photos on cd's or other ways to store them. another new thing is you can get tickets to the south Florida museum, they check them out and that way limit the amount of people attending for free. it is 25 dollars to go in the musem, they do it like when we borrow an ebook, you put your name on hold list.
I like the new ramp, they did a great job, it looks better than I thought it would, next some biker will be knocked over a wheel chair is my thought. its a great idea.

Rita said...

They are making a lot of progress. Will be beautiful when it is all done.
Never heard of a library of things, but I think it is a great idea! :)

tz_garden said...

What a cool idea, no I've never seen such a thing!

kathyinozarks said...

I have not heard of a library of thinks-but really good idea. I have always lived rural so things like this are too far of a round trip drive me-but I love this.
Your area will be pretty amazing when all completed-love the better walkway, and upcoming concerts will be nice too

photowannabe said...

Your city is so progressive and quite lovely. All those beautiful places to walk and enjoy.
Love the name the Library of Things. I do know that our local library has some things to loan out like a pressure washer. That's something that is so expensive and just used on occasion. I think I may have to scope out and see if they actually have a Library of Things too.

Sandra said...

I haven't heard of it but a Library of Things is a great idea. The ramp is attractive and fits into the surroundings well.

Ginny Hartzler said...

This Library Of Things is a wonderful idea!! I have never heard of it, and we do not have one. I wish we did. I think there should be one in every city. The ramp is awesome! I just hope the skateboarders and bike riders don't run over the handicapped people!!

mimmylynn said...

The Library of Things is a magnificent idea. Wish I had thought of it.

Sandy said...

Love seeing older areas being revitalized vs torn down. The ramp is rather pretty. Cool that you got to see things progress.

My name is Erika. said...

I have heard of a library of things. Libraries have really changed since I was a kid, and it is all good. Hope you're enjoying this weather, especially these nights. hugs-Erika

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Beautiful ramp
Love the Library of Things!
I will check to see if we have one locally.

Anvilcloud said...

Your community must be enjoying relatively good economic times. I'm sure many will enjoy the place more.

nick said...

It's a great idea to provide tools and appliances on loan that you would only use occasionally. Our local libraries haven't got into this trend yet, probably because they haven't the space for so many items.
It looks like Nashua is having some interesting upgrading. Is the statue of someone famous?

baili said...

glad that park is opened to public dear Dorothy and ramp is used by all as well
i enjoyed glimpse of it
loved the statue of mother and child looking at his mother ,what a lovely sight
never heard of Library of things before ,sounds awesome idea and helpful for so many surly
health peace and joy to you both my friend!

gigi-hawaii said...

Always a joy to see ADA compliant ramps! I wouldn't mind browsing in that Library.

DeniseinVA said...

They are doing very well on those ramps. Thank you for sharing the before and after pictures. Looks like a wonderful library. I haven't heard the term before but now I know. Thank you so much!

David said...

Hi Beatrice, Wow! There is a lot going on in your neighborhood! The ramp is a great idea for wheelchairs but with Afib I do better with stairs. Hopefully the skateboarders or bicyclists won't wipe out any old folks on that ramp. I wouldn't want to have an apartment on the lower level with the view partly blocked though. Looks like the city is doing what it should to enhance the riverfront for its residents. Parks in town are great to have. As for the Library of Things, I have heard of them before but our library here is fairly small, limiting the possibilities. They do offer CDs and CD players though. Hope you have had a great summer! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Michelle said...

My library doesn't loan out "things", but I wish they would. A great idea.

acorn hollow said...

My library has a few things. Sewing machine.stand mixer etc. I think it is a great idea.
A lot going on in your area.

Rob Lenihan said...

The ramp looks awesome. I have never heard of the Library of Things, but the concept is fascinating.

Far too often I'll order some item on Amazon, use it once or twice, and never touch it again. I'd save a lot of money if I had one of these libraries near me.

Jenny Woolf said...

I didn't realise you lived in Clocktower apartments (which I mentionend in my last comment) Somehow I always imagined your apartment to be ultra modern. I think if I had to look at that site across the way I'd be wishing it was finished. Library of Things is very popular in Europe, we have a local one. SLight problem with ours is that it is so hard to park here in London that it was a serious problem picking up a patio washer when we wanted to borrow one! But I'm 100 percent in favour of cutting waste and not acquiring more junk.