
Friday, August 9, 2024

Friday Funnies

Here in Nashua, NH, there's a gaggle of Canada geese that favor the Nashua River and the surrounding river walk. This summer, the river area has been a construction zone.
This project to create a river park is expected to take another 15 months.
Last weekend, a group of interested geese decided to check out the site and a couple were sent in advance.
At least one opted to fly over the plastic barrier.
Soon more followed, although managing on the sidewalk under construction with webbed feet proved somewhat challenging.
Still, this hardy group continued to check things out.
Despite having a couple of near misses to get off the concrete edge.
After a look around, the geese headed back to the river. Interestingly, they wisely avoided the construction and walked on the gravel instead.
Earlier in the week, this geese family also decided to explore the construction site.

Enjoy Your Weekend, Everyone
Rain on Friday, then the weekend is sunny in Nashua, NH


David M. Gascoigne, said...

Loud applause for intrepid CANADA Geese. Somehow the words “park” and “concrete” just don’t go together. I bet the geese think so, too.

Marie Smith said...

Great captures of the geese, Dorothy. They are smart critters! That park will be a lovely addition to that area!

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

It doesn't take them long before their inquisitiveness gets the better of them, does it?

My name is Erika. said...

Those poor geese are just waiting impatiently for that park, aren't they? Stay dry!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the photos, they are stories in each one and made me smile and laugh and feel good. silly geese

Latane Barton said...

It looks like those geese had a good time exploring all that construction.

Anvilcloud said...

Goosey goosey gander
Where shall I wander?

It's good if they stay out of one's chamber.

kathyinozarks said...

I have always enjoyed these geese-very curious-they just want to know what is happening to "their" area
Happy Friday

Jeanie said...

I wonder how long it will take them to move in!

Emma Springfield said...

Geese leave a terrible mess wherever they go. Watch where you step.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Love this post!
It is like the old days when something was going on in the neighborhood, everyone came out the door to have a look see.
A great week to y'all!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh my gosh, so cute! I love the reconnaissance group landing in the boat. And one mom even brought along her teenage chicks! Too bad they had to give up part of their territory, this seems to be happening everywhere.

nick said...

Yes, webbed feet must be somewhat challenging on wire mesh. I'm glad they didn't get stuck and have to be rescued!

Rita said...

Wondering what the crazy humans are doing to the land-lol! :)

David said...

Hi Beatrice, I like the idea that the geese sent out 'scouts' before the main grouping ventured into the construction zone. We do get the geese on the local golf courses and some of the folks who have the fortune to live on the lakeshore are plagued by them. One of our neighbors caught 2 young black bears in her backyard on her game camera. We were surprised as the community has been built up a lot in the last couple of years. We did have a pair of fox stroll across our slim tree line in the back of our house a couple of days ago. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Red said...

Geese go where they want and do what they want. Awesome series of photos.

Tom said...

...the world is covered with geese and construction!

gigi-hawaii said...

"Curiosity killed a goose. Satisfaction brought him back."

Sandy said...

Fantastic pictures. They must be smart to make their way over the gravel, and not let the plastic barrier stop them. Go Geese Go!!
Sandy's Space

photowannabe said...

Love the geese checking things out. You did a wonderful job of following them as they perused the site.
That photo of the geese in the boat is definitely a prize winner. Love it.

DUTA said...

The geese are a nice, lively view as opposed to the lifeless, ugly view of the construction materials.

Nil @ The Little House by the Lake said...

I wonder if they gave their approval after inspection. 😁

Rob Lenihan said...

My goodness, those geese have guts. They're all over the place. Great photos, btw.

diane b said...

A funny story about the geese. They must be wondering what is happening to their habitat. It should be a nice park when it is finished and I hope a place for the geese to visit.

Buttercup said...

Nice to meet the extended goose family. Love that they checked out their future home.

DeniseinVA said...

Great captures of the geese. It will be interesting to see it all done.

Debbie said...

they look a bit like building inspectors, hopefully they approve of the work on their new home!! whomever pours the concrete better be very careful those guesse don't get into it!! so nice to see open space being used for a park!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

for some reason I can't post on Rose Hill post. will try here for that post.all of this is quite amazing and the top of the list is that staircase. I did not read one single fact that already new or had read about. its all new to me. rosecliff is mind blowing inside and out.

Bijoux said...

Any bird inspecting something is fun to watch.