
Thursday, February 15, 2024

Something Old & New

These are the familiar first and second lines of a traditional rhyme detailing what a bride should wear at her wedding for good luck. The entire rhyme mentions five items:

Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue, and a sixpence in her shoe.

It dates to the late 1800s during the Victorian Era and comes from an English rhyme. The objects were considered necessary to include on a wedding day with the belief they would ward off the evil eye and lead to happy marriages, a superstition still popular today in the UK and US.

Something old is a family keepsake carried or worn by the bride to symbolize continuing her past life in her marriage. Something new offers optimism for the future. Something borrowed is believed to transfer luck from one marriage to another. Something blue is a sign of purity and fidelity represented in something blue worn by the bride. A sixpence is a silver British coin, about the size of a penny, no longer in use. It's meant to symbolize a life of wealth and prosperity. Traditionally, the bride's father would place the sixpence in her shoe for good fortune. The custom derives from a time when the bride would gift silver coins from her dowry to the groom.

But, as usual, I've digressed and here's why. When thinking about a post title, this rhyme came to mind, so off I went to learn more and, of course, opted to share here. However, this post is not about any upcoming wedding and, no, we didn't include any of these traditions at our own nearly 25 years ago and it's lasted regardless.

That said, there is something old and something new to post about, a bit of an extravagant and overdue holiday and birthday gift from myself to myself. Do you ever treat yourself? 

Older iMac desktop
The old is a nearly 10-year old, 21-inch desktop iMac computer purchased shortly after we'd relocated to NH. This was my first Apple computer, aside from an iPad and iPhone. Before buying the Mac, I'd always used HP computers based on Windows (Microsoft) operating system, switching to Apple meant learning to do things differently. I admit to still learning, overall it continues to have been a good decision to switch. 

The desktop is still working, but like most things, equipment tends to get slower with age, and with mine it was taking longer to open mail, documents and multiple tabs. All of these are not unexpected, as some issues associated with aging computers include:

Less reliability which can mean unplanned down time if they malfunction.
Expired warranty which can lead to unexpected expenses.
Slower running with more waiting for applications to load.
Older computers often become incompatible with some software.

Internet source
How long do computers last?
That's what I wondered as well. According to many experts, desktop computers generally have a healthy lifespan of five years, some longer, especially if well maintained. Laptops are estimated to have a lifespan to three or four years. 

The good news is that according to experts, Mac computers have a reputation for lasting longer. Apple offers a strong maintenance and support system. There's an added cost, but AppleCare is an available option that extends the warranty for an additional 2 years. Speaking from experience it has always been worth the added cost to buy the extra protection.

My computers are well past these estimates, not only is my desktop older than its expected lifespan, but so is a 2017 MacBook Air notebook computer, which is not being replaced now. It's mainly taken on road trips and still functioning quite well enough for that purpose. Perhaps, its replacement will come in a couple years.

In an earlier post, when I noted that plans were in the works for a new computer gift to myself and invited comments from fellow bloggers. Several responded they preferred a notebook. That's exactly what I was considering based on the limited size of my desk. The iMac consumed much of the available desk space.
New MacBook Pro

This MacBook Pro notebook is new with so much more memory, faster processor and other features, too many to list. True, its 16-inch screen is smaller than the 21-inch desktop, but having more desk space is a good thing for me. And, hopefully, it will last as long as its predecessor.

What happens to the old computer?
This week, files were migrated from the desktop to the notebook using Apple's built-in file migration system and Patrick's help. As soon as I'm sure the notebook is working with no issues, the desktop will be recycled at the Apple store in Nashua, NH. 

Last week, we went there not only for me to check out the available models and purchase a new computer, but to recycle Patrick's even older-iMac desktop. It had been replaced it with an Apple notebook over the holidays because it was also time for an upgrade.

What about donating older PCs?
Yes, we did consider the possibility of donating both desktops to a local organization in need (after first removing all personal data). However, that's easier said than done it seems. After calling a number of volunteer organizations and not finding any takers, we decided recycling was the best alternative. Some reasons given when declining the offer were that the organization did not use non-Windows computers, there was no need and, of course, the age of the computer even though it remains functional, just a bit slower.

Computers, monitors and other peripheral devices often contain toxic materials, such as lead and mercury that don't belong in a landfill. Just like Apple, many manufacturer and retailer-sponsored programs (like best Buy) will take drop-offs and then dismantle the computers for materials recycling. While Apple offers a credit toward purchase of another device or gift card, both our computers were too old and so no credit would be offered toward another purchase, so they would be recycled at no cost to us, win-win.

If and when you’re also ready to retire your old equipment through donation or recycling, make sure to completely erase the hard drive first. Then, donate or recycle the hardware whichever works best for you. 
Sunset over the Nashua River earlier this week


David M. Gascoigne, said...

Good advice on recycling. How many will heed it is another question entirely.

CrystalChick said...

Best wishes with your new MacBook Pro notebook! I have a MacBook Air (so was the one before this) and like the size, ease of use, etc. Unfortunately, I didn't buy the extra care package and also didn't realize until I'd had it awhile that one of the 2 ports does not work. :(
When taking a class many years ago, I bought a Toshiba (I think) laptop but didn't like the Windows version it came with at all, hardly used it after the class was done. The desktops we had previously were good, but just took up too much space so it was nice to downsize.
Enjoy your wonderful gift to yourself!
Lovely sunset photo.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

in our county, we can not put any device at all in the trash and there is a heavy fine for doing it. they have 2 days a month to take them to the country recycle, but i always take mine to Best Buy. i do that with all devices.
My eyesight is going down hill, so I went with the 32 inch desktop, and an 11 inch chromebook for moving around. I almost got the laptop but i need the huge screen. i almost got laptop and a monitor to plug in to it when needed, . Apple is not an option for our purse strings. the only apple I have is the donated iPhone from a blog friend that i use for taking photos and playing on, it has no phone number, just use wifi only
I have always heard only good things about Apple products, and I know you will enjoy your new laptops

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh, changing to a new computer is always a big deal and chore...making sure everything transfers over correctly, etc., and learning new programs. I pray my old Dell desktop continues to live for as long as I need it. I personally prefer a desk top computer to a laptop because it is better for me to sit at a desk and work than to end up slouched in a chair trying to maneuver the mouse and keyboard, etc. My hubby manages to do that, but he uses a remote mouse and keyboard as opposed to the attached laptop built ins. I guess we each develop our own preferences and styles with what we are used to and what seems to work best for our personal needs. I congratulate you on your new equipment! We expect lots of new blogposts to be developed with your new technology! Have fun and enjoy your new "toys". I love the sunset on the river, btw. Lovely photo!!

Bijoux said...

Congrats on the new equipment. It's always a task to get everything transferred, as well as learn a new system.

We are lucky that our county library has a once a year electronics recycling donation program where you can bring in anything related to phones/computers. You should see how overflowed the bin becomes in just a few days.

Rita said...

For years Dagan brought me old laptops from his computer department when they were getting rid of all the old ones. They'd be recycling them anyways, so he'd grab me one. I was used to having a laptop that already came slow and with glitches and its own particular issues--lol! They didn't ever last really long, but I was so glad to have them. Finally Dagan and Leah bought me this one I have now for Christmas one year--a skinny black one--new! Mine were switched so often I can't remember what this one is--lol! But it has been working since before Covid. Not a Mac, though. If it weren't for Dagan and Leah I probably wouldn't even be online. Enjoy your new notebook. :)

Sandra said...

I only know Apple products. I started with an iMac years ago. I do prefer the desk top and I have the space for it. The operating system eventually cannot be updated and then the computer becomes unusable. I'm at the point of needing to buy a new one. Safari won't connect to many sites and Chrome is telling me I need to update my system, so it will stop working eventually. I wouldn't have a clue how to use windows! Enjoy your new computer!

MARY G said...

Oh crumb! I have all of those issues and I know it is time to replace and I Just Cannot Face the horrors of migration to the new system. You are brave, very brave, and I hope you love your new 'stuff'.
ps love the cartoon.

Emma Springfield said...

That was useful information. I am still using my Hewlett-Packard that my son gave me for Christmas a few years ago. I thought I had lost it recently when as my graceful self I knocked it on the floor. There were black marks and splotches all over the screen. It took more than a week but all those lines and blotches are gone. Hallelujah.

photowannabe said...

Both Dave's desktop and my Mac laptop are very old but we can't afford anything new.
I really dislike having to learn new programs but I do know the time is coming. My Chrome program is saying it is outdated and I need to install an updated version. So that is in the offing. Sigh
How wonderful that you got a new system..happy learning curve.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I am not even sure how a notebook is different from a laptop! But from what you are saying, they must be awesome. I have been tempted to buy a Mac, but am afraid at my age the learning curve would be too hard.

Marie Smith said...

Recycling is a priority on PEI. We recycle everything possible. Very little is garbage!

Sandy said...

I didn't follow any of the wedding stuff either, and 50+ years, it doesn't seem to be an issue. I love a large screen and so kept my 21 inch screen and use my laptop with a real keyboard for my home computer. I prefer windows computers, probably because that's what I've used for years, they're less expensive...and knock on wood I've gotten 10+ years out of the last fingers crossed. Good luck to you with getting everything transferred and working the way you want it.
Sandy's Space

Anvilcloud said...

My old computer was still up to snuff in many ways, but with its age and me not wanting to do the necessary work to set it up differently, I opted for new. JJ has the old one now, and it still does what he needs.

gigi-hawaii said...

I have always relied on HP or Dell computers. I am too old to learn how to use Mac. No, thank you.

L. D. said...

I love my macbook Pro. I left a desk top about ten years ago. I like having the ability to take it anywhere in the house.

My name is Erika. said...

It's always exciting to get a new computer. It's fast, fresh and so many other good things-just like you said. Have fun with your new laptop. I haven't used a desktop for many years, and I love how you can mvoe around with a lap top so you won't be tied to the desk, until you want to work there. Stay warm tomorrow. hugs-Erika

Christina said...

I had my mother in law's engagement ring for my wedding. Not quite borrowed but maybe it counts.
As for computers, I am working on a MacBook Air with an additional large screen, the best thing since sliced bread.

Jeanie said...

I have two very old laptops that need to be stripped and recycled. Someday. Right now they take up real estate in a back corner of the office under a sewing chest!

DeniseinVA said...

Interesting post and I didn’t know about the sixpence in her shoe. Fascinating origins of the tradition too. Has it really been ten years since you moved to NH? How time flies! I still have windows but my phone and iPad too. I have never been able to give up on my paint shop pro and mac doesn’t have it. They probably have great equivalents but I haven’t come across them yet, and I know my paint shop pro back to front. That’s a gorgeous shot of the Nashua River. Perfect sunset photo! Thanks for another very informative post and have a great weekend.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Have fun with your new electronics. Bill uses an Apple laptop and I use a PC and when I need his help (or as I recently did, an actual tech person whom we had to pay) he reminds me that he tried to get me to switch to Apple when we bought this one.

Lowcarb team member said...

That's a lovely sunset over the Nashua River.

All the best Jan

baili said...

this is very nice sharing dear Dorothy
i learnt some new things specially one most important that computer or laptop cannot be have until they are worn off completely as it is one of my bad habits that i use clothing to shoe and everything else until it is totally unusable .

my both elder sons have Apple laptop because of all the qualities you mentioned here .
mine is 13 years old gifted by eldest son ,though my use is not much of it except blogging due to other household responsibilities.
i hope your new plans to replace laptop go best !
health .peace and happiness to both of you and all you love
oh yes a beautiful sunset :) thanks

Rob Lenihan said...

I love the MacBook Pro. I use them for work and I've been thinking of getting one for myself.

And you've reminded me that I have to recycle my old Apple. It's taking up too much space.