
Friday, February 9, 2024

Friday Funnies

It's official: spring is right around the corner.

Last week on Feb. 2, a well-known weather predictor, who happens to be a groundhog called Punxsutawney Phil didn't see his shadow. His annual appearance before a crowd of onlookers at Gobbler's Knob in Punxsutawney, PA was part of the Groundhog Day tradition celebration.

Not seeing his shadow means, according to legend, that it will be an early spring. This was the first time since 2020 that Phil has predicted early spring, the 21st time since records were kept.

But, while many were very happy about this prediction, not everyone was overjoyed at the news, like this snowman.
Seen last week, this snowman looked very dejected as he surveyed the melting snow all around or maybe he was unhappy due to winter weight gain?
Some snowmen were oblivious to the forecast, most likely as they reside indoors and ignore weather predictions, like these outside some of the mill apt residences. 
Cheers 🍷 and Thanks for the birthday well wishes last weekend. It was a stay-at-home celebration with dinner at a downtown restaurant capped off with a piece of the signature dessert, tall cake. The flavors change monthly, this was lemon. Yes, I shared with Patrick.

Enjoy Your Weekend, Everyone
60-degree temps forecast in Nashua, NH, on Saturday


David M. Gascoigne, said...

It was nine degrees here yesterday and I have Snowdrops in the backyard. I will have to look at old pictures to remember what winter used to be!

DUTA said...

I like your festive picture!
Lovely, funny Santas figures!

gigi-hawaii said...

That's a tall cake. Glad you shared it. LOL. No snowmen here in Hawaii. It's in the 60s at night in Hawaii, but in the 70s during the day.

My name is Erika. said...

I'm also happy the Tuesday snow event isn't showing up on my weather app right now. I'm ready for spring after yesterday. Have a wonderful weekend. And boy does your birthday cake look yummy. hugs--Erika

Debby said...

We are having a warm stretch as well, which makes a very nice stretch of days to work on the outside of the house.

Your first snowman picture? I think he's looking down with a big smile...with all the melting snow, he is losing his winter weight!

Anvilcloud said...

That cake is quite a contrast to our tiny, $9 cheesecake. It was VERY good, but ...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the snowmen, favorite is the middle of collage. so cute. wow on the tall lemon cake, i love lemon anything. no need for phil's prediction down here, what we need is a ground hog that predicts the hurricane season. lol

photowannabe said...

We woke up to frost this morning. Right now its 38F and pretty clear out. Its only suppose to get up to 54F. today. Enjoy your Early Spring. Our almond tree is just beginning to blossom.
Love your Snowmen and the way you made it a cute post.
Off to do my elder care for my friend.

Sandi said...

Mr. Snowman is pooped. Time for Spring!

Marie Smith said...

Oh for 60 F! That would be lovely! Have a great weekend.

Emma Springfield said...

The cake looks yummy. Hope your day was filled with joy.

Sandra said...

The cake looks delicious! Our weather isn't recognizable. We had rain yesterday.

Bijoux said...

What a sad snowman, but too bad! I’m loving the fair weather here and sending it your way. And that cake looks luscious.

diane b said...

Belated Birthday wishes. The cake looks delicious. Hope the early Spring prediction comes true. We are looking forward to cooler weather next month.

David said...

Hi Beatrice, Our unusual snow accumulation is long gone and its been in the mid to high 50s into the low sixties for more than a week. My better half is already dealing with some tree pollen... Only 15 states don't celebrate groundhog day...and several states have groundhogs involved. NJ has 2 the last time I looked. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Ginny Hartzler said...

It is good to see you, and I am so glad you enjoyed your birthday! The people around there sure do love snowmen! I have a collection of very small ones.

baili said...

Happy for you as spring is around the corner my friend 😍

Winter weight gain term sounds for for your part of the world. Here it is summer weight gain because summers restrict mobility totally except kitchen chores
Stay at home celebration is nicer to me :) specially because we eat food prepared at home so sounds safe in this age .
Health peace and happiness to you both!

Rita said...

Those are some cute snowmen in the building and the sad outdoor one made me chuckle. We actually got some snow! Not a lot. I can still see the tips of brown grass out on the lawn, but the world is basically white--for now--and I am thrilled! It's cold enough not to melt it all away quickly (31) but expected to be in the mid-30s through Weds. :( That lemon tall cake looks so darn good. Glad it was a good birthday, my friend. :)

acorn hollow said...

So sorry I missed your birthday It looks like a happy one.
I know not everyone is happy about an early spring

Barwitzki said...

Oh yes, “And the marmot greets you every day” wonderfully film.
Yesterday we had a warm 13 degrees with lots of sunshine, there was a wonderful tour outside. Unfortunately the wet and the gray are back today... so Sunday craft day :-))
I haven't congratulated you yet... I'm a February child too... my very best wishes for you, may it be a wonderful year. I love tarts - small ones - so I would have shared too.
Many happy greetings to you from Viola

Kay G. said...

Belated happy birthday to you. That is a sad Snow man. Stay warm!!

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Oh my ! Your birthday cake looks fantastic!
I'm glad y'all had a nice time.
The snowpersons are charming.

Lowcarb team member said...

I did enjoy seeing the snowmen :)

Your birthday cake looks delicious.

All the best Jan

Veronica Lee said...

Poor snowmen, though, some might have to find new hobbies as the weather warms up. And happy belated birthday! Dinner at a downtown restaurant sounds lovely, especially with a signature dessert like tall cake.

Hugs and blessings, Dorothy

Rain said...

I STILL don't feel sorry for that snowman lol! Thanks for letting me know about Pete, I was completely unaware of Groundhog Day this year!!!

Rob Lenihan said...

I love the melting snowman, but the Northeast is supposed to be hit with a major storm. Let's hope the weather people are wrong...

nick said...

We haven't had any snow in Belfast this winter (though there's been some in the very rural and mountainous areas). Gobblers Knob is a wonderful name. Almost as good as Lusty Beg Island in County Fermanagh and Doodys Bottoms in County Wicklow.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Poor sad snowman. (I did read this morning (Tuesday) that another snowstorm is expected -- hope you are not badly affected (and by that I mean I hope the snowman remains sad )).... That cake is well-named -- wow!!! Glad you had a good day.

Buttercup said...

We had gorgeous weather last week and I put my scarf and hat away. Of course, it was in the 30s with a lot of wind today and really missed both the scarf and hat. We definitely have another month of winter, but that's better than December when we looked at months of winter.
Happy Valentine's Day!

CrystalChick said...

HAPPY *belated* BIRTHDAY, Dorothy!! Sending all good wishes for a wonderful year filled with everyone and everything you love!
Wow, that looks like a delicious cake.
We got a little snow the other day, which I liked since it didn't hang around too long. Might get a bit more Saturday?

L. D. said...

Yes, a late Happy Birthday to you.

DeniseinVA said...

Looks like you had a lovely birthday! Celebrating with a nice glass of wine and a piece of birthday cake is a delicious ending to any meal. Loved the snowmen, especially the first one.

William Kendall said...

It's been a weird winter.