
Friday, February 16, 2024

Friday Funnies

Last October, I did a Friday Funnies post about vehicular vanity plates with examples of some  spotted in and around NH. More have been spotted since then, so here's another post showing a couple more.

Here's a couple of fun ones that seemed to go together.
Vanity plates are issued by every U.S. state and the District of Columbia. Virginia leads with the highest number of vanity plates per capita of any state or commonwealth

There's no doubt as to who drives these vehicles according to the plates.
If it seems like there's an unusually high number of vanity plates here, it's because New Hampshire is ranked second in the country for its percentage of vanity plates. Another New England state, Maine isn't far behind and is ranked sixth in the country.

As these plates clearly indicate, that's all for now.
The quality of most of these images isn't optimal. Many were taken on the road while behind the vehicle with a vanity plate, always when I was the passenger (not the driver).
Valentine's ❤️ Day was celebrated earlier this week. This Mallard duck couple were seen while out for a stroll along the Nashua River.

Enjoy Your Weekend, Everyone 
A quick moving storm may bring 1-3 inches of ❄️


David M. Gascoigne, said...

I used to know a fellow who was a member of a symphony orchestra and his licence plate said "Opus." I thought that was pretty good.

Marie Smith said...

We had a mallard couple hanging out in the salt marsh which is along our walk this past week. Such a handsome pair!

Vanity plates are not as common here.

Barbara Rogers said...

Thanks for the chuckles. I've never had a vanity plate, but do get a kick out of figuring out most of them. Some must be members of obscure covens I think.

Boud said...

I don't remember seeing vanity plates at all here in NJ. Out of state plates occasionally. But people tend to pay the extra for the animal rescue or shore plates, instead.

Bijoux said...

Nanny B is pretty cute!

Anvilcloud said...

I have a vanity plate in mind, but I doubt if I'll ever get around to it. It would be ANVLCLD.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

they are doing the stroll of love, looking for the perfect place for a nest to hold the eggs and looking gorgeous doing it... i want the one that means Ta Ta for now. my favorite. they are all really fun plates..

Sandra said...

Vanity plates aren't common here, either. These are some good ones.

gigi-hawaii said...

I love that shade of emerald green on that duck. Just gorgeous! Some of those plates don't make sense to me. I'll just stick with WFE-673 for now.

nick said...

I hope Mrs Pie isn't too crusty!
Vanity plates aren't very common over here. Just flashy cars designed to make everyone else green with envy!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Considering many of these were taken in a moving car, the photos are great. And I love how you categorized them. And now I know the state that I live in is #1 for vanity plates!

Latane Barton said...

I love trying to guess what vanity tags are saying... some you just never can figure out. I've never thought about getting one for myself. Hmmm. Wonder what it would say?

photowannabe said...

There are lots of vanity plates here in No.CA. I enjoy trying to figure them out. Most I get but some never make sense to me. Love those gorgeous mallards. That emerald green is so vibrant.

Emma Springfield said...

I do get a kick out of personalized plated. People can be so inventive.

DeniseinVA said...

What fun! I like vanity plates when you can at least make out who is driving them. Others have me scratching my head. Sweet pair of ducks there. Have a great weekend and stay warm! Hope it's not too much snow.

Rita said...

Don't see many vanity plates here, but these were cute. I don't get the MNNMMNM one, though. Baffles me. :)

Jeanie said...

Some people are just so clever!

David said...

Hi Beatrice, We used to see more vanity plates when we lived in Illinois. Not so many here but there is a huge variety of 'special cause' or 'status' plates available in Tennessee. Various veteran related plates, Masonic, Wildlife, Pro-Life, Colleges and Universities and many more. Everything from Amateur Radio, to Autism Awareness to Civil War sororities, fraternities, out of State Universities and Agriculture. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Beautiful ducks, they look like the know you are taking a photo of them.
vanity plates. I've thought about having one. I notice vehicles with them are more noticeable. So I decided to keep being drab plated. :)

Carola Bartz said...

While we were never willing to spend any extra money on vanity plates, we like to read and decipher them. Some are funny and we like those, some are just meh.

My name is Erika. said...

I didn't know NH was second in the country for vanity plates. There's a lot of them out there for sure. Have a great weekend. hugs-Erika

Red said...

I often wonder what I would have for vanity plate?

Veronica Lee said...

Sounds like you had quite the adventure spotting those vanity plates! It's always fun to find unique ones out on the road. And how adorable to come across a Mallard duck couple during Valentine's week.

Hugs and blessings, Dorothy

DUTA said...

I like the rhyming. 'Die rhymes with Pie and with Hampshire'.
The mallard duck couple are a beautiful sight!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I like your collections of Vanity Plates -- it was a lot of fun to spot them when we were on the road with our RV. Come to think if it, I don't think I've seen any at all here in Florida. I've never wanted one, but now I want to look up to see if you can even get one here. (We're licensed in our home state, Oregon, and you definitely can get a vanity plate there. I definitely won't, but I do agree that they're fun.) The sweet Mallard couple are fun too.

Lowcarb team member said...

Many thanks for sharing these vanity plates.
Love the mallards, so sweet.

Enjoy your weekend.

All the best Jan

baili said...

vehicular plates are fun to read ,quite assertive statement lol

Loved the lovely duck couple :)

Happy valentine's day to you my dear Dorothy !
may love be the grace of God each moment and accompany you always amen!
hugs and blessings
snow again okay hope it's joyous for all as unlike Canada it's light here :)

Rain said...

The ducks are gorgeous, I always love to see the males colors!! I nearly applied for vanity plates "Rain" but then thought...hmmmm...maybe I don't want it to be THAT obvious who is driving here...sometimes I tend to put the "pedal to the metal" lol!

Doris said...

Ha, I particularly like Nana Bus. I often call my van a Nana taxi =)
Have a wonderful Monday!

diane b said...

The green on the Mallard duck is beautiful. You saw some fun plates. WE call them personalised plates but I like your term better.

Marie Smith said...


We would be happy to meet you when you visit the island. I can’t find your email address but let me know when you are preparing for your visit and we will exchange info and designate a meeting place.

Marie Smith
Summerside, PE