
Tuesday, February 14, 2023

It's ♥️ Day

There is only one happiness in life —to love and be loved (George Sand)
The above illustration on a Valentine's card shows two Boyds Bears whose names, Beatrice and Grenville, are very familiar to regular readers of this blog. The card was almost an identical representation of the actual figurine of this fictional couple, shown below. 
These names are just a couple of the ones assigned to the many Boyds Bears figurines and stuffed teddy bears. Since we owned several of the figurines, we borrowed their names when we began our blog. Like Beatrice and Grenville, we are Best Friends

Of course, in the years since, we've included our actual names, Dorothy and Patrick, in blog posts. Still, many fellow bloggers refer to us by our selected aliases, which is OK with us.
We're not sure how or where we first came upon this ageless senior couple, but, in the years since, we have amassed a small collection, all of which reside on a LR bookcase. Despite extensive online searches, I could find no information on how these bears were named.
While we don't know how our Boyds Bears counterparts are celebrating today, we're not exchanging gifts, buying chocolates or dining out. 

Instead, what we're doing is going to the Nashua library for an afternoon matinee of the 2022 romantic-comedy film, Ticket to Paradise, the latest film in the library's recent releases program. Tonight, we'll dine at home by candlelight, like we do most nights.

Nothing fancy for sure, but for us, it's the best way for best friends to celebrate—together.

However, you & your special someone are spending today, 
we wish you ♥️


Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Happy Valentine's Day!

Rita said...

Happy Valentine's Day! :)

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Enjoy your day!

Anvilcloud said...

Happy Valentines Day. It snuck up on us, so our day will be pretty ordinary.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Have a great time, that movie should be really good and one I would like. Happy Valentine day. My favorite bear is the umbrella one,

Red said...

Well, happy Valentines day to the Boyds.

DUTA said...

Lovely cards, and lovely celebration plan watching a romantic movie!

Emma Springfield said...

It is a beautiful love story.

Boud said...

Happy V day. It's for all friends. I celebrated by leaving brownies off for a sick neighbor. When she opens her door she'll find them. I texted to make sure she doesn't step on them!

Sandra said...

We are picking up tacos for lunch. That's our gift to one another. Enjoy the movie.

photowannabe said...

You two are definitely Romantics. I love the bears and thanks for the information about them, since I am fairly recent to your blog.
Today I'm trying to become a Plasma donor. Last month I tried but my veins were too small. Trying one more time.
Then its out to supper. No cards or goodies this year. Just being together is enough for us after 59 years.

Michelle said...

Happy Valentine's Day!

Barbara Rogers said...

Enjoy the's on my list. Happy Valentines to you both. Love your Boyds Bears too!

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Sorry to baffle you with punts and weirs on my last post - the US and the UK are truly two countries divided by a common language! :)

NewRobin13 said...

Happy Valentines Day to you and Patrick!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I (heart) your post by whatever names you two go by! Happy Valentine's Day. We're going "grown-up" camping for a few days tomorrow so no celebrating today; we are getting ready to go. (Grown-up camping means we are eating most meals out.) Also, full disclosure, the dates were dictated by days we could get a space where we wanted to go rather than by the Holiday -- it's a busy time of the year in the sunshine state. ..... it's funny there isn't more information about where the names (the original couple) came from. They're perfect for them and as your blog names.

Vee said...

Hope it's a fun movie! No chocolates? No cards? No eating out? 😏

Bijoux said...

That’s a nice way to celebrate. I’m surprised you can’t find the history of the bear names.

DeniseinVA said...

Being a teddy bear lover, I am very fond of Boyds Bears. You have a sweet collection here. The matinee sounds an ideal way to celebrate the day. Happy Valentine’s Day Dorothy and Patrick :)

Linda said...

I love hearing how you started the blog with Beatrice and Grenville!
How did the Frog and the PenguINN come about? I do know you as Patrick and Dorothy but when I pray for you it's the Penguins! God knows who I'm praying for!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I love your Boyd's Bears characters, and that you and your Grenville are such a sweet couple just like them! I think that's pretty romantic! Hope you had a fun afternoon at the matinee. Sounds like fun to me! Happy Valentine's Day!

William Kendall said...

Happy valentines day!

nick said...

It seems that people either love or hate Valentine's Day. Jenny and I genuinely love it, even though we don't do anything special except buy some Lindt chocolates. We just canoodle like besotted lovers!

Jeanie said...

I love seeing your bear collection. It's absolutely charming!

Between company last week, prepping for a Cork Poppers do, an ear and/or sinus infection, and then this week's mass shooting in our town, I'm so behind blog reading, I'll never catch up! I'll try to take a look at all but not comment and hopefully be back on schedule this week!

Rain said...

The bears are so cute! Happy Valentine's Dorothy and Patrick! ♥

gigi-hawaii said...

We celebrated Valentine's Day by having lunch at our favorite Italian restaurant in Aiea -- Palazzo Ristorante Italiano. Excellent!

CrystalChick said...

I've used both your actual names, and your aliases. Borrowing a couple Boyds Bears names was a sweet way to start your blog. I love that you and Patrick are best friends!
Hope you enjoyed the movie. It's one we'll watch eventually when available on one of our movie channels. We went out for lunch the day before Valentine's Day and then ordered pizza and watched a movie on Prime video last night.

Lowcarb team member said...

Although I'm a day late I send many happy belated valentines day wishes.

All the best Jan

diane b said...

A lovely post. I wondered where your blog names came from. Now I know. The bears are so cute and you have quite a collection.

Susan Zarzycki said...

Well, hello Dorothy and Patrick! I didn’t know the story but I think it’s ingenious and timeless. The name of my blog is no longer very apt but I will keep it. It is a reminder of my time with my mother and all the wildlife I photographed out her kitchen window. ❤️ I love the great pictures of your Beatrice and Grenville…so sharp and colorful…but most of all I love the representation of true love and friendship forever that applies to so many of us who count ourselves blessed to be able to share our every day.

My name is Erika. said...

Hope you had a lovely Valentine's day. How did you like Ticket to Pardise? hugs-Erika

baili said...

There is something special about your attitude dear friend. I feel inspired and touched with the kind of relationship you guys have by the grace of God! A true gift

I too think that friendship is most beautiful and powerful ingredient in any relationship whether husband wife or any other because it brings strength and flexibility which helps us to understand each other better.

May this blessing of love be with you always

Rob Lenihan said...

Happy Valentine's Day! I love those bears!

L. D. said...

One niece gifted my mother a few of these bears. I now have them but didn't know their names until I saw them on your blog.