
Friday, February 17, 2023

Friday Funnies

Humor can be found in many places, including signage, and since I'm always on the lookout for some to share, here's a few entertaining ones.
It seems this one can be taken two ways, depending on whether you're a walker or a motorist😀 
There were no unattended children by this sign, which was spotted at the Clark's Bears, NH, attraction we visited last fall.
There was no doubt about what was not allowed in this area. Could things be made any clearer than this wording? This sign was seen outside a Manchester, NH, regional airport building, which was not a passenger pickup area, but an administration facility.
This one might make one wonder if some medical professionals needed another job. 

Thanks to everyone for the ♥️ day well wishes. Hope you all have a nice day. Glad that several enjoyed the backstory on how we selected our blog aliases (Beatrice and Grenville). 

Ours was a low-key celebration as we dined at home and avoided the traditional gift of candy. 

But, there was this surprise gift as I gave Grenville (Patrick) this recent book. He was planning to buy after we watched recent episodes of Jamie Oliver preparing some of the recipes on Acorn streaming. One pan and simple recipes, what's not to like😋

Enjoy Your Weekend, Everyone
We may take a day trip, destination unknown yet 


Anvilcloud said...

That parking sign lease no doubt. 🥸

Bijoux said...

The airport sign irritates me. They make it so difficult to pick people up now.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Bijoux, sorry that I neglected to note that the airport sign was not at a passenger pickup area, but near an administration building.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

What they don't understand is that my personality is the type that if a son says do not stand here do not park here do not do anything here do not stop on the grass it is exactly what I want to do. Signs are a lot of fun and that one son about slow pedestrians was probably meant for me because I am a slow pedestrian haha

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

Great selection of signs. Reminds me of when I was at school and used to play cricket against a school whose playing field lay on the opposite side of the road. There was a sign which read SLOW BOYS CROSSING. We always referred to them as "The Slow Boys" which I'm sure they found annoying.

Boud said...

A local small town has a street sign Slow Children Live Here. I always think how rude! Keep your opinion to yourself, Mr sign writer!

My name is Erika. said...

Great signs. I especially like the slow pedestrian one.And has Patrick made you any delicious meals yet? I hope you share when he does. Happy weekend. And happy Friday too. hugs-Erika

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Thanks for the laughs!
Jaime Oliver, I love his show. He makes cooking look so easy. Good to know it is on Acorn.
Please Let us know what Mr P aka G makes from the cookbook.

Barbara Rogers said...

Thanks for a Friday chuckle with these signs. They lighten up a rainy day!

NewRobin13 said...

Those are such funny signs. I'm so glad you photographed them.

gigi-hawaii said...

CUTE signs and rather humorous. I like the concept of one pan cooking. Excellent!

DUTA said...

Punctuation is crucial, but I suppose, no place for it on Signs (Slow! Pedestrians ahead.)

Sandra said...

Good Friday Funnies! I do like one pan meals.

baili said...

Woh Woh Woh that third sign is crucial and rude indeed

First and last made me smile though.
I am always impressed by your ability to to find humor in things around you dear Dorothy, most of us are much taken by others things otherwise :)

Book you gifted to Patrick sounds interesting.

Health peace and joy to both of you

photowannabe said...

Love the double meaning signs..they gave me a smile.
I'm glad you had a lovely Valentines day and I think the gift you bought for your Hubby is perfect.
Happy Day Trip!!!

Emma Springfield said...

Hahahahaha. The one about the strollers is especially funny.

Michelle said...

These are funny!

Jeanie said...

These are great signs -- and you have a good eye!

Doris said...

Fun signs! The stroller one, yikes =)

Jenny Woolf said...

Slow pedestrians.... tell me about them. Specially on a narrow pavement.. LOL

David said...

Beatrice and Grenville... Thanks for the information on your
'pen names'. Back in the CB radio days, I was the "Beast" and Laurie was the "Beauty"...drove truck drivers nuts! Love weird signs too. Our favorite was outside an antique store on a back road in Georgia. It read "We sell Dead People's Stuff". Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh, I love the signs! They are all good ones and made me smile. Glad you had a good week and Valentine's Day kept simple. That's fine with me too. Plus, my hubby's birthday was yesterday so we had to celebrate that and will continue the celebration tomorrow with family, so it's a good thing we were quiet and rested on Valentine's Day! LOL. Hope you had a nice ride if you took one. We will look forward to hearing about it if you did! Have a lovely weekend.

Vee said...

Enjoyed the signs! Have a good getaway this weekend.

Buttercup said...

I think that first sign could be about me. I'm definitely a slow walker. Look forward to hearing about some of your favorites from the Jamie Oliver book. Have a great week.

nick said...

No standing? Does that mean we should all be sitting on the sidewalk?

DeniseinVA said...

Those signs are a hoot! Sounds like you had a lovely time and I like the look of that book.

Lee said...

Thanks for the much-needed smiles, Beatrice. They are too often in short supply these days. :)

William Kendall said...

Good ones!

Veronica Lee said...

I always look forward to your Friday Funnies, Dorothy.

Hugs and blessings!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Always love the laughs!! -- I saw a l version of the children sign at a tiki bar where we ate the other day that was a bit too graphic for me -- it said "unattended children will be used as crab bait." Yeeks they don't mess around. ... Jaimie Oliver has a show on Acorn? Wow, I'm going to look that up today. (So much to watch, so little time!).

L. D. said...

I liked all the signs. Unfortunately I am a slow pedestrian and that sign would fit for me.

Rob Lenihan said...

Whenever my father saw a "Slow Pedestrian" sign, he used to gun the engine and say "they'd better speed up!"