It was frigid cold outside on my ð birthday this past weekend. Thanks to everyone for the well wishes, all were much appreciated. I played dominoes with friends and we went for dinner on Sat eve. It was a very low-key celebration. ð
Cold here in Nashua, NH was daytime highs in the single digits and overnight in the minus teens. But nowhere near some other places, especially Mount Washington, NH. There it was minus 108 F wind chill, 97 MPH winds, which is likely the lowest ever recorded in the country. That's really cold ðĨķ
Aside from the biting cold across a lot of the nation, there was another event last week in the U.S. On Tuesday, the country's most famous marmot saw his shadow Thursday morning after leaving his burrow at Gobbler's Knob. According to folklore, if he sees his shadow there will be six more weeks of winter. If he doesn't, spring comes early. (Groundhogs are a type of rodent known as a marmot, marmots are closely related to squirrels, yet squirrels have never forecast the weather.)
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Phil, a furry critter in a western Pennsylvania town, saw his shadow which means that the country can expect below-average temperatures for the next six week, that is, if you subscribe to the legend of a furry critter in a western Pennsylvania town and Phil's weather-predicting abilities.
Phil made the prediction at Gobbler's Knob as members of Punxsutawney Phil's "inner circle" summoned him from his tree stump to learn if he would see his shadow.
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On Feb 2, the nation awaited to see what he would predict, and, with a bit of human prodding, Phil came out of his burrow about 7:30 am and saw his shadow for the 137th time in front of a large Groundhog Day crowd.
Phil made his prediction after speaking with Groundhog Club president Tom Dunkel who translated the prediction for the world. Yes, there is a Groundhog Club. It was established in 1887 and a website details all Groundhog Day events, including lunch with Phil and a Groundhog Day ball and banquet, who knew?
But, while Punxsutawney Phil’s prediction forecasts more winter weather, on Groundhog Day, it depends on who you want to believe. Phil is not the only groundhog forecaster as there are several others, it's just that Phil is the most well known.
For example, there's, Staten Island Chuck who did not see his shadow and therefore, signaling an early spring. And, another groundhog, Lady Edwina at the Turtleback Zoo in West Orange, NJ sided with Phil. Predictions aside, Punxsutawney Phil has been making his long-range winter forecast the longest, since 1887. Staten Island Chuck only joined the forecasting game in 1981. The newest member of the four-legged weather crew, Lady Edwina, is the youngest and most recent weather forecaster at just over 2 years old.
When it comes to accuracy, Punxsutawney Phil isn't that accurate, while Staten Island Chuck has been right 80% of the time. You can choose which one to believe if you are so included, as for myself, not at all.
Last week, we continued a long-standing tradition by watching the 1993 film, Ground Hog Day, starring Bill Murray and Andie McDowell. If you have never seen this movie, you should watch it someday. Bill Murray's character relives the day over and over again. It's a true classic. Spoiler alert, the movie was filmed in Woodstock, Ill, although the actual Punxsutawney, PA, holds annual festivals. This shooting location was close to the hometown of film director Harold Ramis, whose family lived in Chicago, IL.
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Of course, Phil's prediction came as many areas were dealing with a major winter storm and frigid temps. Of the 127 recorded times Phil has predicted the weather, he has now seen his shadow 107 times (or 84% of the time). His longest streak of seeing his shadow remains at 31, when he saw it every year from 1903 to 1933.
Ice on the Nashua River this weekend |
The Nashua River below our living room window had its first coating of ice this past weekend. Temps are warming up this week and so the ice will be gone in a couple more days.
Speaking of cold, I am dealing with yet another head cold, the second one this year. Once again tissues are close at hand and I'm staying home. Hope that you are all staying well.
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Canon Powershot G7 Mark III |
As to what I bought myself for my birthday, it's a camera, which may come as no surprise. Now, I have to learn how to best use it before we travel later this year. The camera was bought refurbished on the Canon website.
Good Great news is that it includes a 1-year manufacturer's warranty. An added 2 or 4 year protection plan can also be purchased at additional cost within 90 days, most likely I will get that. Purchasing this camera refurbished on the Canon website was a
significant saving over new on other sites.
Your turn — Do you buy yourself gifts too ?
I will occasionally buy myself a nice handbag when I get rid of a worn out one. I hope you recover quickly from your head cold. I had one a few weeks ago, but felt better after 4 days.
My similar Canon camera may also be a G7, but it is downstairs, and I don't use it much. What with the big outfit plus the phone, I don't have a lot of use for it.
Our Wiarton Willie gave a better forecast that your Phil. ðĪŠ
We're warming up and I suspect you are two. Our local did not see his shadow and so we're betting on an early spring. I wasn't impressed with Phil's forecast. And of course, I buy myself special gifts! Why not -- who deserves it more?
It certainly was a cold Friday and Saturday. Though I can see Mt. Washington from my town, I sure am glad we did not experience anything worse than -31, which was oppressive enough.
Glad that you had a nice birthday. That photo of the river is gorgeous. Yes, I have been known to purchase gifts for myself. A camera is a perfect gift for you!
Feel better soon...
'Ice on the Nashua River' is a very beautiful picture.
Enjoy your birthday camera gift! I remember buyng myself a wrist watch as birthday gift, several years ago.
Very nice birthday present. I often get myself presents, because sons are just so lame about them...preferring to give me gift cards. I love them, and understand they're very busy in their lives. Glad they remember me. Anyway, that's just too cold!
Love that movie! Take the groundhog's predictions with a grain of salt. There is ALWAYS six more weeks of winter here. It's only February! LOL!
BRRrrrr that's too cold for me.
I am so wimpy that when it gets to 40* I sure bundle up.
I guess it's all in where you live and what one's body gets used to.
Many many happy returns of the day dear Dorothy!
May you see so many joy in future as well my friend. Sorry for being late to such Important occasion!
Unlike my younger years I believe in such traditional predictions. Here too in various parts of the country people have such myths about weather change and speak about specific plants and animals that predict weather through certain behaviors.
I liked your camera. I if could earn someday will buy painting or book to myself :)
May ninus teens sound rigid indeed my friend. Keep warm and stay healthy
Hooray for the new camera! We just buy stuff when we need or want it (the latter far more likely these days). Usually on or near special occasions we try for a new experience (travel, day trip, things like that). I'm not even good about buying gifts for anyone after they reach the age of about 6!
So sorry about your cold -- but at least if you have to have one it's best to have it when it's too cold to go outside anyhow!
I read about how cold it was on Mt Washington that one day -- unimaginable! Hope it is better there and at your house now.
I've experienced some brutal cold but nothing like -108! Phils predictions have never mattered up here, at the beginning of February we have a minimum of 8 weeks of winter no matter what. Your river looks like a painting.
Happy Birthday and yes, I buy all my own presents and all that know me well, know I want cash or visa card or amazon card. No one can buy a gift that pleases me.. I am picky and hard to fit with clothing. sorry about this cold, that is colder than i can even imagine.. hope the weather gets warmer before those predictions.
I'm not in the habit of buying myself presents, unless you count all the books I buy.
That's a dramatic photo of the iced-up river. It's not cold enough here to freeze rivers, there are just very strong winds that virtually propel you across the road.
Glad your birthday was nice
I don't live in a hole, have beady eyes, fur or claws. However,
I feel early spring with lots of sugar snow.
I buy myself a present. It doesn't always turn out well. So I wait until my birthday, and surprise myself. :)
So pleased you had a great birthday.
I do like 'Ice on the Nashua River' it makes a very nice photograph.
Enjoy your days and stay warm!
All the best Jan
I absolutely love that movie.
The weekend here was brutally cold.
That's too cold for me! BRRRRR!
Hope the weather gets warmer for you.
Hugs and blessings, Dorothy.
I must say that the photo of the river with ice floating on top is absolutely beautiful. It should be framed and displayed in your home.
Hi Dorothy, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Sorry that you didn't feel great though... We were cold (29F) just a day before you froze over up there in the north country but it hit 67F here yesterday. Love "Ground Hog Day" the movie and we've watched it several times. As for gifts, we basically buy what we want...and can afford...when we want it and we usually buy something for ourselves around our birthdays. Hope you feel better soon! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave
Sorry to hear you have another cold. They are the pits. I also buy myself gifts. I always know what I want!
Belated happy birthday wishes. I hope you feel better soon. I'm sure the new camera will get well used. I enjoy photography which keeps me motivated
Memory cards for my camera is what I would gift to myself. Your photo of the river is beautiful.
I am aggravating to my loved ones. I really enjoy giving gifts and watching a face light up when it's opened. It is such a good feeling.
That photo of an iced over river is amazing. You live in such an interesting area and building.
In answer to your question, all the photos from our Italian trip were taken with our phones.
Happy Thursday, Dorothy.
Hi, to answer your question on the IPhone we's a IPhone 12 mini. Its small but quite comfy in our hands and the camera is fantastic. So much to get used to and learn but I think we will be very happy with them. The best thing was the cost. $1.00 each for the new phones and only 2 dollars more than what our previous plan was for our android. A win/win for us.
(Excuse me if I skip commenting on the cold...that was too much I think.)Nice birthday gift. I do occasionally get myself a birthday gift, but this camera is a nice one. I'm also curious about where you'll be going. I always love to see where people travel and what they do when they get there. Hugs-Erika
It was cold in Brooklyn, but nothing like what you endured.
And now it's been unusually warm--go figure!
Hope you're feeling better and enjoy the camera.
I hope you're feeling better!
We haven't had much of a winter here. It's to be mid-60's for the rest of the week.
That's a very nice gift you gave yourself. I'm sure you'll gets lots of use out of it! I like Canon, have had a few. The last one I dropped so it's not working. :( I use the camera in my phone now, but will eventually get another one. It sometimes takes me awhile to decide on certain things, but, yes, I do buy myself gifts. At Christmas I got a few to help Ron with items he couldn't pick out for me (clothes/shoes,etc) but he still managed to add additional ones in too.
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