
Friday, March 18, 2022

Friday Funnies

Not all lunch fights take place in school cafeterias. On the day we visited, these pelicans were scrabbling over rights to fish scraps tossed from a fishing boat in Destin, FL.
One pelican seemed completely disinterested in the food tug-of-war, and wasn't the only one. 
Perhaps, wanting a closer view, this great blue heron watched from onboard the boat.

Your turn — did you ever have a food fight at school? At my school, we dared not even consider it. The nuns would have reprimanded sternly, knowing that was enough of a deterrent.

Enjoy Your Weekend, Everyone
There's a big library book sale here this weekend


David M. Gascoigne, said...

I stayed in Destin, FL twice many years ago. I am sure that pelicans were tugging at the fish even then. I have never even witnessed a food fight let alone participated in one.

Bijoux said...

I don’t remember any growing up, but when my Middle Child was in high school, there was a huge food fight. She still talks about it. The vice principal slipped on some food and broke his arm, so it was quite a story.

Barbara Rogers said...

We were a somber group of kids. But oh, some fresh seafood, as is available along the coasts of Florida...and the coast of North Carolina too! I can purchase it the next day here in the mountains too...and cook it myself.

Lois Evensen said...

Love your pelican pictures. :) Survival of the fittest, isn't it. No, no food fights here. With three Labs who all foodies, we have meal times under control. All raw food meals are prepared by us a separate bowl for each pup. Then the bowls are put down as each name is called and the pups go to their own bowls. It doesn't take much training when their are babies to get this system in place. This works especially well because each pup is on different medications and supplements, mostly due to their various ages.

NewRobin13 said...

Really great pelican food-fight photos. I don't remember ever having a food fight in the cafeteria at school. I'm sure someone must have at one of the other long, long tables. There was always chaos going on somewhere.

Vee said...

Never! And I was not in a Catholic High School either. The mere thought is nauseating.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am so old there was no such thing as a food fight or even a fight in the cafeteria. we were policed at home and at school. once in a while two boys might get in a scrap after school, but that was rare.

gigi-hawaii said...

Cute photos! no, I don't recall any food fights.

Linda P said...

Interesting photos of the pelicans. Garden birds can be quarrelsome when it comes to feeding from the bird table. I went to an all girls high school. We ate lunch at small round tables and we had to serve the lady teacher and the other students sitting with us. I suppose it was a way of giving us life lessons in good manners. :)

Jeanie said...

Those pelicans are stunners. Really gorgeous photos, Dorothy. I see bird fights at my feeder quite often!

Rita said...

Never a food fight when I was growing up, either.
Great photos! :)

Lee said...

No...i've never had a food fight anywhere.

I love pelicans...great birds. When my now late ex-husband and I managed a floating, cruising restaurant back in the early 80s one particular pelican visited every day and sat on a pylon on the jetty waiting for me to give it a treat. The pelican made my day...his visit was a good start to my day...and night.

Take care. :)

Joyce F said...

No food fights in our school either. I think the worst we did was sneak teaspoons of spinach (or other foods we hated) into our milk cartons. I think the nuns turned a blind eye to that. At least I never got called out.

nick said...

The only food fight at my two schools was the fight to get the largest possible helping of some wonderful dessert like treacle pudding. We would never have wasted food by chucking it about.

William Kendall said...

They look awkward, but quite photogenic.

diane b said...

Great photos of the food tug of war. No we didn't waste food at all when I was at school. I hate to see that these days.

Margaret D said...

Ah! Lovely shots there for for each trying to get a feed but one!
No never fought at school we would have got a clip under the ear by the nuns, never entered out heads to, so very different back then to now.

My name is Erika. said...

Those pelicans are assertive when it comes to free food. And it looks like the heron wants in too. Nope, I was never in a food fight at school, but I have witnessed a few small (emphasis on small) ones. Happy weekend. hugs-Erika

mamasmercantile said...

Great photos, no I don't remember any food fights from school.

Rob K said...

Excellent photos!

I had nuns, as well, so the only food fight I had was trying to eat the awful cafeteria food.

We didn't have them in high school, which is interesting since it was a pretty rowdy place.

Goldendaze-Ginnie said...

Hi Beatrice ... nice to hear from you. I love your Friday

Jon said...

The pelicans are really amazing. I like the photos.
Welcome to spring!

Jon said...

BTW - - we would have never even dared to think about a food fight in school! Children were well-behaved back then.

Edna B said...

These are great photos of the birds. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

Lowcarb team member said...

I can't remember seeing any food fights ...

I enjoyed your photographs here.
Hope you are having a good week.

All the best Jan

Veronica Lee said...

I enjoyed your pelican shots, Dorothy!

"At my school, we dared not even consider it. The nuns would have reprimanded sternly, knowing that was enough of a deterrent." Haha! I can relate, I studied in a convent school. Our principal, Sister M was despotic!

Happy Tuesday!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Love the bird photos -- you could just about post any picture of a brown pelican and it would work for Friday Funnies -- they always make me laugh! ... I was well grown up before I ever even heard of a food fight! Yikes. My parents were depression era babies so there was no wasted food. Period. And I also went to Catholic grade school, so (as you say) no way. (I can't even imagine taking part in one even to this day, nor have I ever actually seen a human one in real life.) Birds are different!

LL Cool Joe said...

I've never had a food fight, as a kid I never wanted to eat. Wish that were true now!

DeniseinVA said...

Loved your photos! Pelicans always make me smile. I saw many on our trips to Florida, several years ago now. Here's one for you:

“A wonderful bird is the Pelican.
His beak can hold more than his belly can.
He can hold in his beak
Enough food for a week!
But I'll be darned if I know how the hellican?”

― Dixon Lanier Merritt

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

I'm sure we were every bit as greedy as the Pelicans, though I don't remember any food fights. The greatest entertainment in our school dining room was a boy called McCargo whose ears wiggled as he ate. He appeared on television some years ago when he was a lawyer on a big court case; I wanted the interviewer to ask him if he could still wiggle his ears.

baili said...

i enjoyed this :)

yes i have watched , i would eagerly watch ants and other little insects and their fights over food :)
birds are also another thing that i watched many time fighting over food specially crows

hugs and blessings