
Monday, October 4, 2021

Puzzler Solved

OK, there was no fooling most of you on this one. 
BIG kudos to Marcia for coming up with the answer first. 

Now, you can see what was going on — a large truck cab being towed by a big tow truck.

As you can tell (or not) I am easily amused in the car; no was not driving, just a passenger.

Thanks for playing along, everyone.


Bijoux said...

It’s not a sight you see everyday, so I was fooled!

Anvilcloud said...

The perception from your POV is that it would never fit under the overpass.

Kathy said...

I didn't see the original post, so had to go back and view it. It looks as if the cab will get stuck under the bridge. Hope it didn't.

Barbara Rogers said...

I dearly love becoming passenger! Of course there's a lot to be said for being driver also (making more decisions, being more aware perhaps!) Good one with the truck!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you photographed this and shared it here. It was a funny perspective and a good puzzle.

Marcia said...

Taking a bow. Thank you for the kudos.

Vee said...

😁 Perfectly obvious once you know...

MadSnapper n Beau said...

What a great idea I had to go back and look at your Friday post because I missed it and in that I could not tell what was going on so I would have missed it if I had looked at it. This is a great find and a lot of fun

Bill said...

You took a perfectly mystery shot. Well done!

Red said...

Good eye on this one and a fast hand on the camera.

Nil @ The Little House by the Lake said...

Because I missed your previous post, I had to read it first to understand this photo. :)

That's not something you see often.

Rob K said...

You got me!

Emma Springfield said...

Because I was a truck driver at one time I knew immediately what it was.

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

It really left me puzzled. Never entered my mind that you were actually following it along.

Margaret D said...

Thank goodness we don't see this very often down here - usually transported on a trailer here these days..

nick said...

It seems to me too that the lorry cab wouldn't have gone under the bridge and would have ended up wrecked.

Eggs In My Pocket said...

Oh my goodness.....too funny!

Veronica Lee said...

I missed it and had to go back to your Friday post. How fun! I would not have guessed!

William Kendall said...

It had to have been.

baili said...

i enjoyed knowing what is happening here :)