
Thursday, October 28, 2021

Fall Foliage Fotos

Foliage has hit its peak in many areas of New England, especially the colder northern parts of the state. The nor'easter that hung around for several days this week certainly didn't help any retain any leaves still remaining.
We did get on the road for a few day trips and an overnight stay in NH. Many of my foliage shots were taken on the road as a front seat navigator and passenger. This was taken somewhere between Nashua and Greenfield, NH.
As many of you know, it can be quite challenging to try and capture a good scene. Luckily there were no oncoming cars when this was taken on the way to Northwood State Park, NH.
The cars in this photo were far enough away to not be too distracting and thankfully there were no obtrusive power lines. The road's S-curve and that bright splash of red really caught my attention as we were traveling from Nashua to Hollis, NH.
Seeing a hood scenic and then finding a place to pull over for a capture sometimes can be equally challenging. This image was taken in Peterborough, NH.
This image was caotured in Jaffrey, NH, and, as seen, many trees were already devoid of any foliage. Still the ones remaining and the water reflects caught my attention. We stopped for downtown to check at a scarecrow display here, some will be seen in tomorrow's post.
Closer to home last weekend, these images were taken in Mine Falls Park, Nashua, NH, last weekend. 

While the colors were not nearly as spectacular as we've seen in recent years in the park, there was still splashes of fall colors. Mine Falls Park is within walking distance of the mill apts.
Are you knowledgeable about wild 'shrooms? The only mushrooms I know to safely consider edible are those available at the supermarket. That said there's a lot of variety in colors and shapes of those growing wild and safer to capture with a photo than a fork.
Thanks for coming along on this short (for me) NH foliage tour. As noted earlier, we've enjoyed  day and overnight trips in recent weeks. They've been fun, but my post backlog is longish now. 


David M. Gascoigne, said...

The colours are outstanding. We didn't have as brilliant a display as we usually do, and a considerable amount of rain, heavy at times knocked many of the leaves from the trees. It was still a great spectacle, however, just a tad less spectacular than we are used to. The Sugar Maple in my backyard did turn to a vivid scarlet so we had colour close at hand. Now the leaves are on the ground and the juncos are finding food in them. We leave the leaves in the fall; they are a great winter blanket, and only rake them up in the spring.

Lowcarb team member said...

As David also said ... the colours are outstanding. I do so love this season.
Many thanks for sharing the beauty that nature can provide.

My good wishes.

All the best Jan

William Kendall said...

Gorgeous fall colours.

mimmylynn said...

Years ago my mother and i took a road trip through New England. As we drove through the Adirondacks the fall colors were in full glory. I saw colors I never saw before or since. Your pictures are lovely.

Vee said...

Lovely yet!

Bijoux said...

It is indeed difficult to capture the fall foliage. Like you, I seem to have the best views of colors while driving. I love mushrooms, but stick to grocery store varieties. From what I’ve read, it is very hard to tell the difference between many poisonous and harmless varieties.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

Just beautiful. I would love to see that one day.

Red said...

Great drive. Awesome photos.

Jon said...

Thanks for sharing these absolute4ly gorgeous photos. My only regret is that this glorious time of year is so brief.
The foliage is (finally) peaking here in rural TN. Unfortunately, we've been having strong winds and I'm hoping the trees won't be stripped of their leaves.

Margaret D said...

The colours are beautiful and so many shades. Thanks for sharing.

Anvilcloud said...

You did well from the car. I can't do that as I am the driver.

CrystalChick said...

Wow, such beautiful colors and scenery on your trips! Love the photos, especially the last one of two happy travelers!
I don't eat mushrooms, but buy them occasionally for Ron. He is fairly knowledgeable about wild ones and have picked a couple. One called 'chicken of the woods' he's brought home and fried in a pan. They apparently have a chicken flavor. I think I might have taken a tiny piece to taste, don't quite remember. Look and texture of them never interest me for food. I do have a couple ceramic ones in plant containers though. ;)

Jeanie said...

These are absolutely stunning, Dorothy. The elevation of the mountains, the beautiful brook... it's picture perfect.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

these are gorgeous and I am thinking it would be hard to drive undistracted by all that beauty... love the one of the bridge and water best of all, but all are spectacular

Polly said...

Beautiful photos Beatrice, fall is such a glorious time of year. I marvel at how wonderful mother nature is. You were lucky to get such good clear shots from in the car. I've seen lots of wild mushrooms this year, they look pretty but I suspect they would be deadly. Enjoy your weekend.

My name is Erika. said...

Fabulous foliage shots. I know what you mean about them being hard to capture along the road. At least with someone else driving, it does make it easier to get photos. I especially like the one you took in Jaffrey. The colors were good this year, but not great. I don't know why, they had plenty of rain. Maybe too much. Have a super weekend.

Linda P said...

Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a kind message. I'm so glad I came by as your Fall photos from your trip are beautiful. It's a special time and you captured the beauty of season so well. All the best for the days ahead, Linda.

David said...

Beatrice, Our fall foliage down here in the Tennessee Valley isn't living up to its reputation this year as it's been too warm for too long. Colors are much better in the foothills and the Smoky Mountains. Beautiful where you are! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Linda said...

Beautiful photos! The reflection is stunning.