
Friday, October 30, 2020

Friday Funnies

Look 👀 at who's on Main Street in Nashua, NH —The Great Pumpkin 🎃
You may recall seeing this downtown mesh covered building in a recent post. And, just in time for Halloween festivities this weekend, it was sporting a giant pumpkin face held in place by concrete Jersey barriers and candy corn cones.
As of last week, the fallen brickwork has been repaired on the buildings facade. The building still looks the same with the mesh covering in place but, of course, no pumpkin face. After a few comment suggestions on the earlier photo post, adding one seemed a good idea. After checking through my photos and, luckily, finding a pumpkin face, this was the result.

How was it done?
I'm not the most proficient user of photo editing programs having forgotten more than I remember about Photoshop, used in a college course. But a previous online buy of another photo editor, Pixelmator (like Photoshop, but much cheaper) includes the ability to use layers. This photo manipulation was fun, so now it's time to watch some online tutorials to learn more.

Nashua Scarecrow Winners
Voting is over for the 2020 Nashua Scarecrow Competition (entries shown earlier). This week, the results were posted in two categories: local businesses and non-profit organizations and here's the winners and number of votes for each (imagine a drumroll).

Enjoy Your Weekend, Everyone
We're changing (lots of) clocks this weekend


Ron said...

Being a BIGTIME pumpkin lover, I LOVE what you did with the mesh. It's brilliant! And particularly with the cones on the street, which absolutely look like candy corn. Perfect for Halloween!

CONGRATS to the scarecrow winners. They are all great picks!

Have a super weekend, my friend. And Happy Halloween!

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

The pumpkin is a great addition. Wonderful scarecrows too.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Yesterday I got an email from a friend and he said what's wrong with PicMonkey because I taught him to use PicMonkey while PicMonkey has gone to where you have to pay for it and they've gotten a lot harder so he couldn't find the free version and in searching for something for him to use I saw the pixelator and wondered how it worked. I love what you did with the pumpkin

Anvilcloud said...

Your scarecrows are better than ours. :)
It's fun to play with photos sometimes.

Marcia said...

Good job making that pumpkin appear!

Dan bought candy just in case we have some kids come by but I'm thinking we won't get a one. What to do with those tootsie roll pops? He bought two bags. Will you get trick or treaters?

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Very crafty smarty pants!...:)jp

Anonymous said...

I love your photo editing there! Really well done. I'm going to check out that Pixelmator program. Love your mesh pumpkin!!!

Edna B said...

I like the Great Pumpkin. It was interesting to see which scarecrows won and how many votes they all got. I use Photoshop CC. I'll admit, it gets harder and harder to keep up with it. Of course, it might just be my age. You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

Emma Springfield said...

The winners of the scarecrow contest were good choices.

William Kendall said...

I like that mesh pumpkin!

Linda said...

I am so impressed!! I do not know how to do anything like this!

Margaret D said...

That pumpkin does look good on the building.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

My entire reservoir of knowledge about manipulating photos could be placed in a very small thimble!

Kenneth Cole Schneider said...

You had me fooled for a while as I examined the photo before reading your text. I kept looking for signs of how it was attached to the mesh (and how much effort and cost went into the project, and WHY?

David said...

Beatrice, Very clever adding the pumpkin to the mesh protecting passersby from falling bricks! Quiet Halloween here with zero trick or treaters for the past 11 years. Besides we already ate the bag of mixed candy! Stay Safe and Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

baili said...

oh this is huge face
i liked it ,
it is amusing to find such eye treats regarding current celebrations
i liked the choice for winners of scarecrow event
glad that brick wall has been repaired

Eggs In My Pocket said...

ha love that photo! I like all of th scarecrows. Such good imaginations!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

That was all fun! Wouldn’t it have been neat if they really could have done that to the building. I’m with you on photoshop, but the program you used sounds interesting and certainly worked a treat for you on that picture!

Jeanie said...

I would have no idea how to do that to a photo! I love it -- and the scarecrow winners!