
Tuesday, October 6, 2020

A Foggy Day . . .

Not in London, this was the view from our apartment in Nashua, NH over the weekend.
A recent series of unusually warm days ended when the overnight temps dipped into the 40s
A Foggy Day (in London Town) is a popular song with music composed by George Gershwin and lyrics by Ira Gershwin. The song was introduced by Fred Astaire in the 1937 film, A Damsel in Distress also starring George Burns and Gracie Allen. It was loosely based on the 1919 novel of the same name by P.G. Wodehouse. Astaire recorded the tune for Brunswick Records and later in 1937 his recording reached number 3 on the day's popular song charts. In early 1938, it charted again when Bob Crosby and his orchestra, with songstress Kay Weber, had their version reach number 16. 
The song's full title was in reference to pollution-induced, so-called pea soup fogs that were common in London caused by the burning of coal. The song has become a standard recorded by numerous performers including Frank Sinatra, Judy Garland, Tony Bennett, Billie Holiday Charley Mingus, Percy Faith, Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong, Ray Charles, Michael Bublé, Sarah Vaughn and Shirley Bassey (to name a few).

A foggy day in London Town 

Had me low and had me down 

I viewed the morning with such alarm 

British Museum had lost its charm …

Despite Saturday's foggy start, we enjoyed a great weekend with seasonably cool and sunny daytime highs in the mid-60s and nighttime temps in the high 40s.

And I leave you with this thought, never mind the October Halloween and November Thanksgiving celebrations in the U.S. There's only 80 (shopping) days left till Christmas as many stores have already started reminding everyone. These images were taken a couple of weeks ago.


Ron said...

What a beautiful view from your apartment. Wow! And very much like the song, "A Foggy Day", it looks like something you'd see in London, England. And that's my kind of day. I love gray, overcast, foggy days. Many people find that depressing. I find them so relaxing, calming, and peaceful; not to mention beautiful!

And speaking of the song, I've heard the Ella Fitzgerald and Sarah Vaughn recordings and thought they are marvelous. I was (and still am) a big fan of both ladies, particularly Ella. What a voice!

It's been cooler here as well, which I am so enjoying.

And I had to laugh at your mention of how retail rushes the holidays because you're right. Now watch, as soon as Thanksgiving is over, they'll start advertising bathing suits, sandals, suntan lotion for summer. LOL!

Fun post, my friend! Hope you're enjoying a great week!

Kathy said...

I have never heard of that song and now I have to find it on You Tube and listen to it. Lovely picture of the fog. I like fog if I am walking and now driving. Then it's tough.

Having family that works in retail, I understand the need to push the buying seasons. If they waited until later, they wouldn't have enough time to make the money they need. BUT our stores don't have any Christmas yet. Just Halloween and a little bit of Thanksgiving. I guess they aren't rushing it.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Looks like you had a bit of rain as well and the river flooding from the look, glad I don't look on our river it would worry me how it floods

Anvilcloud said...

I had a niggling that Roger Whittaker had a song that mentioned fog and London. Sure enough: .

I can't make out the lyrics in this video but they can be found online.

But it did take me a few seconds to come up with his name so that I could do a search. :)

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

That first photo is a real stunner. I'm just old enough to remember the smogs that used to envelop London in the 50's, before the clean air acts. Many people used to die every year because of them - though it sounds pretty enough in a song. No Christmas stuff before December. Pleeeeeese!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I think that your view is stunning no matter in which direction or what is out there on the river or if there's fog or sunshine it's always gorgeous!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Forgot to say that the Christmas stuff has been out an hour Walmart for over two weeks I think it was the third week in September that they put it all out

Vee said...

Such beautiful atmospheric photos...

Yikes in the 80 days! I must begin my shopping...stat!

Edna B said...

What beautiful photos of the morning fog. I remember all the different versions of A Foggy Day. It was (still is) a beautiful song. And yup, Christmas is right around the corner. Enjoy your day, hugs, Edna B.

David said...

Beatrice, You certainly have a great view from your apartment! We had lots of heavy fog this morning as well and in some places visibility was down to 150 feet. Like your fog, ours was concentrated along our lakes and rivers. Christmas...sorry, I just can't wrap my head around earlier and earlier Christmas promotions. For us, Christmas season and shopping season begins the day after Thanksgiving! Stay Safe and Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

DUTA said...

Fogs don't remind me of songs, but of road accidents.
The foggy picture opening your post, though, is beautiful!

Jeanie said...

I have always loved that song. It's so beautifully composed but then hey, with Gershwin, how can you go wrong? I love the photo. It's so very atmospheric. Stunning in every way!

Red said...

Nice link of the fog to a popular show tune.

Rita said...

The fog is really quite beautiful. :)
Not sure I remember that song. Might have to do a YT search--LOL! :)

Margaret D said...

There is just something about a lovely fog.
Beautiful photos.

baili said...

i actually wait for images you capture from your apartment dear Dorothy ,you have magnificent view that always bring joy to my heart :)

thank you for sharing this lovely song ,fog create beauty with mysterious look and i love to get lost with the magic :)

these goodies reveal that exciting holidays are so close
wishing you more joy and peace !

Jon said...

The photos are gorgeous and so atmospheric! I love fog - and the view from your window always reminds me of Europe.

Christmas items seem to be creeping up in many stores - and it annoys me to see them so early. I want to savor autumn!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Yes, there was a time when living in London was a hazard to your health! A good song can romanticize anything, I suppose.

Barbara Rogers said...

Your view of the river from your apartment is lovely...the town looks almost like a model setting!

CrystalChick said...

Fog is so neat!!! Nice view from your apartment!
Yes, the holidays are fast-approaching! We usually get quite a few trick-or-treaters, but we won't be out for that this year. I might watch from our porch because many do still want to participate so we will probably just put a big bowl of candy out and let them take a piece on the honor system. I'll tell you how that goes next month. LOL We don't do a big Thanksgiving anymore, some years go out. This year, maybe we'll order turkey/fixins for pickup. I'd just as soon have a turkey hoagie from the local deli. haha Christmas is my favorite holiday, and on the Eve it's been tradition for many many years to have family over. No decisions on any of that yet. Not even sure I'll want to decorate.

DeniseinVA said...

Lovely views! I am very partial to a foggy morning and this one of yours is stunning. Hard to believe Christmas is fast approaching. We will be spending ours quietly this year.

Rob K said...

Great photo and thanks for the reference to "A Foggy Day in London Town." I love that song so much.

I had no idea of its incredible history. A Burns and Allen movie--who knew?

And what a fabulous list of singers! I think my all-time favorite is the one done by Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong. Everything they touched turned to magic.

L. D. said...

I thought I was looking at an impressionist painting. That is beautiful with the fog and the river with bridge. It almost doesn't look real. Great shot. The next one is wonderful too.

Rain said...

Hi Dorothy :)) Oh that foggy photo is really beautiful!!! Nice shot. I noticed Christmas stuff out too...too soon, too soon...Alex and I aren't giving each other gifts this year, we just gave each other a house lol...well, maybe a small gift, but food will be the big celebration for the Christmas season! :)

My name is Erika. said...

Seems like all I do is blog catch up lately. Smile. Love the foggy views. What a cool morning view. Hope all is well. Hugs-Erika

Carola Bartz said...

Beautiful photos, Dorothy! I love fog and a foggy atmosphere.