
Friday, February 7, 2020

Friday Funnies

Ever hear of an auto filing system? 

Here's one recently spotted in the parking garage here at the mill apartments.

And, there was another one nearby too.

Hopefully, the owners know where to find everything when needed (or maybe not).

Enjoy Your Weekend, Everyone.


baili said...


that was so funny dear Dorothy :)

i did filing during my job in Islamabad as pharmacist assistant ,it was hectic lol

there must be some system for filing automatically :)
blessings to your days !

Anvilcloud said...

I trust the pilot isn't auto although those days are apparently fast approaching.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Well spotted, make you wonder about some people

MadSnapper n Beau said...

to me this is disgusting. also dangerous to drive that way. once I put a paper on the dash because I wanted it when I got where I was going, the reflection was horrid, I had to move it.. when I was working as a car jockey in Sears automotive there were cars I had to drive inside that I did not want to get in

Connie said...

Wow, that would drive me crazy!

Emma Springfield said...

I have seen many cars like that. I don;t know how they can see to drive.

Edna B said...

I agree, how can these folks see to derive. Anything on the dash like this makes a wicked reflection on the windshield that makes it hard to see the road ahead. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

Red said...

Hopefully the bad guys don't get the idea to check out this filing system.

Rain said...

Oh that's too much! I remember once working with a lady whose car was FILLED with old Burger King food wrappers, I mean FILLED. It was like she hoarded them or something! Happy Belated Birthday to you!! :)

mamasmercantile said...

Whew not sure I could cope with all that.

Valerie said...

What a mess. The only good thing about it was that it provided scope for photography!

Nil @ The Little House by the Lake said...

Oh dear!

Here I’m thinking my car is messy because I didn’t clean the floor mats for a month. Now I feel better. 😂

NCmountainwoman said...

I cannot possibly imagine driving with all that in my car. And I must admit I think differently about people who do.

Doris said...

That would drive me completely crazy =o


thats a great photo. the very back of our van , the part you can't see is filled with this or that but it's the only place my hubby claims he can store this auto filing name you gave the two cars you spotted.

Jon said...

I'm speechless. It reminds me of my desk....

William Kendall said...

That's an accident just waiting to happen.