
Thursday, March 14, 2019

Ever Happen to You?

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You're working on a blog post and planning to post at a later date, then WHOOPS you click Publish and it's online. The problem is that you didn't realize you had mistakenly posted it.

That's what happened to me. 

Last night, I was doing additional edits to a post originally scheduled for next week. When editing was done, I clicked Publish and (erroneously) thought the previously scheduled post date would hold.

Of course, as luck would not have it, the post didn't hold the future publish date. Instead, it posted as of last night's editing session. And, yikes, this morning, it had received two comments.

What would you have done?

As for myself, I notified the fellow bloggers of my error and thanked them for their comments. Then, I rescheduled the post as originally planned. 

It was all good and gave me the idea for this (unplanned) post.

Also, Happy Pi Day, today, March 14, 2019 or 3/14 is celebrated as pi day because the first two digits, month and day — 3.14 are the first two digits of the mathematical constant π (pi).


William Kendall said...

I saw the previously posted one just as I was logging off, so found it vanished. Hopefully it publishes when you want it to, as opposed to when you initially published it. I find that the posts wind up being forgotten if that happens.

Nil @ The Little House by the Lake said...

I forgot today was pi day. :)

I have never done scheduled posts. I must see how it's done.

Connie said...

I've never done scheduled posts, but I have accidentally posted when I wasn't yet ready to do so. Happy Pi Day to you!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have done that so many times, I don't contact anyone I just pull it back and schedule it. I once post THREE on the same day. 2 accidents.. makes me so mad when I do that. I schedule the week on Sunday early am. sometimes I get something I want to post right away, I pull back and auto post, it sits there for a while then I post it on the wrong day, in the PAST. it disappears and I have to find it....

Emma Springfield said...

It happens to me all the time. If you catch it right away you can go into the draft page and change the date. I try to remember to put the intended publish date in before I write the post. That helps too.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I don't even want to talk about blogger woes! I've done it all and then lost it all as you well know. But we do have the best blog buddies and they always make us feel loved and that's what it's all about! Enjoy your afternoon sweet friend! Hugs!

mamasmercantile said...

Scheduled posts have never really worked for me. Technology is not one of my assets sadly.

Valerie said...

I got things muddled just the other day. I had put the same date on two posts. Fortunately I was able to rectify it quite quickly. I put my error down to a failing memory!