
Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Resolved or NOT?

By definition, a New Year's resolution is a tradition in which someone resolves to change an undesired trait or behavior, to accomplish a personal goal, or otherwise improve his/her life.

Sounds ambitious don't you agree? Most of us have made resolutions in the past. Many of us or at least some of us have actually stuck to a few during years past, myself included. By the same token, some of us, myself also included, have not. If thinking about them counts, then I've mentally succeeded; however most of those have not been kept for even a month week.

What is it about these New Year's Resolutions that dooms many to failure? Maybe there are too many to keep within a year or maybe it's the "title" that's a bit daunting or unnerving and dooms many to fail not follow through.

I'm sure you know about many "standard" ones that repeat annually, such as: lose weight, exercise more, sleep more, eat healthier, read more, spend less, save more, pray more, think positive, enjoy life, spend time (with family/friends) and so on. It seems that many (if not all) of these should be done without fail. Years ago the list also included stop smoking, but that goal is not as prevalent these days.

For 2019, here's my short to-dos, more or less, as above.
  • write more
  • listen more
  • look more
  • talk less
  • finish projects
Short is good and maybe more do-able too.

How about you — made any to-dos of your own ?


Michelle said...

Just trying to do better. Always and in everything.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

at age 74 I can say I have never made a new years resolution.. yours is a good list, only one of yours is something I should do. listen more.. I have a huge problem listening...

mamasmercantile said...

I don't bother with resolutions anymore, instead I chose a word for the year. I do usually make a list of what I would like to achieve but haven't had time to even think about it yet.

Valerie said...

I have a vague recollection of making a resolution, though I can't remember what it was. I was probably a schoolgirl at the time.

NCmountainwoman said...

No resolutions for me. None made=none broken.

Emma Springfield said...

I don't do resolutions. That way I'm not disappointed in myself.

Nil @ The Little House by the Lake said...

I have set several goals for the first 6 months. I like lists and checking things off. They keep me motivated. :)

William Kendall said...

Admittedly I don't make such resolutions myself.

Anvilcloud said...

I don't make resolutions, but I do sometimes have some general aims. I do this year and will probably post about it sometime.

Goldendaze-Ginnie said...

I gave up on New Year's resolutions years ago but I do have a set way that I try to adhere to daily. Basically it is trying to treat people that I meet that day like I would like to be treated. It's simple and keeps me on the ball.

DUTA said...

I don't do any lists. I pray to God everyday, and in my prayer I ask for good health, protection,prosperity, you know, the usual basics.

Connie said...

Mostly I am trying to take better care of myself and my health with a better diet and more exercise.

DeniseinVA said...

I don't make New Year's Resolutions. I just try my best throughout the year and give myself a pat on the back for trying :)

Karen Lakis said...

I'm not sure I make resolutions as much as that I try to set some goals. What am I hoping for? What would I like to accomplish? What would I like to do better? and then I try to set them up kind of the same way we do at work - "SMART" - without getting too crazy about it. I sometimes use a word to guide me. Good luck with your goals, and I wish you the best for 2019.

Eggs In My Pocket said...

This lists. I have decided to just enjoy and to find joy in every day that comes!
I love our list!

baili said...

Really interesting read dear Beatrice!

I believe in slow steady progress in everything in life though never made resolution

baili said...

I liked your short but authentic resolutions!