
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Backyard “Wildlife”

Yes, we have wildlife in our backyard. This little bunny comes regularly to munch away, IF only he would bring lots of friends so we could skip the weekly mowing.
bunny collagebunny 0623 (1)garden frog (1)
And, there’s also a few garden frogs who like to hide in the wildflower garden. They blend in very well with the surroundings — as you can see.

We’re still waiting for the a penguin or more to drop in. Now, all we have are these garden flamingoes.
flamingo collage
After all this isn’t The Frog & Flamingo.


Lois Evensen said...

What a sweet bunny. We haven't seen many around here lately.

grammie g said...

Hi B...I would love a bunny in my backyard instead of that darn raccoon!!
What a cutie he is!!
Hope a penguin just drops in,and who ever came up with this pink flamingo thing anyway hee-hee!

Elaine said...

What a sweet little bunny, but be careful what you wish for. I think a large number of bunnies in the backyard could be a big problem!

I'm playing catch-up after a busy week. Love the photos of your sweet grandkids, and your garden is looking very good!

pembrokeshire lass said...

It's been a long while since I visited but I hope I'm getting myself together more & will not leave it so long! We have a lot of rabbits. Unfortunately they don't confine themselves to eating the lawn! Loved your pink flamingos too. What a lovely way to brighten up the garden! Joan

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so far no bunnies in our yard, but we have seen two crossing the road about a block down the street. we have raccoon and possums and wish we did not. Jake keeps fighting with them and has killed one of each...

Montanagirl said...

The bunnies are really cute.

Anvilcloud said...

I'm surprised you have any veggies left with that bunny hopping about.

Connie said...

Cute bunnies! We have a lot of those too. We don't see frogs here much, though.