
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Our Garden is Growing

Grenville set up the much smaller F&P veggie garden near the end of May planting doubles of tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, and cucumbers. While this is not a lot compared to previous years output of squash, beans, corn, beets, and lettuce, these veggies will be more than enough. They'll be supplemented with contributions from a friend’s larger garden, drop-offs that local gardeners leave at the  YMCA, and purchases at a couple of area farmers markets.

This week, we have one green pepper with others on the way. There are blooms on the eggplant (center), tomato (upper right) and cucumber (bottom right) plants.

Grenville is sure looking forward to some fresh 'mater sandwiches soon. I saw him standing in the garden with bread and mayo in hand this week.


MadSnapper n Beau said...

beautiful pepper and I like that eggplant bloom, and the tomato blooms to... we got delish mangos from the YMCA drop off last week, I told the guy that brought them how much we love them and he is bringing us a bag tomorrow... yum

Lois Evensen said...

Yum! Fresh veggies! :)

Montanagirl said...

Nice looking green pepper. There's just nothing like home-grown produce. We don't have a garden, but our neighbor right behind us does, and they share!!

Connie said...

Looks like everything is doing well! There's nothing better than fresh from the garden.

Anvilcloud said...

The garden looks to be doing well.

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

what a pretty pod the eggplant created. Love the pink.

Looks like you will have some good eatin' soon.

My neighbor has some tomatoes growing on the side of her house, they are finally truning red.

BUT I found a sweet produce stand near our church so I have been there several times stocking up on maters and vidalia onions... So I have had my fill of mater' sandwiches.

Hope you have a good coming weekend.

Charlotte Wilson said...

You are so lucky that Grenville planted such a nice garden. Looks like you will be having a nice harvest!

Rebecca said...

Almost time for a salad!

Connie said...

Everything looks good! You'll have plenty of produce before long.