
Monday, March 19, 2012

Yard Work & Spring Blooms

Spring is Here . . . What a weekend – great weather, good food, Saturday evening with friends  . . . then yard work on a warm (not too hot) Sunday. Grenville and I split the work, which went faster than we expected. He spent most of the day setting up the newly designed (and much smaller) vegetable garden and will be posting about that project later. It’s a (very) much smaller garden than those of the past few years and be  a lot less work as well.
strawberry patchMy chores included weeding the 2 strawberry beds. Forgot to take a “before” photo, but got this “after” shot of one bed. Yes, we already have some blossoms.Most of the daffodil blooms are quickly fading, but there was still a variety in the front and back gardens.
daffodil collageWe have 2 forsythia bushes in full bloom. The forsythia plant is native to China and is named is named in honor of William Forysth, director of the Chelsea Physic Garden in 1770 and one of the founders of the Royal Horticultural Society.
cedar nestrobinsspring bloomspeach blossoms collagedandelion collageforsythiasDandelions continue to bloom and are now going to the familiar seed puff balls.Peach blossoms are in the orchard and Grenville is already talking about peach pie recipes, peach cobbler . . .Some other early blooms around the F&P include vinca, grape hyacinth, lily of the valley, wild violet and candytuft.Scores of robins have been seen in and around the yard, perhaps checking out possible nesting locations. There’s a vacancy in the cedar tree out front.

How was YOUR weekend?


Arija said...

How glorious your spring is! I am glad you pointed out the vacancy in the cedar, else the robins might not have found it. Blossom on fruit trees is beautiful but a vain hope here as the birds and possums are quicker than I am and peach cobbler remains but a dream.

Connie said...

Your blooms are all so lovely, Beatrice. You are a little ahead of us, but not by much. Our daffodils have just come out in the last day or two, and the forsythia are just starting too. Your collages are beautiful. :)

grammie g said...

Hi B...Love your collages,they are just gorgeous. I especially like the purple and whites...and the yellows and the pinks : }}}}
It is very nice here to temp's are up there and almost to warm for this time of year...may be 80 on thursday?????you know those weather forecaster!

Montanagirl said...

I'm glad you're having spring weather and beautiful blossoms! We're having a cold, snowy, windy day here. Thought spring was arriving, but may have to wait a bit longer.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love that white drooping bell flower. our strawberries are in right now and really cheap at the market, this is picking time here for strawberries. love the pink blooms, so pretty. looks like spring is where you are at last. great photos today

Out on the prairie said...

spring has sprung all around you

Anonymous said...

We have everything in bloom except dandelions are not yet blooming. Otherwise it is the same. √

Since I was hacked I had to give up my old user name and the blogs that went with it. So this is the new birds blog and I hope you can come visit. Birds Birds Birds and Birds

Anonymous said...

You are so far ahead of us, but we're soon there. We might get early summer temperatures here this weekend :-)

I didn't do much this weekend though :-)

Have a great day!

Anvilcloud said...

Looks great. Crocuses have appeared locally.

Elaine said...

Lovely spring collages! Not happening here yet of course. March so far has been colder than normal, and the only yard work is with a snow blower or scoop. I do need to get some seeds started to be able to plant outside at the end of May, but so far I've just thought about it.

Carole Barkett said...

Beautiful spring collection, Love it :O)

Christine said...

Those blooms are just beautiful Beatrice! I love them all. Just thinking about those strawberries has my mouth watering!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Oh darlin' your bloomers are most beautiful! Heeehehehe, I really need to practice my self~control!

This warm weather has had me out diggin' in the dirt neglectin' my blog but I got my nails dirty and it felt gooooood!

God bless ya and have yourself a magnificent day sweetie!!! :o)

Ginnie said...

You both must have green thumbs. Everything looks great and I look forward to some good recipes.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Hi Arija, you are more than welcome to come for some peach cobbler or fresh made peach pie...sorry the birds and possums enjoy your fruit more than yourself :-(

Thanks Daisy & Grace and hope you are feeling better, G.

Mona, now you get winter when spring is arriving!

Hi Sandra, we are looking forward to strawberries too and this year I'm not freezing any so we will be trying out lots of strawberry recipes (and posting some too).

Elaine, looks like you and Mona are still in winter-mode, but considering your locations it's not unusual.

Thanks Carole, glad you enjoyed them.

Christine (Mamabug) glad your recovery is moving along and that you are able to post again and show off your great photos. You were missed!

Hi Christer, we did a lot of yard work last weekend, so won't feel badly about not doing much when it rains this coming weekend.

Yes, Steve it sure has and in a big way with temps near 80 several days last week.

Hi Abe, thanks for the link to the new birds blog. I stopped in and as usual you have such beautiful shots there.

AC, we've never had any crocus (croci?) in our yard, usually the invasive lawn wildflowers arrive first...drat!

Nezzy, we did the same this past weekend - lots of yard work and dirt under the nails cause working with gloves is harder sometimes.

Ginnie, we often have dark brown thumbs and hands from playing in the dirt. WE will be sure to post recipes!

Swamp Dog said...

Those are some lovely pictures you have. Yes indeed spring is finally here, and my mouth is watering just thinking about those fresh strawberries soon to come!

Unknown said...

Yes it is like very late spring up here and though not as much bloom as you show. Still I have been all consumed with outside work and the first time ever, the rose bushes are leafing out before I can get all the wintry mulch removed and the pruning done that waits for spring. Ever since we got home March 1 things have been balmy and popping. Rain is making the lawns grow and Jerry thinks he may have to mow next week! Earliest ever! Beautiful photos. Amazes me that you are astute enough to take camera outside while I just get to digging in!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Hi Swamp Dog, been checking the strawberries daily and there are more flowers coming out and soon berries!

Hi Pat, we've already mowed the lawn, actually all the green weeds and clover which make it look nice and green (from afar). I usually remember to go back and get the camera to take photos after working outside cause my hands are too messy to take the pics when working!

Doris said...

I am so behind in my blog reading....and here we are going head-long into another week-end!

You have a beautiful world around you. Don't you just LOVE spring?!!

Happy week-end again!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Hi Doris and thanks for the visit. I well know how easy it is to fall behind reading blogs and am grateful whenever folks find the time to visit and comment! Yes, we do have a very colorful and beautiful world...enjoy your weekend as ours is rain filled now.