
Friday, March 8, 2024

Friday Funnies

Only a single word came to mind when this truck as seen in downtown Nashua last week.

Can you guess what it was?
Overloaded was ours — what was yours?

Very good observation, Boud, yes, the truck did sport a shiny snow plow blade, which looked to be in better (nearly new) condition compared to the truck itself.

Enjoy Your Weekend, Everyone
We're on a road trip to N. Conway, NH, reuniting with longtime NJ friends


Kathy said...

The first thing that came to my mind was "The Beverly Hillbillies" but that's probably because I watched one of those shows a couple of weeks ago. Really it's more like the show "Hoarders." I hope the owner was on the way to the dump.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

The condition of the truck perhaps rivals the state of the driver’s mind - rusted out and had better days!

Marie Smith said...

Lots of work to load and unload!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Hoarders came first, 2nd word was Evicted

Boud said...

Is that a snowplow blade I see? Maybe that's how they pushed the load out of the house!

Jeanie said...

Mine was hoarder!

gigi-hawaii said...

"Just a pile of Junk."

Tom said...

...trash day!

Rita said...

"Overdue" was the word that came to me. Overdue trip to the dump. Maybe a move? But it was overloaded, too--yes!

Sandra said...

My work is "Yikes!"

nick said...

Decluttering? Taking a load of unwanted junk to landfill?

Sandi said...

Finally cleaned out!

photowannabe said...

I was thinking Beverly HillBillies...but I know that's more than one word..haha
Also Hoarders.. Oh my that is some load.
Have a wonderful time reuniting with longtime friends.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I hope you're having fun! My word for the photo would be Moving Day. O.K., it's two words!

Emma Springfield said...

Too full came to my mind. I wonder if they are taking that to the dump or if they are moving?

My name is Erika. said...

Cleaning out. OK, it is 2 words, but that's what jumps into my head. Have a great weekend in N. Conway. I hope you don't get a lot of snow if it does snow. hugs-Erika.

diane b said...

Not a well organized load.

Red said...

My one word would be trash. A big load of trash.

Veronica Lee said...

Fleeing? Perhaps they're fleeing town in a hurry with a truck full of belongings.

Hugs and blessings, Dorothy

Anvilcloud said...

I'll just go with your word.

acorn hollow said...

I see a good clean out somewhere.
Enjoy conway

Michelle said...

I was thinking of Sanford and Son, lol!

baili said...

the first word came into mind instantly was "overloaded " :)

yes you thought same :)

this looks funny no doubt
health ,peace and joy to both of you dear Dorothy

DUTA said...

I thought of two possibilities:
1. junk to the dump
2. moving

Sandy said...

I'm with those above that said Beverly Hillbillies. Though not one word it was the first thing that popped into my mind. Junk was the 2nd word.

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

Looks like a lot of work involved with the tuck load. Hope you'll have a happy spring!

Barwitzki said...

scrap trade ...
Have a good trip to you.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I was thinking maybe they had to move house in a hurry and just threw everything in the truck. (Bill used to teach in a school where the end of every month saw some turnover in enrollment when the rent was due.) we still talk about that sometimes when we see an overloaded pickup like that.