
Friday, March 1, 2024

Friday Funnies

Duct tape is something that many of us have used at some point for a repair when a strong, flexible, very sticky tape is neededIt's usually silver gray in color with a strong adhesive and weather resistance.  It's used for many things including car body repairs.
If you have a silver vehicle, the basic tape color seems to match, almost perfectly.
Of course, it's also possible that this vehicle owner overdid the taping, just a bit.
If you're looking for a reason to celebrate this new month of March, here's a list of special dates; it seems there's something for everyone. How many will you celebrate?

March 1: National Peanut Butter Lover's Day, World Compliment Day, National Pig Day, National Day of Unplugging (first Friday), Employee Appreciation Day (first Friday)
March 2: Dr. Seuss's Birthday, National Read Across America Day, Old Stuff Day, World Teen Mental Wellness Day
March 3: World Wildlife Day, National Anthem Day, National Mulled Wine Day
March 4: Grammar Day, National Pound Cake Day
March 5: National Cheese Doodle Day
March 6: National Dentist's Day
March 7: Cereal Day, Flapjack Day
March 8: International Women's Day
March 9: National Barbie Day, Get Over It Day
March 10: Daylight Savings Time (spring ahead)
March 11: National Johnny Appleseed Day, National Napping Day (second Monday)
March 12: 
National Girl Scout Day, Working Moms Day, Plant a Flower Day
March 13: K9 Veterans Day, Good Samaritan Day
March 14: National Pi Day, Potato Chip Day
March 16: Ides of March, Panda Day, 
Artichoke Day, Freedom of Information Day, National Corn Dog Day (third Saturday)
March 17: St. Patrick's Day
March 18: National Sloppy Joe Day, Awkward Moments Day
March 19: First Day of Spring, Certified Nurses Day, Let's Laugh Day
March 20: International Day of Happiness, National Ravioli Day, French Language Day, 
March 21:  
National Common Courtesy Day, California Strawberry Day, French Bread Day, World Down Syndrome Day, World Poetry Day
March 22: National Goof Off Day, World Water Day
March 23: National Puppy Day, World Meteorological Day
March 24: Palm Sunday, National Cocktail Day, World Tuberculosis Day
March 25: Waffle Day, National Tolkien Reading Day
March 26: Epilepsy Awareness Day (also called Purple Day), National Spinach Day
March 27: National Spanish Paella Day, Manatee Appreciation Day (last Wednesday)
March 28: Respect Your Cat Day
March 29: Good Friday, Mom and Pop Business Owners Day
March 30: National Take a Walk in the Park Day, Doctors Day
March 31: Easter Sunday, National Prom Day, Crayon Day, Tater Day

Enjoy Your Weekend, Everyone
Library friends volunteer weekend before mid-March Sale


Tom said... can fix just about anything is your have enough duct tape! Have a wonderful weekend.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I would strongly recommend triple layers of duct tape over Donald Trump’s mouth.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

David, everyone has a right to an opinion, which will neither be agreed with or disputed here. However, this blog will remain one which doesn’t endorse or promote any hit topic items. The same applies to comments. It does not support the famous quote “If you can’t say anything nice, come sit by me.”

Boud said...

The point of March, aside from family birthdays, is today, St. David's Day! Leeks and daffodils ahoy!

Barbara Rogers said...

Not having grown up with saints, I wonder what St. David's Day really means to some people I'm quite sure the lion is around here bringing in March! What wind we've had! I'm going to borrow your list of "events in March" - who knew about all those fun things!

Marie Smith said...

Goof Off day sounds my speed when the wind is high!

gigi-hawaii said...

I wouldn't put duct tape on a car!

Anvilcloud said...

Sue specializes in packing tape as well.

Emma Springfield said...

Duct tape, a screwdriver, and a pair of pliers can fix almost anything. That or enough money to hire someone else.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

someone got tape happy but I am betting that bumper will not be falling off in traffic.. we always have several duct tape rolls ready. really good use is patch a torn screen to keep out the skeeters

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow! You have been doing a lot of research! I think I will copy these days. I am just glad to know that this taped-up car isn't yours!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh, isn't duct tape just wonderful? LOL. And wow! I had no idea there were so many things to celebrate in March! I only do St. Patrick's Day on the 17th and my son's birthday on the 18th, and then this year Easter lands on the last day of the month, so March will be busy for sure! I hope you have a lovely March!!

Debby said...

Oh dear. Every day is awkward moment day for me...

Carola Bartz said...

Dorothy, I had to laugh out loud about this post. In 2017, while we drove back after having witnessed the total eclipse of the sun, a deer ran into our car. My husband - always practical and prepared - had a role of black duct tape in the trunk (our car was black) and with that he "fixed" the car until we arrived home safely (which was still quite a long drive). It worked just fine. Have a lovely weekend - Carola

Red said...

I've heard of many of these days but I don't celebrate for any of them.

Marcia said...

Wow, something to celebrate every day. I don't think I'll bother though. Will you?

photowannabe said...

HaHa, today I am celebrating "Old Stuff Day" March2.
I have plenty of Old Stuff, including MYSELF!!
Great post today.

Rita said...

Duct tape can fix anything--lol!
I wish there wasn't a daylight saving time day.
I am glad my birthday is on respect your cat day. Seems appropriate. ;)

L. D. said...

You missed one old man's birthday on the 26th. It gets to be too many years after while.

Linda P said...

Oh dear re the duct tape car repair! I would pick St. David's Day this month as it's a meaningful day for my Welsh friends. I wish you a happy March!

My name is Erika. said...

The last photos would like my car if I was was duct taping something together. grin. And thanks for the list of days. There is certainly a lot of them. I'm celebrating this month for many reasons, my birthday, spring, Easter and a big trip ahead. :) I hope you're having a lovely weekend. hugs-Erika

Jeanie said...

It reminds me of when my front bumper was held on by duct tape!

David said...

Hi Beatrice, For sure we always keep a roll of duct tape around the house. I've even used it to cover the base of the legs of an old card table. As for the celebratory days this month, my better half will be sad that she missed National Peanut Butter Day! It's her favorite food! She will be happy to celebrate K9 Veteran's Day though. We are night owls...after midnight most nights, so we absolutely look forward to Daylight Savings time. It allows us to extend our days...going out exploring back roads and dining later in the evening...and not having to drive home in the dark. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I'm definitely not celebrating today (Cheese Doodles) or tomorrow (dentists). I'm sorry I missed peanut butter lovers day -- oh wait, I probably did. (PB toast is a regular rotation breakfast in our house.) Love those duct-tape repairs. ... I thought of you with admiration yesterday when I saw two funny signs but was unable to get a picture of them. You get such good pictures -- funny and everything else.

nick said...

I'm all in favour of National Peanut Butter Lovers' Day, I eat masses of the stuff (though definitely not with jelly). I think I'm due for a National Brazil Nut Lovers' Day as well.

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

This is very interesting about the days in March to celebrate special things and special people.

I hope you will have a Happy Spring and Happy Easter!

baili said...

when we see in movies heroic people tied with duct tape and unable to break it down in order to escape dear Dorothy it often comes in mind instantly that if it was made here this might have helped them lol

over did vehicle looks so funny and it made me chuckle for while

wow so many days in March to celebrate :)
i didn't know that
the napping day and the get rid over it day made me chuckle as well
thanks for lightening my day with your amusing post my friend :)
hugs and blessings!

William Kendall said...

There's a comedian here who did a character called Red Green, for whom duct tape is everything.