
Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Say More, Please

Has anyone else noticed in the past few days that Blogger has flagged very short comments (even older ones) as Spam?

Like many bloggers, I check comments daily and usually have anywhere from 2 or more on any given morning. Most of these Spam comments are at least a sentence or more long. Maybe you've received similar ones like this: Your blog is so interesting, please present more of this material . . . and so on. Of course, it's all complete nonsense, and there is always a link to a site that is definitely not that of a fellow blogger's. You can tell false flattery

My next step is to select the exclamation point, then the trashcan icon and deletion is done. Now, you would think that blogger would recognize future comments as Spam, but it doesn't quite seem to work that way. I've had repeat Spammers, maybe you have too.

There was a different pattern this weekend when I did my usual Spam comments check. Blogger indicated there were 40 Spam comments, that's way more than before in a single day. After checking, I found out that these all comments were legitimate from fellow bloggers (including bloggers no longer posting). Amazingly, Blogger had flagged these as Spam comments going back to the start of this blog! The one thing all had in common was their brevity.

That's why the post title is a request to, whenever possible, include a few more words in a comment. This may (or may not) prevent Blogger from 
incorrectly flagging them as Spam.

Of course, leaving a longer comment can be difficult, especially if you follow and read many blogs posts of those bloggers who post often. Personally, I've been posting less often, reading blogs on a semi-weekly basis, and not commenting on every post. Blog reading and commenting takes time which is something we all would like more of every day, month, year. 

In checking these newly marked-as-Spam comments, I said that what all had in common was that they were very short, usually 2 to 3 words. Here's some examples of actual comments from legitimate fellow bloggers that were suddenly marked as Spam:

Looks good, Looks delicious
Very nice, 
Very pretty
Great!, Nice views
Beautiful flowers, how cute or how sad
Amazing, Oh my gosh!
Sweet photos, Excellent photos, 
Love the photos
Too cute, Good ones, Sounds good
Merry Christmas, Happy Easter or Happy (whatever holiday)
Happy anniversary or Happy birthday

Why did this happen now? 
No clue because despite several online searches, I couldn't find information to indicate whether Blogger had changed some sort of Spam algorithm. (This is defined as a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a computer.) 

But, there were a number of online complaints about whether or not Blogger does anything about comments marked as Spam. Here's two examples of actual online complaints:

We have been getting a sudden influx of trolls posting comments on our site trying to get their links in there, even though our comments section doesn't work with hyperlinks. I mark them as spam every time, but it doesn't stop them from being able to continue commenting. I'm just curious what the benefit is of having the "Mark as spam" option vs. just deleting. Is there something I can do to ban them from commenting? There is a certain satisfaction I get from marking them as spam every time, but I also have better things to do.

And another complained: For over a month now regular readers and commenters' comments get marked as spam. At least one comment a day, but often all of them! I do my best to set all comments free as fast as possible, by marking them as not-spam and posting them.

And EVERY.SINGLE.TIME I notify Blogger via in-blog support / help button. 
This is deeply frustrating as I'm freeing the same commenters' comments from spam limbo several times a week. What more can I do?

Here's a Blogger response 
A Platinum Product Expert stated: Blogger does not share information about how they determine a comment is spam or not.  I think the best you can do is continue to mark them as not spam. Suggestions included: Manage your blog's comments, Set your Blogger comment settings, Moderate comments, Delete or mark comments as spam

Why do Spam comments exist?
Spammers leave comments on blog posts looking to get backlinks pointing to their sites in order to rank higher in search engines.Many spammers can be using bots to comment. Short for robot this software application is programmed to execute specific tasks as part of another computer program. Bots are designed to automate tasks without human intervention. 

So, my blogger friends, it appears that no matter how often Spam comments are marked, spammers/scammers will continue to leave their annoying comments on blogs. Hopefully, the weekend occurrence was a one-off and won't happen again. While time consuming to mark each one as not spam—it was done for all. 

Thank you all, very much, your comments are read and always appreciated, no matter how short or long. Blogger has become very frustrating lately.
Your turn — Has this happened recently to anyone else? 


David M. Gascoigne, said...

You have exactly described what I have been experiencing, Beatrice. Now go to my blog this minute and leave a long and well-thought-out response and it will definitely not be marked as spam!

Bijoux said...

I have one follower of mine who comments on all my posts, yet his comments are always marked as spam. And they are not short comments! I suspect it has to do with his blog profile picture, but who knows?

Boud said...

Ditto, ditto! When you comment on my blog, you go to some trouble, and your responses are really appreciated. You don't just rush out a brief phrase!

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

The Blogger spam problem began, I think, over a year ago. The change I see is that more bloggers are now experiencing it.
Comment issues that happened in the last few years, are resurfacing. The Blogger Oops page shows up no matter what settings I have for cookies, third parties and such.
Either Google is working on Blogger or hackers are. Glitches are not there for no reason.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

This has been happening for over a year that thing that you describe Plus even more and I agree I think they are doing something with blogger and it’s causing all of this to happen and it doesn’t have anything to do with how short the comment is because I was receiving a lot of spam and they had both long and short but I also found that when I checked they had already posted. As they have in the past blogger will take care of this in their own time

William Kendall said...

Typical Blogger answer. Refuse to acknowledge that there's something wrong.

Barbara Rogers said...

William's comment above is about as long as any of his comments on my blog...and I always have to removed them from spam. I have regular bloggers also being pushed into that condition, which requires my monitoring comments each of which require 3-4 clicks to publish. ARGH!!

acorn hollow said...

Blogger is all over the place lately. I do hope they take some time to fix it soon it is driving me crazy

Anvilcloud said...

While I get some actual spam, I get more false flags. One regular almost always gets flagged. At least I see them all and eventually "set them free" to use your wonderful phrase.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I read this with interest Dorothy, even though I have used Typepad as my platform ever since I started this blog. Typepad has had its problems, but they are really good about catching spam. I did make myself a google blog years ago because otherwise I was unable to comment on Blogger blogs. No idea if that would still happen -- I've been blogging for decades ;>)...... (Well, one and a half decades or so anyway.) ........... And I bet you none of those flagged comments were mine because as this comment proves, I talk *and write* too much. (Like you I have cut back some on commenting because I have slowed down with age. But I'll never give in to just commenting something like "nice pictures." Would Rather would just read and comment (at length) when I have time. (I will shut up for now.)

My name is Erika. said...

I haven't noticed this, but I will make my comment a bit longer so it hopefully doesn't become spam. You mentioned a trip to Pop's this summer. If you do happen to go, you should let me know and we could meet again. Hope May has started off well for you. hugs-Erika

Emma Springfield said...

Maybe that is why I am surprised when I see a blog I thought I left a comment on has nothing for me. It is not always easy for me to leave a longer message nut I will try.

photowannabe said...

I too have been getting some creepy trolls on my blog and FB accounts.
It feels like "Big Brother" is around every corner.
Will it stop? I doubt it but I'm going to hang in there because I enjoy visiting with people from all over and staying in touch with my friends.
Just too frustrating, to say the least.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention again. I love coming here and will continue to do so...

Sandra said...

I had 15 in spam today, all from 2008 & 09. I often find myself on my own blog in spam.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

What you say is true, but also quite long comments from people who've been commenting on my blog for years get flagged as spam. Since I moderate all comments anyway it all seems a bit of a waste of time.

DUTA said...

Perhaps you should require moderation by email.

Rita said...

I have regular spammers like that--yes! I mark them as spam and they still comment again and again. I haven't had the other--yet. But I don't comment every post anymore because when I am feeling cruddy and having bad days my posts are very short and that can happen. So many annoying things about Blogger the past year or two. :(

Jeanie said...

I keep telling myself that I love to blog and Blogger is free. I have never had the mass spam comments -- probably the most at any one time would be two or three, one or two of those current regular commenters and one that is either spam or from a real post back in 2010 or some such time. But I do moderate comments and I don't know if that matters. At least they don't get posted unless I post them. But it IS annoying. You might be onto something with the short comments, though I have an equal number of short commenters who get in off the bat. Go figure.

Nas said...

Yes, I'm experiencing these comments in the spam as well.

gigi-hawaii said...

Wordpress takes care of trolls so I don't have to.

Kay G. said...

Oh, I do hate those comments where you know they are not real people! And you know, you will laugh, but I kinda like Spam to eat but I had something recently on my spaghetti that was so bad I told my husband that we should say "Turkey meatballs" when we get bad stuff on our computer! LOL!
I promise I am not advertising the SPAM in a can! :-)

Terra said...

Same thing is happening on my blog. Yesterday there were 49 comments in the spam file, most of them very short, and most from regular blog followers of mine. Many were from 2014, 2015, etc. My spam folder was empty last week. I think they were published years ago but now pulled off the blog comments and put in spam file. Weird. Good idea as you said to leave longer comments.

Eggs In My Pocket said...

Not sure what is going on with blogger.....maybe it's a glitch? Hopefully it will get worked out. A wise idea to leave longer comments.

DeniseinVA said...

Well that's fascinating! I guess I am not going to have a problem then, lol! I was getting dozens of spam comments from blogging friends for quite a while. Some of those were even my own replies and both dated all the way back to 2017 and then onward. Very strange! They have lessened considerably now but I still get them two to three times a day. I am thankful they weren't as bad as before though. As for real spam, I get those too but certainly not as much as the other.

Red said...

Thanks for the information. Old comments keep showing up as spam. that mystifies me.

Linda P said...

Blogging can be frustrating when there are these technical issues to deal with too. I'm glad for the moderation comment facility that allows me to delete spam. Lately there has been more spam than ever. Precious time is spent sorting legitimate comments from the others, but I'm still glad to be part of the blogging community.

Veronica Lee said...

I have been experiencing the same thing too - old comments keep appearing as spam.

Hugs and blessings, Dorothy

nick said...

That sounds like a pain in the neck. Fortunately I haven't had that problem. Mine is comments that appear on email but not on the post itself (like your last comment on my blog!).

baili said...

i think this has been happening since or more than a year now dear Dorothy which is annoying indeed because as you said there are so many other things to do .

i because of such helpful post has started to check my comment spam box daily (except somedays after i Eid i have been more busy with guests and could not open the blog )

when i went to spams first there i found more than fifty comments from regular blog friends and it was shocking at first because comment belonged to the January 2022 and so on . same happens everyday but i have no choice .
thanks for sharing ,
i write bit longer comments spontaneously and even sometimes i have to tell myself to stop lol may be blogs are the world where i become talkative :)
hugs and blessings

David said...

Beatrice, Interesting... I get occasional Spam comments that I mark as Spam and discard...but I didn't know that Blogger keeps what it thinks is Spam somewhere else. I'll have to take a look/figure it out. As for diets and eating healthy, we've cut back on volume consumed and I'm slowing losing weight but at my stage and age, food that is not necessarily healthy is one of my happy places. We're eating 2 meals a day, more fruit, less bread, etc. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

David said...

Hi Beatrice, It's me again. I figured out where to check the so called Spam rejects and you as well as 2 other frequent visitors to my blog site were flagged on several occasions so I marked them not Spam. Prior to sometime this past year, Blogger seemed to be blocking real Spam...and somehow they've gone 'off the rails'. Now I'll check that file regularly.
Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Michelle said...

This has been happening to me, as well. *sigh* It is always something!

L. D. said...

If I have the problem I guess I am too dumb to know what is going on. I will return here if I need an explanation.