
Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Life Goes On

Until it doesn't.

It started off as a good day with a morning trip to the gym to finish an audiobook.

Like most of my days, it did not start with listening to or reading the news online. 

Ignorance is bliss when it comes to starting the day off peacefully. 

Recently, many others have said as much and called the news depressing.

Today, that was even more so with the killing of 19 schoolchildren and 2 adults in Uvalde, TX.

Sadly, this school shooting follows ones in 2012 (CT), 1999 (CO), 2018 (FL) 2007 (VA) which killed nearly 100 students and teachers overall.

Most were young with full lives ahead, some children only 6 to 7 years old. 

The latest murder spree comes 4 days after a Buffalo, NY mass killing left 10 dead.

When does it end?

Is gun control the answer or more awareness of mental health issues?

Who knows?

Sadly, there doesn't seem to be a clear-cut answer with advocates for both. 

The world mourns together for lives senselessly lost.

Normally, this blog avoids commenting on current events, as opinions and attitudes differ.

Today, like so many others, my head and heart are filled with much sadness.
Comments have been left on. Collective expressions of grief can be beneficial.


William Kendall said...

If Sandy Hook wasn't enough to convince people of the need for strong regulations, nothing ever will.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I agree with William. It would be easier to convince some people of the existence of the Tooth Fairy than to have them accept that virtually unrestricted gun ownership and easy access to guns is a problem. I cannot even imagine the dread of sending a child to school in the United States.

NewRobin13 said...

I don't know how we can feel safe anymore in our country. We never know when our paths might cross with a broken human who has a gun. I'm heartbroken and tired. It's past time for serious gun control laws. What's finally going to make that happen? I wish I knew.

L. D. said...

It is sad and people are hurting every where. It would be tough to send you kids to school anywhere after that.

DeniseinVA said...

I am incredibly upset by this latest horrific event. I had a long, long paragraph written sharing my feelings on this, but it would probably have offended many and I really don't want to do that. I have heard all the arguments about gun control. What I will say is that I don't think the people who wrote the 2nd Amendment back in 1791 had anything like this in mind. Something needs to be done but the genie was let out of that bottle a long time ago. It's going to take a miracle to get it back in again. This is the 27th school shooting in the United States this year. I want to weep for all those families who lost their loved ones so senselessly and violently.

Margaret D said...

Very sad for everyone the shootings. They never had a chance. Thank goodness we have gun laws here in Australia that so far seem to work.
The TV/Radio news is always bad other wise there wouldn't be any news - bad news travels fast and good news doesn't always.

Brenda said...

Gun laws please…

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

I hardly ever switch off the news to avoid listening to it. But the other evening I did.

diane b said...

Like Margaret we Australians can't understand why US can't change the gun laws. Killing your own children is beyond belief.

My name is Erika. said...

This is so sad and even more sad that it has happened so many times in the last few years. I never remember such things growing up. I personally don't think most people need automatic rifles, but at least there should be a background check. And there's a reason the drinking age was brought up from 18 to 21. Perhaps the same should hold true for certain firearms. But other than that I don't know what the answer is.It just needs to stop. And not only for school, but on churches and in supermarkets, movie theaters and every place else. Hugs-Erika

MadSnapper n Beau said...

America is indeed in a sad state with so many hearts full of violence.

Anvilcloud said...

So sorry for the tragedies. I don’t know what else to add.

DUTA said...

Gun control and mental control will help only and when the leaders will make internal problems a priority. But these leaders from Kennedy and till Biden, don't think America is one big internal problem, so they're off to to solve other nations' problems. Now, it's Ukraine. So, the slaughter goes on..

Jeanie said...

I am heartbroken. Something must be done.

Doris said...

It's soooo sad! My heart aches and my being is so angry that we still have done nothing but talk and move on. It is and has been enough. I say start by stronger, way stronger, gun regulations. I'm not anti guns but my gosh, it's far too easy to get more than anyone needs.

nick said...

I just wish more people would have the nerve to stand up and say to the NRA "Enough is enough, we can no longer tolerate these regular gun massacres and there have to be serious restrictions on who can carry guns."

Bijoux said...

Incredibly sad. Also in 2012, three students were killed at Chardon HS in Ohio. That one hit close to home as my niece and nephew were in their middle school next door at the time.

Jon said...

We need to focus on having control over mental health issues instead of control over guns.

Both of these two murderers gave major red flag warning signs about what they planned to do - - but nobody listened or cared.

Gun control will never dissuade seriously disturbed people from committing horrendous crimes.

Rain said...

It's a terrible situation Dorothy. Leaves me speechless.

Polly said...

Words can't convey the sadness felt for all those innocent lives lost. I think gun control is a must, but also awareness and education of mental health.

Lowcarb team member said...

My heart goes out to all affected by this tragedy ... so very, very sad.

All the best Jan

David said...

Beatrice, Horrible, horrible happenings! The slaughter and mass shootings continued across the country over the Memorial Day weekend too. Perhaps this time we will see some change in the laws...but sadly, I am pessimistic. At the least, background checks should be required...and some sort of mental health database is also needed. I'm trying to be hopeful... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

CrystalChick said...

It's very sad how these horrific events continue to happen. We have a serious mental health crisis here, but also too many guns and too easy access to them. I'm not against gun ownership, and I get that there will always be some amount of gun violence regardless of laws, but we must do better!!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

It is all so terribly sad Dorothy. I grieve for the children and for all the parents families and friends and the surviving children who will never live life in the same way. And for parents everywhere who worry now about sending their children to school -- it shouldn't have to be an act of bravery. ....And I am furious about the elected officials who say "nothing can be done " about gun violence .... They are wrong. It has been halted or nearly so by every other first world country in the world. Want to see how it can be done? Just look at Australia, England .......