
Friday, May 13, 2022

Friday Funnies

There's no doubt who's in charge here . . .
It's definitely a woman. This church is on Main St. in Nashua, NH, and the "boss" is one of our neighbors at the mill apartments.

Today is Friday the 13th, the only one in 2022. No one knows exactly why fear of the number 13 has been coupled with a day of the week, there's many theories.

For example, there are some biblical connections. Friday was supposedly the day Eve gave Adam the apple from the Tree of Knowledge, also the day Cain killed his brother, Abel. According to tradition, 13 guests attended the Last Supper, Jesus and 12 apostles (one of whom, Judas, betrayed him). The next day was Good Friday, the day of Jesus’ crucifixion.

Other connections include a late 19th-century secret society, the Thirteen Club, when 13 guests dined monthly on the 13th day in a room numbered 13 and enjoyed a 13-course dinner.

The now-cultish 1980 horror movie Friday the 13th introduced Jason, a hockey mask-wearing killer. It has become perhaps the best-known example of the famous superstition in pop culture. The movie has spawned multiple sequels, comic books, video games, and numerous Halloween outfits.

Regardless of your thoughts about today's date, not taking any unnecessary chances would be a very good thing. 

Enjoy Your Weekend, Everyone (and be careful)
We're headed to NC for a week. It's beach time for Grenville


Barbara Rogers said...

As a young adult, I used to hold Friday the 13th parties...which had nothing to do with the movie (it may not have come out yet). Actually I only remember 2 parties. Well anyway, we just got silly. Enjoyed chatting with other young couples.

NewRobin13 said...

I have often wondered about the history behind Friday the 13th. Thank you for this. Every now and then my twin brother and I celebrate our birthday that sometimes falls on a Friday the 13th... like today!!!

DUTA said...

I usually don't like to go out on Friday , or do any specific things on this day. As for number 13, it depends on geography, culture, your own experience. Number 4 is an unlucky number in China. 8 is unlucky in my personal experience, and so forth.
Have an enjoyable week in NC!

Anvilcloud said...

Somehow I don't think Fridays were Fridays back then. 😜

MadSnapper n Beau said...

ENJOY! and I am trying not to be jealous of the week on a beach. our favorite place to be.. ha ha on the Boss Priest. i am super glad my name is not Boss because I am bossy enough as it is

Jon said...

I had completely forgotten that it's Friday the 13th. I'm not really intimidated by the superstitions of this particular day, since I seem to have bad luck every day of the year......(*smile*)

gigi-hawaii said...

Interesting stuff about the 13th. Can't imagine eating 13 courses.

David said...

Beatrice, Dang! I hadn't even thought about this being Friday the 13th...and now that I'm aware of it, I'll be extra careful...and keep my fingers crossed that nothing bad will happen! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

My name is Erika. said...

It is strange why 13 should be the unlucky number. I guess if you are superstitious you'd be happy to know there is only one this year. Enjoy this lovely weather and have a great weekend!

Bijoux said...

I’ve never heard about Eve and the Cain and Abel connections to Friday the 13th. Interesting and I’m off to google it.

Vee said...

And her name is "Boss"? I always like surnames that match occupations or personality traits. One of my favorites was Mr. Frizzle who was the director of Maine Yankee for a number of years.

L. D. said...

I am glad that the Boss lives near you so you know who is in charge. That was fun to read.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Friday the 13th is an auspicious day for us. We met, got married and bought a house, all on a Friday the 13th. It has now worked well for twenty years.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

And speaking of names that fit the occupation, there was a linebacker for the Toronto Argonauts named Steve Smear, a baseball player whose first name was Homer, and I know a birder whose last name is Falconer.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I love that church sign...and who's in charge! That's pretty funny! As far as Friday the 13th goes, I don't give it much thought. It's funny, hubby mentioned it this morning and we laughed about it and went on our way. It's been a great day! When we put our trust in God, we need not worry about what day it is ever. Oh, I am SO happy you are off to the beach for a week! What fun! I hope you enjoy every moment and take lots of pictures to share with us!! So happy for you both!!!

Jeanie said...

A boss and a baker! I didn't know today was Friday the 13th. So far, so good, but there are a few hours to go!

Margaret D said...

Never was concerned or will be about Friday the 13th and I know some people are metal about it, however it's good read your post as a reminder why some people might fear that date and day.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

I can now comment, from the relative safety of Saturday the 14th, that yesterday was an entirely pleasant, if uneventful, day for me. My mother used to have a vast collection of superstitions - passing on the stairs, walking under ladders, allowing knives to be crossed, bringing lilac in the house, spilling salt, breaking a mirror, failing to say good morning to a magpie - it's a wonder I survived!