
Friday, December 17, 2021

Friday Funnies

Looks like this cherub is feeling a bit downhearted . . .

Perhaps he or she is on the mischievous list this holiday season and is worrisome about that. The man in the red suit most likely grants exceptions to the naughty or nice list. (The photo was taken during our visit to the gardens in Pickity Place, which was posted about earlier.)

Enjoy Your Weekend, Everyone
The big day is coming soon


David M. Gascoigne, said...

There must be a story behind the cherub being depicted so downcast. Wonder what it is?

DUTA said...

He's probably frustrated by human behavior towards God, and in general.
Anyway, he looks cute.

Bijoux said...

I’ve never seen one like that.

gigi-hawaii said...

What a cute little angel!

Barbara Rogers said...

I admit to feeling disappointed that there weren't any funnies this week! I'll survive, of course. And perhaps seeing this cherub looking thoughtful, if not sad, is a better message for me. I'll certainly ponder the message the rest of the day!

Anonymous said...

He does look sad or perhaps just deeply contemplative. Sweet little angel.

Lois Evensen said...

The little fellow looks similar to sad angels sometimes seen in cemeteries.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am sure all God's angels are looking sadly down at our earth and how humans are acting these days..

Edna B said...

Take my word for it, he does! Hugs, Edna B.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

I worked out when I was five that if only the good children were going to get presents there wouldn't be so many toys in the shops at Christmas time!

nick said...

He probably looks downcast because he's outside in all weathers, getting rained on, snowed on and frozen. Who wouldn't look downcast in his situation?

Bill said...

He's probably sad at the state of the world these days, you can't blame him.

William Kendall said...

Contemplative comes to mind.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

She looks like I felt today, trying to do some shopping and not finding anything worth buying and wanting to just give up. I have to keep refocusing on the real meaning of Christmas and not allow the grinch of shopping to get to me. Praying for our nation, our friends, family, and so many who are hurting or grieving or who just need some love. So thankful for Jesus, the real REASON for the Season! Merry Christmas everyone!

Jon said...

Impatiently waiting for Valentine's Day??

diane b said...

Perhaps she is sad about the state of the world at the moment.

DeniseinVA said...

A nice shot of this pretty little angel.

Carola Bartz said...

Hey, one of those cherubs is sitting in my garden on a tiny wooden bench under the Japanese Maple! However, he has a companion who is more of the lounging type...

Jeanie said...

I see that cherub a lot of places and even have photos! He does look sad!