
Saturday, August 21, 2021

We Remember I Do's

On this day, 22 years ago we were married. As many of you may (or not) know, our actual names are Dorothy & Patrick. (All photos in this post were taken by friends using film camera and later scanned onto a CD.)
Introducing Grenville & Beatrice (Boyds Bears) 
Beatrice and Grenville are the aliases we have used on this blog. Those names were based on these Boyds Bears collectibles. True Love had a place of honor on the table at our reception dinner. Best Friends are what we consider ourselves.

Today, marks our 22nd anniversary and coincidentally it's also shared with a couple we met years ago. When we lived, we traveled to the Blue Ridge Mountains as did Kath and Andrew, visitors from the UK. From a chance meeting in a hotel for breakfast, we've remained in contact, exchanging birthday, holiday and anniversary greetings. We hope to meet again one day to celebrate our mutual anniversary. Those plans will have to wait awhile longer (sigh). 
Dorothy & Patrick sharing their vows, which were written by them
Our wedding ceremony took place in our home state (NJ) at the United Methodist Church, Bridgewater, NJ, and was officiated by the Rev. George Fisher. We opted for a
 small ceremony attended by immediate family and some close friends. 
Bubbles bring out the child in everyone, young and older
Bubbles are always a big hit with people of all ages. We made sure everyone had a bottle. (as you can see, the church was undergoing some exterior renovations at the time.)
Immediate family members posed with us for memory photos
Afterwards, it was time for some family photos, which become more precious because of the relatives no longer with us. Top left: us and Pat's daughters, Coleen and Shannon. Top right: us with Pat's late aunt Anita, my sister-in-law Anita, my late mother and nieces Julie and Jamie. Bottom left: us with Pat's late aunt Ann. Bottom right with Pat: my brother Tony, Shannon's fiancé Robert, and Pat's Uncle Russ.
Family members who shared our Special Day and sadly have passed
We had our reception in a favorite restaurant in downtown Somerville, NJ, which we learned in recent years, is no longer there. Top photo is us with my mother and her sister Anna. Bottom left is me and cousin Rick, (we shared the same birthday). Bottom right is Pat and aunts Anita and Ann. Sadly, all the family members have passed away since, but, we have our memories.
Friends & family gathered after our wedding & dinner
At the time of our marriage, we each had our own residence. Pat's house was at the NJ shore and my condo was in Somerville, NJ, which is where an after dinner get together was held. Some of us changed into more comfortable attire.
Pat was laughing as I opened his gift —  a mailbox full of various sized penguins. The date on the mailbox (5/16/97) was to recall our first date. 

Why was I gifted with a penguin filled mailbox?
Here's the backstory. 
We met online and corresponded for several months because of our differing work schedules and distance of about 70 miles before finally meeting in person. Our communication was solely by email (like in the film, You've Got Mail). There were no no phone calls; our correspondence pre-dated text and video messages. This email is now framed and displayed on our bedroom wall. 
Grenville & Beatrice Boyd share bookcase space with our photos
The Grenville & Beatrice Boyds Bears figurines mentioned herein are displayed on a bookcase in our living room and bear (bad pun) these inscriptions on the bottom:

The great secret of successful marriage is to treat all disasters as incidents and none of the incidents as disasters (Harold Nicholson)

There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved (George Sand)

We're going on a short road trip here in New England to celebrate, no long distance or any out-of-country travel for a while. Our adventures will include a museum visit, agricultural fair, covered bridge, lunch with a blogger friend and, of course, an ice cream treat.  Expect to see some of these adventures in a future post(s). 
Some of our 2021 adventures and enjoyment (so far)
Thanks for sharing our Special Memories by reading this post. We do appreciate it.


Laurel Wood said...

Happy Anniversary! I enjoyed these photos so much. A you two always have a smile on your faces. I wish you a wonderful anniversary.❤️🌹❤️🌹❤️🌹

David M. Gascoigne, said...


Bijoux said...

Happy Anniversary! I enjoyed the photos and the background about your blogger names. I’m Bijoux which is the French word for my nickname that most people close to me have called me all my life. Have a fun anniversary trip.

Barbara Rogers said...

What a great set of photos, and the love story of your lives is so heart warming. Best wishes for many more happy years together, and thanks so much for including blog sharing with us!

Jon said...

Joyous anniversary greetings, Dorothy and Patrick - - and also to your alter egos Beatrice and Grenville. Being best friends is an extremely important part of having a successful union. I enjoyed seeing the photos - and I really like the unique way that you met.
Hope you have an enjoyable road trip!

Vee said...

Well I learned a few things! A very Happy Anniversary! The pictures are great.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary to you and Patrick! Enjoy the day and have a wonderful celebratory road trip!

Marcia said...

Happy Anniversary. So glad to meet you both yesterday in our home. We forgot to take any photos! I posted photos of the food we ate on my blog this morning. Enjoy the fair.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Happy 22 Anniversary and hope you get to meet up with your friends soon. Love the wedding pics

Anvilcloud said...

Happy anniiversary. Enjoy your getaway.

John "By Stargoose And Hanglands" said...

A happy anniversary to both of you.

Emma Springfield said...

Happy Anniversary to both of you. The pictures of your wedding are beautiful and so full of love.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

What a beautiful post and Congratulations on your 22 years together. The wedding looks lovely.

I too met my husband online as well. Only he lived in Seattle and I was in San Francisco. 2022 will be 20 years for us. We hope to take an Alaskan cruise.

I enjoyed your photos.

My name is Erika. said...

Happy anniversary. It was wonderful to see your wedding photos. And I love reading the backstory about the penguins. Just like Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. Have a wonderful anniversary trip. Sta y and safe and enjoy that ice cream. hugs-Erika

Nil @ The Little House by the Lake said...

Happy anniversary Dorothy & Patrick!

Thank you for sharing these lovely photos with us.

Have a wonderful trip!

DUTA said...

Such a lovely couple, and lovely memories! Thanks for sharing!
Happy Anniversary, and heartfelt Congratulations!

William Kendall said...

Happy anniversary!

Rita said...

Happy anniversary! Fun to see all the pics! :)

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Happy Happy Anniversary Dorothy and Patrick. Enjoy your trip -- The best way to celebrate in our opinion also! I loved seeing your wedding pictures. such wonderful memories.

Red said...

You had a great day 22 years ago. Here's to many more happy years. I like the quotes.

Lee said...

My best wishes and thoughts go out to you both for a Happy Anniversary!

I've always favoured the small, intimate weddings, too.

Enjoy your lives together, Beatrice and Grenville. I sure Dorothy and Patrick will, too! :)

Margaret D said...

Happy Anniversary and you both are looking great as is everyone in the photos.

Lois Evensen said...

Happy Anniversary! That was a great year for getting married! We know these things. ;)

Kay G. said...

Happy Anniversary! What wonderful photos and memories you have shared here!
I married my pen pal from England, we got married in 1983! My joke, I am better on paper than in person! It is a joke but there might be something in that...oh well, take care and once again, much happiness to you! xx

Edna B said...

Wow! Beautiful photos! Happy Anniversary, and may you have many more wonderfully happy years together. You explained the penguins, how about the frog? You have a super day, hugs, Edna B.

Rain said...

Dorothy and Pat congratulations! You both look so happy and reading this post brought tears of joy to my eyes. I think it's wonderful that you married your best friend Dorothy. I loved all of the photos!!! ♥♥

Christina said...

Happy Anniversary Dorothy and Pat! Thank you for sharing your precious memories with us. You looked so happy on your wedding day and you still look very happy now. Wonderful.

Carola Bartz said...

What a lovely lovely post! Happy anniversary to you both. There must be so many happy memories for you. I love all the photos you showed us here. Have fun and enjoy your short road trip!

Rob K said...

Happy Anniversary! Thank you so much for sharing those wonderful photos. Enjoy your trip!

DeniseinVA said...

How wonderful! Thank you for sharing this very special celebration. I loved all your photos. I agree with you, photos become even more precious as the years go by. Such wonderful memories you share. Happy Anniversary. I look forward to the posts from your trip.

Veronica Lee said...

Happy Anniversary!

Love the beautiful wedding photos.

And I enjoyed reading about the penguins.

David said...

Beatrice, Meeting on-line that many years ago was almost almost ahead of its time. Congratulations on the anniversary. Great photos to remember the happy occasion! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Polly said...

Happy Anniversary. The photos, and the history was lovely to read about.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Happy Anniversary. Fun wedding pictures. Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting. I am now a new follower of yours. :-) I will be back to get to know you better soon. Take care and have a good week.

nick said...

Twenty two years is pretty good going. Jenny and I married in 1995, after cohabiting for 14 years. It was a sort of "marriage of convenience" because it gave us certain legal rights and also entitled me to Jenny's occupational pension if she died.

LL Cool Joe said...

Belated Happy wedding Anniversary! Lovely set of photos. I've been with my partner for 35 years in September. Where did those years go!

diane b said...

A lovely love story. Happy anniversary even though late.

baili said...

this is heartwarming sharing dear Dorothy !

thank you so much for sharing your love story and glimpse of your marriage :)

it was tremendous pleasure to see you both when you were vowing to each other :)

i always adore the bonding and love between you both which reflects through your images often .it serene me when i see two people loving each other and keeping this promise for the whole life ,it is real good fortune for sure !

Happy anniversary dear Dorothy and Patrick ,may you both live this life together happily forever and forever !amen!
best wishes for the trip .have safe journey !
the purity and cuteness of your love story is going to stay with me forever :)
more blessings to you and all you love!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I just know I read this post before Dorothy and loved it, but maybe I forgot to comment. Or it disappeared into space (sometimes Blogger decides it doesn't like typepad (my platform) and my words just get lost. Anyway, the important thing is that you two look so happy and perfect together then and now and I loved this memory post. And wish you years and years more of making those memories together.

37paddington said...

Happy 22nd anniversary! Wishing you many more! What lovely, loving, joyful memories!

Brenda Kay Ledford said...

Happy belated anniversary!

Wishing you many more.

Eggs In My Pocket said...

Such a heart warming and sweet post! Congratulations and wishing you many more years ahead together. Your wedding photos are so precious!