Fellow bloggers, my apologies for not reading all of your most recent blog updates. Time was the culprit in that there wasn't enough of it. That said, I'm playing catch-up and reading most recent posts. We spent last week visiting family in RI and CT, some of whom we had not seen for nearly 2 years. (My PC also enjoyed a vacation and remained at home.)
This week has been spent doing assorted chores, car maintenance, and catching up with recent, but not all, blog posts. And, I was planning a blog post update.
However, that post has been delayed. Instead, I'm sharing with you that blogger friends, Rita and Mildred (mentioned in an earlier post) could use more support as they both face difficult times.
As before, I'm excluding specific info and not including a link, but request that you keep them both in your thoughts during hard times ahead.
My thanks (and theirs) to all of you.
Bloggers are some of the best friends we've never met, but maybe someday that will happen.